Let's Talk About

Magic Elixir

8 years ago by

Magic Elixir

Kombucha. Con-bou-tcha ?

Cet « élixir magique aux vertus ultra-saines » fait beaucoup parler de lui au rayon boissons en ce moment… mais qu’est-ce que c’est, au juste ? Selon mes sources (moi), un goût à la fois puissant et pétillant. Chaque gorgée fait son petit effet. Et apparemment, c’est bourré de bonnes choses comme la vitamine B et les antioxydants. Tentant ! Mais est-ce que c’est vraiment vrai ? Si l’accumulation de boissons tendance comme le lait d’amande, le matcha latte et les jus de fruit frais pressés vous ont rendu sceptiques, je comprends. Mais le Kombucha pourrait être un sérieux concurrent. Et même si vous ne l’adoptez pas pour son côté sain, pourquoi ne pas profiter de ses vertus rafraîchissantes en cas de grosse chaleur ?

By Alex, intern at the Studio


Ajouter le votre
  • Yes!! I got hooked on kombucha and am now brewing my own. Looks like I’m growing some 90s X Files creature in my spare closet, but I swear it’s easy and amazing :)

  • I need to try this! x

    Jessica — WS Community

  • That is a fantastic beverage with quite an original taste! I got introduced to it by a friend who brewes her own. She adds spices and all sorts of natural flavours – you can create your own receipe. It trully is full of elements modern food does not offer anymore.
    Ps : the jar the mushroom steeps in looks funky as a decoration element!

  • I LOVE Kombucha and used to make it at home. Probiotic, sparkling and low in sugar…always a smart choice. I am skeptical about how ‘alive’ all the commercial Kombucha really is. As with anything labeled probiotic, those good bacteria begin to die off as soon as they are packaged up. Why aren’t all of the store bought varieties exploding on the shelves with fermentation? I’m thinking it’s because they are pretty dead. The drink is still tasty, but I like to make sure mine is a fresh, healthy culture too!

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