From the Studio


11 years ago by

Les enfants, la semaine prochaine on part à Miami pour shooter un Pardon My French. Yaaaaaaaeeeh !

Bon, le truc c’est que je n’y connais rien, à Art Basel. Donc, si vous avez des conseils, des expos, des artistes qu’il faut absolument que je rencontre ou des endroits où aller, dites-moi !

Gros bisou !


Ajouter le votre
  • Enjoy Miami, lucky you Garance and your great team

  • JEALOUS! Just can’t squeeze it in this year. Excited to see your take on the events.


  • Garance,

    Il faut absolument que tu vois le travail de cette jeune photographe américaine dont tout le monde parle depuis la biennale du Whitney à New York: LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Le Jeu de Paume vient de publier un article sur son magazine :
    Elle aura un solo show sur le stand de la galerie Michel Rein (P03), à ne pas manquer !


  • omg that’s amazing! have fun!! enjoy the sun!

  • french toast 29 novembre 2012, 11:53 / Répondre

    make sure to get a pina colada at fontainebleau.. or five.

  • ENJOYYYY!! I love Pardon My French, wish there was an episode every single day! x

  • I totally agree ! It’s great to have Pardon My French more often because I miss it so much when fashion week is over and all the videos are posted. Can’t wait !!

  • Han la chance ! Ici à Paris, il fait mauvais temps donc je t’envie trop. Ramène nous de quoi rêver. Je ne suis jamais allée à Miami donc je ne suis pas d’une grande aide, mais j’aimerais bien voir un peu le mouvement culturel de là-bas avec l’architecture, la « cool vibe » qui semble se dégager de cette ville, des images inspirantes. Puis bon les rencontres que tu fais son toujours tellement enrichissantes, je ne doute pas que tu nous ramèneras une belle carte postale de là-bas. (Mon PMF préféré était celui sur Tokyo avec le Lady Dior, c’était vraiment un city guide parfait).
    J’ai hâte de voir ça et surtout amusez-vous bien !

  • Lucky!! I just left Miami (my hometown) to fly back to Chicago yesterday so this post made me super jealous. If you have time hit up Versailles on Calle Ocho for some awesome cafe con leche and cuban food. Have fun at Art Basel!

  • I ditto the comment above that says go to Versailles for Cuban food. I went to Art Basel four years ago, and the best advice I have is to wear comfortable shoes. There’s too much art to possibly take in, but prepare to be surprised by art that isn’t flashy or confrontational–my husband and I discovered Saul Leiter’s photography there and now own several prints.


    And get the Where is Le Baron app so you know where the party’s at ;^)

  • Waouh, MIAMI !!
    Bon, pour la peine, tu nous enverras une jolie illustration de là-bas… ou à défaut un autre beau coucher de soleil ! Oui, je sais, tu vas avoir un emploi-du-temps de Ministre… Temps de rien, toussa toussa…
    Reviens-nous alors avec un chouette Pardon my french en poche ! ;)
    Très bonne semaine à Miami,

  • Ambra Medda !!!!

  • go for a swim at the standard on venetian causeway

  • ART BASEL is based in Miami Beach and Hong Kong. As I’m sure you’re aware they do contemporary art pieces throughout the world – but I didn’t know that when I came across the fake PRADA boutique in MARFA, Texas a few years back. We were driving our EuroCamper van and I made my husband stop so I could check out this shop. Looked strange as it was in the middle of absolutely nowhere but why take chances? I’d love to send you the photo I took but you can’t upload photos on comments page.

    photos, fashion, decor, ideas, quotes, healthy tidbits.

  • And first of all, it is based/founded in Basel… after all it is called art BASEL.

    Founded by gallerists in 1970, Art Basel stages the world’s premier art shows for modern and contemporary works, sited in Basel, Miami Beach and Hong Kong. Defined by its host city and region, each show is unique, which is reflected in its participating galleries, the artworks on display and the parallel content programming produced in collaboration with the local institutions…

    greets from Switzerland x

  • I don’t know about any artists but I do love walking around South Beach for some shopping near the beach. its so nice! and i’m seriously envying the warm weather you’ll enjoy there! =] (maybe a bit of rain tho)

  • I think Art Public at Collins Park will be amazing. It’s basically an outdoor exhibition space with large-scale sculpture, video, installation and live performance…. Oh, so jealous, I’d love to go! xxx

  • Quelle chance !


