Pillow Talk!
9 years ago by

S’il y a bien quelqu’un qui sait comment subtilement parfumer un oreiller, c’est Diana Vreeland.
Je me souviens de ces petits sachets de lavande qu’on pouvait glisser sous son oreiller… ou dans un tiroir… Je ne sais plus trop, mais le résultat n’était pas hyper concluant, ça ne sentait pas si bon que ça et pour l’effet apaisant escompté, on pouvait repasser.
Par contre, la méthode de la seringue avec laquelle on injecte quelques gouttes de son parfum préféré directement dans l’oreiller me parle beaucoup plus… enfin, c’est peut-être juste moi… Bien sûr, ce n’est pas elle qui a conçu cette nouvelle collection mais son petit-fils Alexander a imaginé les senteurs en son honneur. En revanche, l’astuce de l’injection dans l’oreiller, c’est bien Diana !
En tout cas, à l’avenir, pour parfumer mes oreillers, ce sera Absolutely Vital. Merci, Diana !
Et vous, vous avez une senteur préférée ?
Parfums, dianavreeland.com
Bientôt des seringues de lessives Ariel spéciales taies d’oreiller ;) ?
I am not sure that DV herself would have loved this idea..there so many other nice way to do it!!! for me it’s an aggressive idea!!
Yael Guetta
I’ve never heard of this until now
international giveaway on my blog!
Eau ressourçante de Clarins ! :)
Oh, j’adore l’idée!
Gageons que cette injection nous plongera dans un profond et bienheureux sommeil! J’adorerais tester!;)
Ouh la la!!! pas pour moi: j’ai peur des aiguilles!
I don’t iron sheets (sorry Mom!) but I do like a nice crisp pillow case. So I spray on a lovely scented linen spray, iron it in, and enjoy the scent as I snuggle into my pillow each night until laundry day. I stick to lavender, ocean breeze, or fresh linen scents, cheap as chips at the nearest HomeGoods.
Smart? This seems very impractical and illogical. Spraying or washing with desired scent spreads that scent evenly. Injecting into a pillow makes no sense since the process injection only works if you’re injecting into something that allows the fluid to spread. This will result in a small section of your pillow briefly being scented, while the rest is not. Very gimmicky and ineffective.
Looks scary give me an aerosol anytime
You want to press your lavender sachet in your hand before going to bed to make the grains crack a little bit – that way you activate the perfume. I think it’s more natural and healthier then a liquid perfume. Just putting the sachets near the pillow stops working after the superficial scent fades away…
I find that my perfume finds its way on my pillow from my spraying it in the room or just transfer from my skin to the pillow. I would prefer the calming Lavendar or linen type scent but haven’t found one I like spraying. This Works (Net-A-Porter) has a spray that is supposed to help you sleep, calming scent etc. but I have yet to try it.
With my young sons in and out of our room my main focus is clean!
I wouldn’t inject perfume in my pillow, most of all because nowadays they’re made of new materials so I don’t know if they can be punched :/
Make your own linen spray with lavender oil and fabric softener mixed with water.Spray and iron for scented pillowslips. Beautiful sleep will follow. judyxxx