Impulse Shopper
9 years ago by

On a parfois toujours du mal à résister quand on fait du shopping sur Internet. (Vous y arrivez, vous ?)(Surtout en ce moment, avec toutes ces nouvelles sandales et ces robes d’été parfaites qui nous tendent les bras depuis l’écran.)
Et bientôt, ça va être encore plus dur ! (Dans l’équipe, on ne sait pas trop si c’est une bonne ou une mauvaise nouvelle.)
Instagram vient d’annoncer qu’ils allaient ajouter un bouton « Shop Now » (Acheter maintenant). Après l’apparition des publicités payantes il y a deux ans, certaines promotions s’accompagneront maintenant du bouton « Buy Now ». Autant vider nos comptes en banque. Tout. De. Suite.
Vous en pensez quoi, vous, du bouton « Buy Now » ? Vous vous dites que ça facilitera les achats ou est-ce que ça va rendre l’appli IG trop commerciale ?
As a social media manager, the « Buy Now » feature is genius & people loving impulse shopping. As a consumer, it’s just another thing to be aware of. :]
// ? ?
the only reason I can’t online shop because I have to try stuff on
Is Instagram adding it also? I thought it was a feature Pinterest was adding? The article you link to only mentions Pinterest.
Man oh man will it be hard to resist buying things on Instagram! I will have to enable an ad blocker on my phone.. Xx
I might sell all that I bought from my impulse shopping!
I KNOW !!!!! I was self-flaterring myselft last week to a friend that I didnt plurge into shopping recently and how proud I was of me and my self-control. Back off now !!! Poor me, Internet is really evil and so STRONG : laying in my coach in pajamas, I ended up to save 10 articles in my ASOS’ wishlist. I didn’t see it coming! And you know what is even more evil than evil itself? The ASOS’ « low in stock » caption ! It makes you think 10 minutes, refresh and… BUY ! :-( Game over at my self-control :-(
I think it reflects the commercial way people already use the app, and that it has been a long time coming.
i never see any ads on my Instagram!? huh!?
I wonder what would happen to the most annoying service : you like it or what ever it is called.
C’est intéressant puisque c’est assuré que ça va augmenter le shopping en ligne. De mon côté, il faut voir si les annonces qui seront présentes sur mon IG m’intéressera. Je ne suis pas toujours fan des publictés. Elle ne m’attire pas toujours autant… comme elles le devraient! Ahah! Je suis d’ailleurs une femme qui magasine beaucoup en ligne. J’ai de la chance je suis une personne qui fait du small en général tout me va. Il est rare que j’ai eu un article qui ne m’allait pas. En somme, le bouton «buy now» ne me fera pas acheter plus, je risque de réfléchir plus… au contraire. :)
I think it’s scary how aggressive marketing is at the moment, and it’s only getting worse. It’s a sad indictment of mankind that « social » media are not at all social any more, but not even thinly veiled instruments to make people want and buy more-more-more.
I feel a little nauseous.
That makes two of us. I’m sick and tired of this. « Social media », yeah, right.
Couldn’t agree more.
As a jeweller who sells through Instagram I heartily welcome the feature :)
I thought it was pinterest that is adding the buy now button, not instagram!
Not sure! Only time will tell – I probably will not shop from the app and will go straight to the website to read reviews etc.
Warm Regards,
From my perspective, I find it so interesting that the GD blog is essentially conducting focus groups on mini subjects everyday… even if for no one except themselves. I read the comments usually, and am always intrigued by how everyone wants to share, agree or disagree with questions posed with each post. Fascinating!
Je ne sais pas, je suis partagée… En même temps c’est ultra cool de pouvoir shopper directement d’insta, mais en même temps j’ai peur que ça perde un peu de sa spontanéité… A voir !
I’m kissing my wallet good0bye.
I’m torn, because I would like to sell my clothes through Instagram. But then again, it is a little sad how advertising seems to push its way into every medium. It makes it a less authentic and a little noisy. And kind of pushes us to the next medium. I don’t know. I think if the advertiser does it in a low key way it can be ok and helpful.
– Meredith
Je n’aime pas du tout, d’ailleurs j’en ai ras-le-bol des posts instagram des marques, genre Dior, Gucci et Balenciaga. Ils nous remontrent ce que l’on voit partout, leur red-carpet avec Marion Cotillard et autres. Ce que j’aime ce sont les posts des copines, des filles de la rue, souvent moins parfaits mais tellement plus spontanés et chaleureux. D’ailleurs, je crois que je vais faire du ménage sur les comptes de certaines marques que je suis qui ne m’apportent rien de plus que ce que je vois dans les magazines.
I’m torn about this. I love using Instagram for discovering new things from people I follow, but from people I don’t… I’m not sure that won’t push me away from Instagram as it has with other social media. It’s like the ‘picked for you’ pins on Pinterest. It drives me nuts to sift through those to finally get to the people I actually follow, ultimately making me log on less and less. I worry Instagram is headed the oversaturated way of Facebook and that my love for an app that connects people through beautiful photos is just going to be another marketing machine.
As a photographer on Instagram, I think it is a genius idea and look forward to it :)
I hate it! And maybe I should not since my professional job is digital marketing for a big retailer in Mexico. I think we are going too far, now social media is just about selling, it is annoying to look at banners, FB ads, promoted tweets, suggested pins, « influencers », remarketing, they are pushing too hard to get our money.
I´m at a point where the more I see a brand or a product the less I want to buy it, it creates a sort of rejection, Does anybody feel the same?
I´m starting to think about changing career, maybe I will move to the forest and have a social media detox ;)
I hate it as well!
Impulse shopping can be silly and useless for so many reasons: 1/ on social media, you want to buy the people’s lifestyle, not their clothes; 2/ you end up returning so many of your online shopping, because the clothes don’t fit you, because in fact, you want the 5000 € rent-flat with a great view, the amazing hair, and not necessarily the grey sweater; and 3/ we just buy too much! Who really needs more clothes? More endless basics which are meant to end all basics but never really do?