  • I have heard it’s an amazing art fair. I’ve been to Frieze in London but not art basil, yet!

    Have fun, I really look forward to these videos.



  • Chère Garance,

    Si tu as l’opportunité, ne manque pas la soirée Vanity Fair mardi prochain au MOCA. Elle ouvre les festivités artistiques de la semaine et coïncidera avec le vernissage de l’exposition de Bill Viola. Ces vidéos sont extraordinaires et c’est un des pionniers dans l’utilisation de ce media.
    Les exposition de groupe de OHWOW « It ain’t fair » sont toujours intéressantes et rassemblent souvent la nouvelle génération avec les valeurs montantes de l’art contemporain.
    Et si tu as l’occasion, tu peux aussi découvrir le sculpteur américain Nick van Woert, Ces pièces s’arrachent ! Il est jeune, new yorkais depuis quelques années et très talentueux. Il montrera des nouvelles oeuvres à l’exposition « It ain’t fair » et sur le stand de la galerie Yvon Lambert à la foire.
    Et pour les fins de soirée, en plus du Baron, il y a aussi désormais le Silencio au Delano!


  • Advice – flat shoes, floor plan in advance on the art basel website and get there early. Check out Atsushi Kaga at motherstankstation – a Dublin gallery showing a japanese artist and his mum making bags – a piece called nerd bag factory. Enjoy!

  • Un crochet par key west sinon rien !!!!

  • YAY! je suis a Miami aussi, si tu veux prendre un cafe avec moi Holla! je plaisante lol

  • Go see Alan Bur Johnson’s work for sure. He does these incredible wall sculptures with meticulous close up photograph transparencies of insect wings/parts mounted in round tags that flutter on the wall… they are transformative. He will have hundreds of them in a beautiful swirl or vortex all slightly fluttering. Very edgy and very beautiful. I see a lot of art and it’s not often you see something really original and passionate. (The artist studied entymology in school.) I think he’ll be with the Lisa Sette Gallery.

    Also, if you get a chance, the Miami Art Museum permanent collection is small but very select and worth a visit Have you ever seen Ana Mendieta’s work? They have some photographs, which are great, but if you ever get a chance to see her mud sculptures, they are very powerful.

    A must see: Ann Hamilton’s wall installation at the Miami Art Museum!! It’s interactive with the phone on the wall; combining sounds, voice, composition. Very magical.

  • Je n’avais pas vu le dernier I majuscule, je lisais MIAM !!! Mais non, ça n’est pas un post sur des trucs qui se mangent. Tant pis.
    Une autre fois, peut-être ? ?

  • Good Luck, Garance. Get ready for more parties than art… everything important related to art seems to have happened by Friday…but it really is totally cool! The Fairs around Basel proper are awesome and you get to see more of the mixed up Miami flavor, rather than all the critics, buyers, dealers, collectors who’ve flown in for Basel. And lastly, I hope you have reservations!

  • Cette photo a été pendant des mois mon fond d’écran de portable, elle est magnifique!

  • Visit my friend Lisa at the C24 gallery Pulse/impulse booth!

  • Went last year and loved it! There are many satellite shows around that you should check out, not just Art Basel Miami (if you have a VIP pass, enjoy some drinks in there for a break). The satellite show ‘Aqua’ was really good last year. Such a good time. We heard Versailles was good for Cuban Food too but the traffic made it difficult to get off of South Beach. Liv at Fontainbleau for some late night dancing = super fun!!!

  • Thanks for the tip about Nick van Woert. I looked at his work online, which of course won’t do justice especially to sculpture, but his work looks very intriguing. I will look for his exhibits.

  • Jane Elizabeth 29 novembre 2012, 4:58 / Répondre

    You should come to New Orleans next!

