
Lottie & Calvin

10 years ago by

Lottie & Calvin

Avouez, vous avez cru que c’était Kate, hein ?

Lottie Moss (la petite soeur de Kate) est la star de la nouvelle campagne CK à l’occasion de la réédition des classiques de la marque, qui sort aujourd’hui. En la voyant porter ces pièces mythiques, on ne peut pas s’empêcher de penser à Kate, qui était le mannequin fétiche de la marque il y a 20 ans…

Allez, on rêve de savoir…qui s’en sort le mieux d’après vous?


Ajouter le votre
  • Kate!
    trop légendaire…

  • i believe the same: kate! that face! :)


  • I agree…totally, she was, is stunning, this seems a copy…
    XOX, Gap.

  • I definitely did not think it was Kate, no one has her face! But, I do like the relaunch of the campaign.

  • Kate is Kate and even her sister can not be compared …she is probably less less ….expensive…
    she is sweet but ….Kate is Kate
    Yael Guetta


  • I think it’s a bit unfair to compare siblings. My sister & I are so different. I did Journalism, she’s doing Mechanical Engineering. We are so unalike that I would brush off anyone comparing us. With that said, Lottie is her own person with a fresh modeling career. She did a great job! :] // itsCarmen.com ?

  • Very excited about this relaunch, Lottie is the perfect face for the campaign!

    xx Ella
    Ella Et Cetera

  • Beautiful pictures, but I did not think for one second that it was Kate, since she and her sister do not look very much alike…

  • I agree.

  • There is only one Kate, and I hope her sister will someday make it on her own steam, without having to invite comparisons in which she can only come in as Not Kate.

  • Renata de Rabakoz 16 juillet 2014, 5:00 / Répondre

    Le photographe a assumé aussi, le photo est merveilleux, parfait. – me fait penser à l’Olympia de Manet. ………Les filles Moss ont un côté « vrai fille », je pense que c’est pour ça qu’on est attachés d’eux. C’est drôle de voir que maintenant le métier mannequin se transmet aussi dans la famille, comme le viticulteur, etc.

  • Je trouve ça tellement dérangeant d’être comparé à…
    C’est déjà assez difficile de porter un nom de famille qui a toute une histoire ou qui représente un mythe que parfois ça éclipse le véritable talent de certains. Les gènes sont une chose mais l’individualité aussi :D. On sent bien le coup de pub avec cette campagne qui a en plus été shootée par le petit fils d’Avedon pour surenchérir encore plus sur l’hérédité du talent…
    Pour moi les deux ne se ressemblent pas du tout donc il n’y a pas de comparaison à faire et, même si c’était le cas, je n’en vois pas vraiment l’intérêt.
    Dans tous les cas, cette campagne prouve que la nostalgie d’une certaine époque, de son style et les « dynasties mode » font couler beaucoup d’encre mais est-ce que cela veut pour autant dire que ça se traduira par beaucoup de ventes ? Je dis à voir ;)!

    Shug Avery


  • so amazing! she’s so pretty


  • Kate without a second thought!! She was and still is iconic. Her little sister is very stick and doesn’t have that mystery-you-want-to-discover-or-you-die face, she doesn’t have anything in her eyes!

  • Le truc bizarre c’est qu’elle est assez commune, Lotte. C’est un coup. Sans son patronyme, je crois qu’elle marquerait pas.

  • KATE ! Even if Lottie is pretty, Kate has that je ne sais quoi that make her so iconic !

    I don’t really like this ad to be honest !


  • I don’t want to be bad but in my opinion Lottie is nothing like Kate. There are so many models which are much more suitable for CK campaign than her who got it just because of famous sister. She is very pretty, just boring

  • If she wasn’t Kate’s sister we wouldn’t be talking about her… She is cute, nice body, nice face.. She’s nice. It’s only the story about her that sells. Indeed there are tons of models way more interesting that would look better than her. But still if she’s happy doing that let’s wish her all the luck in the world. Everybody deserves to be happy no matter what other thinks!

  • At the age her sister is now, Kate could take your breath away. She remains in a class by herself. Her sister is, just, another very pretty face.

  • Pretty girl she’s but she will never be as wild as Kate


  • Impossible to compare her to her iconic sister, why did she put herself in this situation ? Lotte is cute but like many other models, I agree with comments saying we wouldn’t be talking about her if the wasn’t Kate’s sister. That said, good luck.

  • She does not look like Kate. But she looks very lovely. I don’t see them as all that great similarity at all. They have the same build, but that is all.

  • The collection is wonderful. She is in her own way very interesting looking kate was right for her time, but this is now. this girl is more fragile looking, more girl next door. i like her, though.

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