Play Your Part
10 years ago by

J’essaie d’apprivoiser ma raie au milieu.
Pendant longtemps (mais vraiment très très longtemps), j’ai eu une raie sur le côté et une frange longue. Résultat, jamais on ne voyait mes deux yeux à la fois : je pensais que ça me donnait un petit air mystérieux, mais en fait, j’étais surtout devenue presque aveugle. Pourtant, j’ai cru que je garderais cette mèche (et ce look) toute ma vie et que ma coupe deviendrait aussi légendaire que le carré d’Anna Wintour.
Mais un jour, suite à un moment d’égarement, je me suis retrouvée avec une frange courte toute droite et une raie au milieu. Je vous ai déjà raconté cet épisode et le traumatisme qui s’en est suivi, au point que je n’ai plus osé toucher à mes cheveux pendant assez longtemps, j’avais trop peur de commettre une autre erreur irréparable (oui, je sais, c’est juste des cheveux, ça repousse).
Du coup, aujourd’hui, ma frange a repoussé et disparu, j’ai les cheveux longs et une raie au milieu.
Bon très souvent, je me sens un peu trop exposée, comme si on ne voyait plus que mon front. Eh oui, je ne peux plus me cacher derrière quoi que ce soit. Maintenant, je vois très bien des deux yeux. J’ai une petite tendance – comme Eric me l’a fait remarquer -, à repousser des mèches sur mon visage, donc je ressemble un peu à l’actrice de The Ring (si vous n’avez pas vu le film, surtout ne le regardez pas, il est trop flippant). Pareil, j’opte rarement pour des queues de cheval, toujours à cause de la même phobie qu’on ne voie plus que mon front, (eh oui, si vous l’ignoriez, je suis complexée du front). Mais aujourd’hui, oui, AUJOURD’HUI, une nouvelle page se tourne. J’ai dit adieu à mon complexe du front et j’assume ma raie au milieu ! Je ramène même mes cheveux derrière mes oreilles !!
Je suis une nouvelle femme. Une nouvelle femme avec une raie au milieu.
Et vous, vous alternez entre raie au milieu et sur le côté ou vous préférez ne pas prendre de risques ?
I change my part every day… Or maybe I don’t have a part?
I think living in France for a while made me appreciate and learn how to rock the messy hair… Basically depending on how my hair looks in the morning I comb it a little bit, part it where it feels more natural that day and I’m ready!!
Some days when it is really too crazy I tie it in a high bun and that’s it :)
exactly the same (except for the tight bun which I only wear on the beach).
i’m great friends with my side parting! :)
I think we the women are very lucky that we can play with our hair …short long the side ..pony tale..
we can show our face and we can hide it …and that is such a great power we have …amazing
Yael Guetta
I’ve been using my part to one side for years! I used to have in the middle but now I’m too used to having it to one side and I refuse to change it haha Maybe I should!
Love this story! I actually always change, so no signature look for me !
I am stuck in the middle too, no matter what I do. But hopefully this groovy song will help us feel better:
Stuck In The Middle With You – Stealers Wheel:
je ne change jamais la raie de côté, à force de faire des photos j’ai trouvé quel profil était le plus avantageux et, petite lubie, j’ai un grain de beauté à côté de l’oeil gauche qu’on ne verrait plus si je changeais de côté ^^ je trouve qu’entre la frange, le changement de couleur et toutes les possibilités de lissages/bouclages, on a assez de possibilités pour les petits changements et l’expériementation capillaire, mais c’est bien d’assumer , bonne chance! :)
My hair will only part in one place! Every time my stylist and I try to part it on the other side for a new look, it doesn’t work. I’m stuck. My only choices are long hair or short hair, but no matter the length, the part goes « THERE! »
That’s exactly the same for me! Sometimes I try something different but mostly I just give up!
I tend to have all my hair tide in a strong pony tail and use hairspray to hold the fine little hairs around my face. I feel much comfortable with a tide hairstyle like gymnastics do. The thing is that my locks are fine and I most certainly never accomplished what I wanted. Then I saw Emma Stone and long story short now I rock bangs and waves. Then every day when I´m back home I use hair bands. It’s the secret weapon.
I have made the opposite « part migration », going from middle to side. My husband told me last night that it’s the best my hair has ever looked. Ever. In life. Not sure if that means that I’ve been walking around looking hideous for all of the years.
Great post
I also had a very deep side part for years, its not been called my ‘combover’ hairstyle. Looking back now it was pretty horrendous! I’ve been wanting to change to a middle part for a few months now, but like you I have a bit of a forehead complex!
Joanne |
C’est vraiment bizarre (!) je me suis fait la raie de côté mardi, juste après mon shampooing, moi qui depuis la sixième ai la raie du côté gauche… Et depuis je me sens plus femme, vraiment, et jolie plus souvent!!! Je suis super contente, et je pense la garder longtemps, en espérant que l’effet je me trouve bonasse perdure (ça ne dure jamais bien longtemps cette histoire, dans 2 jours je voudrai me cacher… Le plus bizarre c’est que ‘ai le visage ovale, et que j’ai toujours cru que ça l’allongerait encore plus.
My grandmother used to part my hair in the middle and braid my hair as a child so I have a middle part. But a side part looks the best on my square face so I keep *trying* to do a side part. Though the natural tendency of my hair is a middle part and eventually my side part becomes a middle part in like half an hour. It’s annoying.
Nothing is more alarming to me, nor leaves me stuttering like a fool more than a hair stylist asking before a new cut, ‘so which way do you part your hair?’
Deep side part…and it took me FOREVER to grow out my bangs! Usually, I’d get just so far, and then I’d become frustrated and cut them. But I’m loving my bob sans bangs. It’s good!
I am having a side part, and side swept bangs. I kind of relate to your post, because when I think of changing something to my hairstyle, bangs are the big thing. When I’m indoors I tend to pin them back and have exposed forehead, and i like my face that way, but when I am supposed to go to the public, I’d rather go blind having long bangs than exposing myself. :D
Also, what I’ve found so handy about the bangs is the fact that you can wash them every morning and add a freshness to your hairstyle, as well as hide imperfections that burst out every now and then. :)
I used to love my middle part. She was really nice, but I lost her. Sad. One day a huge white /grey lock appeared just in the center of it. And let me tell you it was NOT a cool white /grey lock. So I’ve been colouring my hair since then… but the white / grey lock appears every two weeks!! How can my hair grow so fast for the love of God! So, in order to avoid the hairdresser every two weeks, I decided to go for a side part. Problem solved. Well, almost. I still have to go to the hairdresser to retouch every three weeks, but at least the white/grey lock is not that obvious. The side part has also the positive effect that my face is not so exposed… but it’s a nightmare with my glasses… Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that I’m all for a side part now :)
I went back and forth between a side part and middle part for years. I liked both and it seemed like an easy way to change things up without a ton of effort. Some days my hair chose the part for me and I just went with it.
Two weeks ago I got bangs, long fringe bangs and it’s changed me look completely. So for now I’m not really having a part.
I have a side part, and I have thought about trying the middle part, but I am afraid! The side part is sooooo my comfort zone and I think I look weird when I part it in the middle. That and you can see more of my grey hair if I part it in the middle. :/
My views on this are a bit odd and it may just be me but I really dislike it when I’ve had the same part for a long time and the line becomes too divided and noticeable. I always prefer thin part lines so I try to change my part every once in a while to achieve that effect.
Story of my life! It took me years to finally embrace my middle part. One day, after a blow dry where I forgot to mention I didn’t embrace my natural middle part, I looked in the mirror and thought – hey, that isn’t so bad. And now I think I look odd without it!