  • We attended Art Basel|Miami Beach for the first time last year…Little did we know that we should have rented a Ferrari (our venture capitalist host did), and that I should have only packed the shortest of short skirts, and the highest of sky high heels (the party girl’s uniform). Such scene…party girls streaming up and down Collins Ave every evening, and private parties at every imaginable venue. In addition to all of the parties, the hottest ticket in town was a dinner reservation at Michael’s Genuine Food in the Miami Design District. So good that we bought the cookbook (and, I don’t really cook!) And, don’t miss the satellite exhibitions, especially the annual food installation at the Margulies Collection. Or, Design Miami. Or, the Wynwood (graffiti) Walls. Or, walking on Miami Beach every morning (or evening…)


  • Samantha Treacy 29 novembre 2012, 5:14 / Répondre

    Check out Gabriel Vormstein’s work at the Casey Kaplan Gallery stand.

  • Hi Garance! I love this blog and read it all the time – you must see Atsushi Kaga’s work at Miami Basel! He is a Japanese artist, represented by the Irish gallery mother’s tankstation – his work is a beautiful mix of painterly skill, humour, and a fragile and questioning take on Japanese traditions of representation – always unexpected and amazing! He will be making work with his mother at the fair – in the past, she has made beautiful bags and he has painted on them – it is actually really moving and must be experienced, so do check him out if you have time! Enjoy the madness and the brilliance, Niamh from Dublin

  • c’est BEAU !!
    (et je me réjouis de retrouver des videos !)

  • how fun! I wish I could go one day…

  • J’ai pas vu le programme, mais ce que je peux dire c’est que à Art Basel à Bâle donc, les meilleurs expo et scénographies, sont celle du pavillon Art Basel Miami. Donc avec un peut de non logique à Miami il faut absolument aller voir le pavillon Art Basel :) je sais pas si c’est clair tout cela. En bref amusez-vous!

  • NON!! GARANCE!! Je suis à Miami la semaine prochaine! Mon copain travaille à la foire Aqua Miami (south beach, comme toutes les foires je crois) et je vais faire le tour des autres foires comme art basel. Si je te croise, c’est l’hystérie, je te préviens ;)

  • Et en passant je vais prendre les suggestions des autres! :D

  • Miss Anonymous 29 novembre 2012, 9:09 / Répondre

    The best Cuban food is not at Versailles – although Versailles is a treat visually because it is so campy. The best Cuban food experience is at Exquisito further down 8th Street (Calle Ocho), or in North Miami at a restaurant called Little Havana. Lincoln Road will be jam-packed – but I bet the people watching will be even better than ever. Have a great time You will bring a touch of interesting chic to this crazy place. My hometown.

  • You have to attend Pulse. Amazing, Edgy, Up and Coming! I’m planning on arriving on Thursday and leaving Saturday! I’ll keep my eyes open for you! And one of the comments said « Wear comfortable shoes » Mandatory! I had to stop at a boutique after a quick breakfast to buy another pair of flats, yes, I said breakfast… was our third day! Enjoy! Is Scott going with you?

  • Salut Garance,
    j’y vais aussi et j’ai trouve cet article assez utile…

    hope it will help…! :)

  • OMG, Garance!! I loooove Miami!
    The Latin energy, the amazing weather, the fact that everybody is gorgeous and so tan!
    I had written a travel guide on Miami a while ago, not sure if you’ll have time to take a look:

    Anyhow, if I could recommend only two places not to miss in Miami, they are:
    – Le Bouchon du Grove which is a typical bouchon Lyonnais, just awesome.
    3430 Main Hwy
    Miami, FL 33133
    305 448 6060

    – Ortanique on the Mile a Caribbean restaurant with food so flavorful it fills your mouth. Yum!
    Ortanique on the Mile
    278 Miracle Mile
    Coral Gables, FL 33134

    Have fun, chica!!

  • It would be awesome to have Pharrell show you around.

  • Bah! They should queue up to meet you!!

    Have fuuuuun!!!

  • Allez dinner a Barton G! C’est de la folie leurs plats et desserts!

  • Va boire un verre au Shore Club, 1901 collins Av (à la hauteur de la 18th St)
    Le soir les lanternes donne une ambiance hyper agréable, et le bar rouge dessiné par YSL vaut le coup d’oeil !
    Et sinon, bien sur, si tu veux jouer un peu les stars, on ne présente plus le Delano (1685 collins Av) !

