9 years ago by

L’opale est une pierre qui occupe une place bien particulière dans mon cœur.
Bon, j’avoue, c’est un peu un truc d’Australienne, mais parfois, il faut savoir être fière de son pays !! Et il n’y a pas de raison qu’il n’y en ait que pour Crocodile Dundee
Tout le monde en a en Australie, et moi j’en porte une petite blanche sur une chaine en or toute fine depuis plus de 10 ans. C’est subtil, délicat et vraiment intemporel. Mais ce qui me plaît surtout, c’est qu’elle ressemble à celle que porte ma grand-mère. Quand je vais la voir à Sydney, chacune vérifie que l’autre porte la sienne… c’est un peu comme un bracelet de l’amitié, mais bien plus spécial que ça.
Donc quand j’ai découvert WWAKE, inutile de dire que j’ai complètement craqué.
(Oui, aussi parce que les prix sont un peu plus élevés que ce que m’a coûté ma petite opale il y a des années)(mais il y a aussi des diamants aaahh)
Je suis super heureuse qu’il y ait une marque (internationale) cool qui refasse des opales, avec un design bien pensé qui parle à une clientèle plus moderne. C’est une façon d’apporter une touche de couleur très subtile à ses bijoux au quotidien, et pour moi, de porter un petit morceau de chez moi… sous la forme d’une bague sublime que j’ai envie de porter tous les jours.
Et vous, vous êtes adepte de l’opale ? Quelle est votre pierre préférée ?
Opals are lovely. I’m a sucker for a lot of gemstones — especially coloured ones. I particularly love labradorite (a bit opalescent in the way they reflect light and colour), peridot, sapphires and blue topaz.
I don’t have a favorite stone, but I’m dreaming about having a beautiful opal ring, I love this stone and I read that it’s healthy, I mean, it gives you positive energy or something like that.
I love this post about you and your grandmother and matching necklaces, so sweet.
I have sapphires passed from my mom to me, some are from her parents others ones may dad bought her, all so special, so classic and yet different from what is out now. She gives them at random and not every year, so it’s even more special. My most favorite is a sapphire and diamond band that I’ve had for years, it’s so simple and I can wear it everyday, I get tons of compliments on it and when I’m hvaing a really bad day it reminds me that my parents are right there with me.
My mother gave me a beautiful opal necklace for my last birthday. We moved to the states from Brisbane 12 years ago and she’d been saving it for me all that time. It feels like it holds a special magic and I love it dearly!
these rings are gorgeous
So dainty, I love it! It’s still neutral so you can wear it with anything! :)
Diana P. | Cups & Roses
One of my favorite pieces of jewelry is an antique bracelet with opals and diamonds, unfortunately it’s not the kind of thing I get to wear often. That’s why I love the simplicity and elegance of these rings — in too intricate a design I find opals can look a little cheesy. It can also be hard to find ones with great color, since so many opals are artificially made these days.
While my mother collects precious and semi-precious stones, my favorite jewellery is silver with turquoise, nothing too fancy. I’m generally a fan of green gems – jade, emerald, moldavit, garnet, but I wouldn’t wear them out of fear of losing or damaging them.
Gorgeous. I have always admired opals, though I’ve never owned any jewelry with them. Also a very pretty name :)
Love opals! But my favourite gem is a semi-precious one = the humble moonstone.
My grandma passed away before I was born but when she did she left all of her opal jewelry in a box and gave it to my mom and with a note that said « Your daughter’s birthstone will be opal too so give her these ». What’s spooky is that I am an opal birthstone!!! It is very near and dear to my heart as well and shopping for opal had to be one of my favorite parts of visiting Sydney! Great post :)
Now that there is what they call…………..pure style!
Funny as I just felt in love with a Pascale Monvoisin ring with opale and diamond. Got it for my 40s and I know I will wear it until… Love those things that are not trendy and you know you will keep forever. Hard to find. Great post!
I own several of Wing’s pieces from WWAKE! We carry her line at OTTE :) it is one of my favorites!