
How to wear a wide belt

10 years ago by

La leçon de Theory…

Bon, c’est décidé, je complète ma garde-robe d’hiver avec une casquette gavroche et une ceinture ultra-large. Sur une robe, une chemise, un pull ou une combinaison-pantalon, ça donne une petite touche sympa à n’importe quel look. Je me demande juste si ça marchera aussi sur moi ou si une ceinture large me donnera juste l’air, disons… plus large ?

Vous trouvez ça flatteur, vous, les grosses ceintures ? Vous maîtrisez le look ?


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  • Caroline Dé 16 décembre 2013, 12:23 / Répondre

    Je n’aime pas vraiment cette ceinture… Pas très flatteuse. Elle a apparemment pour but de marquer la taille avec l’effet classe en moins ! Bien trop épaisse à mon goût.

    Bisoux de France !

  • it’s perfect if you have no boobs :P


  • I think wide belts can be flattering but it depends where you position them….i think it’s better if the belt is where your waist is thinner or above that line if you don’t have a flat belly (as it’s thr case with me). I use a black leather one to give a twist to a flannel dress with a full skirt, but the Theory looks are very inspiring!

    Baci dall’Italia!

  • Flannel wide-skirted dress with such a belt sounds nice!
    And I agree with you about the positioning – I too often see it right on the belly/hips, as to camouflage some extra pounds, which isn’t flattering at all.

  • Les grosses ceintures étaient à la mode il y a de ça un peu moins de 10 ans … j’ai des super photos en attestants où mes copines et moi portons fièrement des énooormes ceintures avec à peu près tout et toujours sous les seins … pas mon époque la plus glorieuse …

    Je préfère les ceintures fines, je les trouve plus distinguées: elles sont discrètes tout en marquant la taille! Je ne dis pas que je n’aime pas les grosses ceintures mais je trouve qu’elles sont plus complexes à accessoiriser et le faux-pas est vite là!


  • I think really wide belts only work well if you’re more on the tall side and have no curves – another words, if you have a figure like a model.

  • J’adore, là comme c’est présenté, mais dans la real-life ça ne marche pas, en tout cas pas sur moi ! Tu as l’impression d’être engoncée, mal à l’aise…et puis si tu n’as pas une taille hyper fine, ça épaissit et si tu as des seins oublie carrément ! :-)

  • Je suis d’accord avec Virginie. Les ceintures larges sont plutôt à éviter quand on a des seins.
    Moi j’en ai une en poulain rayé zèbre que je porte principalement sur une robe en maille un peu trop grande pour moi pour la structurer à la taille et aussi lui donner un côté fun avec l’imprimé. Comme je n’ai pas de poitrine, je trouve ça pas mal de marquer la taille pour retrouver un peu de féminité sous nos épaisses couches hivernale :)

  • Recently tried this dress at Aritzia:

    all white, super simple, cool silhouette and …it came with this wide belt. First I was like – thanks, but no thanks – never been a fan of belts really. But still gave it a try and surprisingly it was quite lovely. I think it’s a danger trend tho…def not for everyone.

    Here is the dress: http://us.aritzia.com/Le-Fou-by-Wilfred-BALLADE-DRESS/49518,default,pd.html?dwvar_49518_color=3030#prefn1=refinementColor&prefv1=WHITE&start=2


  • Has anyone figured out how to make this work with a short torso? It just made me look like I was shaped like a barrel.

  • oh to have a long body. wide belts sit on my waste and touch my bra!! horrendous on me!

  • J’adore, et les looks sont super! Ca me plaît d’en porter de temps en temps, et là j’ai vraiment envie de m’y remettre!


  • I still think it’s a hard piece to wear and you really need the right figure! I especially love it with a dress or when it’s really wide to cover the bottom of a blouse or shirt. xx


  • Love these look, especially those black on black ones. I think the black wide belt with the black jumpsuit could even work for smaller people like me. I definitely want to try that. xxx

  • I have a couple of the wrap around, tie in front variety (Kind of like for kimonos) in different colors. They always add a great statement to my outfit (and help keep me from eating too much when they’re cinched tightly!).

    Shani x

  • Loooooooove it! My to go-to belt is a black, wide, leather one (80s vintage). For a similar effect, I favor some obi-like finely woven ones. It elevates every outfit to the point of receiving compliments from total strangers. I don’t think height is of an issue in pulling this off. Like your photo here, I have discovered monochromatic + the belt look work because, visually, it does not cut you in half. Awesome post, Miss Alex!

  • I haven’t worn a wide belt in a while. I like how it looks!


  • Great post! I love wide belts even though I am short — I am however long-waisted…I also think that monochromatic is the way to go —

    Somehow less successful on the beige outfit….hmmmm. Looks kinda like a weird peplum.

    I love them on a knee length dress — heels —- lipstick —– the best.


  • I think if you want a wide belt to be flattering, you need to have better posture than the model in the photos above!

  • I’m built too delicately for wide belts. Sorry, at 1.5m and 39kg, the only wide belt I will ever wear is an obi. (I’m just the right size for mail-order yukata, though…)

  • i’m only 5′ so i’m careful about belts…limited body space for lines! :)
    i really like wearing wide belt to cinch coats and when wearing longer dresses.

    stretch material is forgiving and comfortable to wear; i found a great black elasticized one with leather neon green accents at the clasp–nice way to give a LBD a twist. leather wide belts give something a bit more structure and edge. sometimes i wear mine to make a top + skirt look like one outfit.

    the theory look w/the shirts seems a difficult way to wear wide belts unless you are long and lithe…but they make the dresses more interesting and less boxy.

    definitely best at your true waist to add to your shape or give you some.

  • Wide belts is definitely not for average size Asians (and that’s me). I guess it only works on Liu Wen-type bodies.

  • I feel like I just won a boxing or wrestling championship belt. Not for me :(

  • Tres bonne question !
    Sur la photo, la ceinture large est magnifiquement portee, probablement parce que les tenues en elles memes sont passez depouillees. J’imagine que ca doit etre la cle de la reussite…

  • I love a good wide belt with something a little more blousy. A great way to create a waist in any outfit. I love the simple solid looks from theory.


  • I agree with the lots of the comments about figure : you can’t wear a wide belt if 1/ you’re short, 2/ have big boobs or 3/ have wide hips.
    Put if you have a model’s figure, I’m sure it looks great…

  • sad to see so many of the comments skewing towards the ‘can’t wear it without the perfect body’…feels like belts should be able to be worn by all, just varying what you wear it with to suit you best

  • I think wide belts are gorgeous. To make it work for different body types and keep it from looking frumpy play with width of belt and length of top.

  • I love wide belts but haven’t fooled around with it for years. It’s hard to master because they somehow emphasize the lower pooch women may have. I feel like the lower part of the cloth kind of bunches up and it’s hard to pull it off.


  • I have a brand of super special belts here in London and it is not uncommon for women to approach us saying they love belts but think they don’t have the right figure to wear one… It is great to prove them wrong! ;) There are so many widths, materials and cuts, you just have to find what works for your body shape and the look you want to achieve.

  • looks are really cool and think such a belt could be very nice in each wardrobe. All that matters is the combo! :)


  • I absolutely love the really wide belts and would love to buy one but I am told at a size 14 I am too big. Do you think this is the case? I love this one from The Latest Thing

    Would it make me look bigger?
    I also like this one from Asos:

    Any tips?

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