In Residence
9 years ago by
A Londres, il y a plein de vielles maisons magnifiques.
Des vestiges historiques empreints de grandeur, uniques, qu’on trouve dans des rues insoupçonnées.
Celle-ci appartient à la célèbre décoratrice d’intérieur Rose Uniacke et son mari David, et c’est un endroit magique. Elle est immense mais ce qui frappe surtout, c’est l’attention portée aux détails sophistiqués qui ponctuent les lieux (comme ces portes secrètes !). La décoration est un mélange d’inspiration monastique et de palais vénitien, on retrouve donc des pièces anciennes et des références au passé un peu partout.
Cette vidéo, issue de la série Nowness In Residence, vous offre une visite guidée des lieux et dévoile tous les petits détails ajoutés par Rose…
The house is gorgeous!! And the garden is to die for!
such a beautiful place
*sigh* Truly gorgeous. I can only imagine the amount of time and effort put into this beautiful home.
A moment before she said « It’s a very happy house », I thought to myself how incredibly sad this place looks.
I had the same feeling! I think it’s the music, which for some reason really bothered me (though I love music). The sad, dramatic strings somehow lent the video too much gravity (after all, we’re talking about decor, not war and peace). I found it distracting and it kind of made the whole gorgeous house seem cold and dark. //end film critique :^)
Yes this is beautiful, but it is what we should expect in a house that costs 11 Millions Pounds, isn’t it?
I agree with the above comments regarding the music and its adequacy to the video content. Despite both music and video being fabulous, they don’t seem to convey the mood described by Rose Uniake. It does describe, some of her facial expressions, softness, poise and elegance but not the house in itself. Wonderful work though and always a pleasure to see these.
At the Top of the Class…
nice home !!! nice place !!! nice video !!! nice mind of her !!!
Lovely, lovely home. Ms. Uniacke is such a talent with a beautiful eye…..But the video–the way it is shot, the music–comes across as so pretentious.