  • Tu vas au Standard ? Quel endroit magique…
    Post toutes les photos que tu prends :-)

    Bisous !

  • I didn’t see Art Basel yet, but for fisrt I’d like to see it in Basel!!

  • Yeeej! I love pardon my french!! Looking so forward to it and you are so inspiring :)

  • awesome. can’t wait for the video

  • Bonjour Garance,

    L’endroit où aller pour commencer Basel c’est le 4 décembre au MBuilding (ancienne Galerie Perrotin), reprise par Cathy Vedovi qui y organise chaque année des expositions en collaboration avec des galeries.

    Cette année : Galerie Rodolphe Janssen : Justin Lieberman, Eva Pressenhuber: Valentin Carron; Gallery Kukje : Ghade Ahmer, Venus over Manhattan: Betty Tompkins (in collaboration with us) ; Clearing : Harold Ancart.

    Le vernissage est donc le mardi 4 Décembre 2012 de 18 à 22h et l’exposition se déroulera du Mercredi 5.12 au Dimanche 9.12.2012 de 10 à 19h. Voici l’adresse du M Building : 194 NW 30th STREET, MIAMI, FL 33 127.

    Chaque année le vernissage au MBuilding, à la veille du vernissage de la foire, est un lieu de rassemblement pour une grande partie des collectionneurs, artistes, galeristes,…

    Pour le reste, aller à la foire, rencontrer les galeries que tu connais et ils t’orienteront. Ne pas manquer les visites des grandes collections : De La Cruz, Margulies, Rubell (tout est dans le VIP programme).

    N’hésites pas à me contacter si tu veux plus d’info.



  • Pulse, Scope, Design Miami and ArtBasel are the best fairs. The party at the Bass museum on Wednesday night is a must, NO HIGH HEELS during the day, so much walking… Traffic is horrible so plan your days and stay in one area only to avoid wasting time, one day wynwood, one day design district, one day south beach. Plan to see the Private Collections, Margolis, de la Cruz and Rubell are a MUST and all in Wynwood/design district area. Have fun

  • So looking forward to seeing you both when you come! I must have my book signed :)

    Hope you have an AMAZING time!


  • Fernanda, two posts above, got it right!
    Also, take a good look at the heart of the Design District, because soon it’ll go through an incredible transformation. It’ll become one of the most important poles in the world for fashion (Dior, Hermes, Fendi, Bulgari, Pucci, De Beers, Celine, Marc by Marc Jacobs,Cartier, Zegna, Tom Ford, Prada), art and design. Most importantly, it’ll revitalize our city and it’ll give us a much needed neighborhood other than SoBe to linger outside.
    Have fun in the Magic City!

  • Ah génial ! Je vis à Miami Beach et je compte bien aller découvrir le Art Basel la semaine prochaine … où est-ce qu’on pourra te croiser ??

  • i love miami …. fantastic city

  • Je débarque de l’avion directement de Miami…et je serais bien rester pour le Art Basel! Enjoy Garance!

  • Hey Garance,

    I go to miami for art basel every year and love it. You must go to Nada , scope and the main hall. I have to say last year I did not go to the main hall and am looking forward to returning this year. Bring Comfy sneakers or shoes…whatever…the food trucks are amazing….I found a fab cuban restaurant in Little Cuba and is much better than Versailles…the food is sophisticated and there is great dancing. I need to find the name because I am going to make a reservation for Saturday night. You want to join us?

  • Garance,
    I would so love meet you at Basel, and introduce you to the wonderful Eleanor Harwood (she is a super cool stylish lady, artist, and gallerist/owner of the amazing Eleanor Harwood Gallery in San Francisco, CA) at our room in the Aqua art fair-check us out!

    Also, UNTITLED. will be a great fair, and ON THE BEACH! Totally unique, can’t beat that!

    Bonne chance!

    Your super fan in the art world,

    p.s. I’d send you passes to come to the VIP, but we’re not close enough to have each others’ e-mails yet ;)

  • Garance, definitely follow Fernanda’s advice. you may want to check out ArtBasel’s site for additional exhibits/parties as well. and yes, Collins Ave. is a must-very colorful. Don’t be afraid to chat people up either. The locals always know the most interesting, off the radar place too! And have fun! Kisses and safe travels to you and Scott!

