NY Hypocrite!
8 years ago by

Notre stagiaire Nicole est une New-Yorkaise pure et dure, c’est-à-dire qu’il y a toute une liste de choses qu’elle ne fera jamais.
Les New-Yorkais (un peu comme les Parisiens) ne font jamais attention aux panneaux de signalisation quand ils se promènent dans la rue, ils ne mangent jamais les hot-dogs des échoppes de rue et ne prennent pas de cours de yoga (Même si Garance pense au contraire que le yoga fait partie INTEGRANTE du lifestyle new-yorkais.).
Et la plupart d’entre eux ne téléchargeront jamais Uber, ce qui serait considéré comme une trahison envers les bons vieux taxis.
Mais la semaine dernière, Nicole a été emmenée de force à un cours de yoga qu’elle s’est surprise à apprécier, elle a pris le temps de se poser et d’oublier l’agitation de la ville l’espace de quelques instants. Vous vous demandez où je veux en venir ?
Eh bien on s’est interrogés… Est-ce qu’elle n’était pas en train de devenir ce qu’on appelle une New York Hypocrite ? Quelqu’un qui perd peu à peu de son arrogance citadine pour se laisser aller à une pratique qui améliore sa qualité de vie ?
This article is ridiculous – New Yorkers LIVE on Uber and yoga.
She realized she was not a stereotype.
Haha, so true! x
Wait a minute. You guys have interns? At The Studio? How, pray tell, does one score that gig? Don’t worry, I’m too old and in the wrong industry. Just seriously interested and enjoying the thought of how delighted she must be to get the opportunity.
This is just ridiculous. Reminds me of the episode of Sex and the City with the guy who never left Manhattan.
Great illustration!
I just watched Sex and the City yesterday! :)
Who is a true newyorker? Well, who’s to say?
J’adore vos articles, j’apprends à connaître petit à petit la vie à NYC avec ses avantages et ses inconvénients !
Yep. She’s crossed over.
I just had a conversation with a friend who lives Spain and he said to me: I just met a true New Yorker today. I asked him what did that stand for and he said: « Born and raised in NYC. » The longer I live in New York, I tend to think that being a true New Yorker has so many meanings that we who live in that city completely use the term as we like. Who would not like to be called a true New Yorker:)!
I remember years ago when I was in NYC and a guy at the next table overheard me speaking and recognised my Australian accent. We chatted. He had actually won a greencard in the lottery. I asked him how life in NYC was and he replied « Great and it would be even better if New Yorkers stopped saying how great it is. » Seems like this kind of self-consciousness that comes from wanting to be identified with a place is stifling, to say the least.
I am a Parisian. I recently re-started going to yoga classes, after 30 years. Feels soooo good!