Make it Matte
10 years ago by

Ongles mats, lèvres mates, make-up mat…
Tout ce qui est mat, j’adore. Mais j’ai vraiment un faible pour les lèvres mates. Ces dernières années, j’ai amassé une collection ahurissante de lipsticks mats, et tous les autres, mes lipsticks brillants, crémeux, satinés sont condamnés à une vie triste et monotone au fond de mon tiroir.
Mais, ça, c’était avant le Super Matte Lip Pencil de MAKE. Quelques touches de ce redoutable crayon, et hop, vos lèvres satinées deviennent mates. Je vous conseille d’attendre une minute ou deux avant d’appliquer le crayon mat sur votre rouge à lèvres, et surtout, n’oubliez pas de bien l’essuyer après !
C’est comme de la magie, mais en beaucoup plus facile.
so much more elegant :) love that too
Thanks for this discovery!
I do love matte lipsticks too! Don’t like the bright effect on my lips!!!!
Need to try it!!!
Le monde des petites
i don’t really like matte but i love these cosmetic tricks :)
Looks wonderful! I love that fact that it’s matte, but would even be tempted to buy it just for the packaging if it wasn’t. x
I love this mat finish!
XOX, Gap.
Can we find it in France? I really like the concept!
Hello from MAKE and thanks for the love! The Super Matte Lip Pencil is only currently available in the United States, but you can also purchase it through MAKE’s retailer Barneys New York as well (perhaps they’ll ship it if you call them).
I also love the mat finish! It’s very sophisticated.
Thanks for this discovery!
I do love matte lipsticks too! Don’t like the bright effect on my lips!!!!
Need to try it!!!
Seems like a useful tool to mix up your makeup routine. :] // ?
Sympa pour changer le style d’un rouge à lèvres!
This looks like something I need to try! Just one question does it leave your lips really dry? That’s a problem with matte lipsticks. Matte lips and matte nails a cool combo :)
I thought it was to be applied BEFORE the lipstick. I was excited for a minute but it’s just too messy having to put it afterwards. But I suppose by now they are already working on it since things go so fast in the beauty industry.
Ahhh…any lip a Judy Davis lip…
Does it dry lips out like matte (the Mac Matte used to be terrible!)
Wipe it off? is more like a sponge?
I have, have, HAVE to use matte eyeshadow. It is surprisingly hard to find. As one ages (ahem!), eyeshadow with even the smallest bit of shine really shows up every little line and crease. Conversely, my poor, dry lips don’t react well with matte lipsticks, and I don’t like the way it feels. For those that can pull if off, it’s a beautiful look.
I love thsi brand !