Playlist : From the Runway #3
8 years ago by

A chaque nouvelle Fashion Week, on aime partager avec vous le meilleur de la bande-son des défilés, et cette saison, on peut dire que c’était assez… sonore ! Beaucoup de hip-hop, de lignes de basse… rien de vraiment subtil et délicat. Si ce n’est quelques hommages à David Bowie…
Sans plus attendre, voici donc notre play-list de la fashion week !
SUNO This is How We Walk On the Moon (It’s clearing Up Again ) , Johanna Billing
TIBI You & Me (Flume Remix), Disclosure Feat. Eliza Doolittle
ALTUZARRA Vyzee, Sophie
TOMMY HILFIGER, Off the Wall, Michael Jackson
PROTAGONIST, Take Care of Business, Nina Simone
RYAN ROCHE Young Americans , David Bowie
SIES MARJAN, The Pill, Loretta Lynn
COACH Make it Right, The Coathangers and Sweetest Talk & Let Me In, Habibi
3.1 PHILLIP LIM You Were There, The Toxic Avenger
what was playing at The Row?? it was delightful.
Nice to see a different post about Fashion Week rather than talking about the clothes all the time, thanks! x
Thanks fir sharing!
Love it! ;)
Thank you for this! Great source of new music inspiration. <3
Yesss, that was exactly what I was looking for everywhere. Music from the runway. Thank you soooo much. I’m a hudge music lover and when it comes with fashion then it is like the biggest pleasure for me! love love love