  • Art Basel is all over Miami! Check the Wynwood district for smaller galleries gatherings and the Wynwood walls! Also for art Basel at the Miami beach convention center go early, it gets packed but you will have so much fun! General admission is $42, wear comfortable shoes! And time your self the convention center is HUGE! so it will take time to see all of it! Have fun, hopefully this Miami experience is better than last time!

  • Valérie Blass présenté par la parisian laundry à la foire Untiled (qquls pas de art bassel) Elle représente souvent le corps par associations d’éléments étranges. C’est actuel et accessible simple et féminin, technique et artisanal. Et les COULEURS!

  • Ben moi je te dis, viens plutôt à Art Basel… à Bâle (Basel en allemand) en Suisse c’est à mi-juin !

  • Garance,

    D’abord viens avec nous a la soiree du Raleigh!!!
    Ensuite salon off a Wynwood (Pulse, Art Miami…) !!! avec les supers fresques de mon husband ;) instagram @louiscamy
    PS: talons mandatory, ok ca fait mal aux pieds mais c’est Miami!
    sinon si tu veux prendre un verre a la maison… the coolest frenchy place ;) avec le buena vista


  • NYSgonzalez 2 décembre 2012, 3:06 / Répondre

    Check out the Zara on South Beach ;-)
    I so hope to bump into you and your crew! I live here and don’t always take advantage of the world class events. This year I will. And I can’t wait for the end product. Pardon My French is my favorite source of inspiration. It’s going to be exciting to see Miami from your POV.

  • Aqua art fair is really fun, it’s in a hotel with an open air courtyard. Each room is a different gallery. Also, the Margulies and Rubell collections are just fantastic.

  • You should definitely visit the gallery I work at PRIMARY PROJECTS . We are situated in the DESIGN DISTRICT and will be featuring amazing artists this year. Come on Thursday December 6th for the opening of our Basel show entitled RANEYTOWN . We are located @ 4141 NE 2nd Avenue Suite 104, Miami 33137.

    Check out our website ->

    I guarantee you will not be disappointed if you come !!!

    HAVE FUN !!!!! and enjoy Basel !

  • Hi Garance,

    I am such a huge admirer or you and Scott and I am soooo excited that he is finally doing a book signing in Miami. I plan on being one of those people lining up at the Webster Saturday. I hope to meet you there as well ;)

    You might want to check out Fashion 1st Fridays while you are in town. Its a sample sale showcasing local designers. The first one is being held this Friday, December 7th at the Whitelaw Hotel on South Beach. Check our their website at for more info. I am a local designer and I will be participating. To see my line visit Even if you don’t visit I think you are awesome and I’d love to hear your feedback.

    No matter what you do I’m sure you will have an amazing time during Art Basel. I always do!

    Thanks for all the sharing and inspiration!



  • Cristina Arias 4 décembre 2012, 7:22 / Répondre

    Make sure you check out the Wynwood/Design Destrict scene! And ignore all the « Miami girls »…we’re not all like that! ;)

    Love from Miami :)

  • how exciting! Art Miami is happening simultaneously.
    They do have shuttle busses connecting these venues. Wynwood is worth experiencing as well. I hope you stay long enough for the beaches! One sad thing: we do not have coat-weather even though it’s winter.

  • Il y a des amis qui on bossé pour Vuitton, ils font toujours des truc trop intelligent à ne pas manquer à mon avis.

    Dans le contexte de Art Basel Miami Beach Louis Vuitton présentera sa nouvelle collection « Objets Nomades » pour laquelle atelier oï a développé deux objets : un hamac et une assise pliable en cuir.

    Louis Vuitton – Objets Nomades
    Miami Design District
    Louis Vuitton
    170 NE 40 Street
    Miami, Florida 33137

  • Garance! Je suis ravie de savoir que toi et ton equipe seront a Miami: ma ville!
    Enfin tu es dans la meme ville de moi.
    Voila tous les artistes francais d’Art Basel si cela t’interesse:

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