
How To Look Cool At The Gym

11 years ago by

Le Sport par Stella…

Je crois que c’est exactement ce genre de tenue qui pourrait enfin me pousser à fréquenter une salle de sport (car bien sûr, loin de moi l’idée de la porter pour faire genre je reviens de la gym… oui, bon, ça pourrait arriver…). J’avais déjà sorti l’excuse de la fille qui n’a rien à écouter comme musique, et à l’heure où la New York Fashion Week vient de s’achever, je ne peux pas m’empêcher de continuer à invoquer cette excuse (ça m’a déjà servi à éviter trois de mes boot-camps)… bref, donc ma dernière excuse en date, ce sera que je n’ai rien à me mettre. Et comme vous n’êtes pas sans le savoir, c’est vraiment le truc le plus important quand on fait du sport.

Non, mais imaginez que j’aille à la gym un jour, vêtue d’un legging noir hyper ordinaire (confession : j’ai un legging Spanx, donc je ressemble vaguement à Gisele… mais bon, trêve de digression) et qu’il y ait Ryan Gosling (vous avez vu comme j’ai ingénieusement remplacé Tim Riggins par Ryan ? je fais des progrès !) sur le tapis roulant à côté du mien ?! Non, mais vous me voyez un peu avec mon t-shirt élimé et mon legging pourri ?! Franchement, ça ne le ferait pas. Alors que si je porte un truc cool, genre le hoodie orange et le short assorti, ça compensera forcément le fait que je sois rouge et suante, certainement en train d’écouter ma playlist Miley Cyrus-esque de la honte tout en “courant” à 2 km/h. J’ai pas raison ?

Ryan Gosling serait d’accord, non ?

PS : Garance jure que ça peut arriver. Une fois, à la salle de sport, elle s’est retrouvée à côté de Penn Badgley (oui, Dan Humphrey dans Gossip Girl) !!


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  • You totally hit the mark Alex, I look horrible after only 1 mile running or whatever sport (even horse riding, I’m a disaster) but beautiful work out wear will make it slightly less embarrassing. I would love that orange outfit, it’s so cool and fun! Ryan Gosling would approve I’m sure.
    And lucky Garance… although, I don’t know if I could do that, I would be super excited, hold my breath and then pass out on the treadmill or something like that… Totally ridiculous.

    She Wears: Fashion Illustration Blog

  • How to look cool at the Gym? DON’T GO :-)
    Just kidding

    Xoxo Cory

  • After being miserably tired of Lululemon…just this weekend I bought three new Stella/Adidas outfits! So cute and functional. PLUS..no one has them in my gyms!

  • Moi un bon legging/short de sport noir et un t-shirt ou camisole plus ou moins ample noir! Ça me va! Je fais que 127lbs mais j’aime non seulement la couleur noir mais je trouve que le noir la sueur ne se voit pas. Mon amie qui s’entrainait avec des pantalons gris clair on pouvait appercevoir ses fesses et son vagin suer. Je dis non merci, sachant que ça peut arriver à tout le monde et que c’est naturel, je ne trouve pas ça «beau» alors on opte pour le noir de la tête jusqu’aux jambes. Les souliers eux par contre, je les aime colorés. Noir et confort c’est tout ce que je désire.

  • There is no real way for me to look cute in the gym… Lol.
    I always walk out looking a mess.


  • I’ve discovered that I can try to look cool at the gym, but can’t. But realized that I can look cool outside of the gym when dressed for it. Fascinating.

    Your Friend, Jess

  • J’adore ces tenues de sport, je pourrais même les porter en dehors de la salle de gym porté avec d’autres choses bien sûr. Trop chanceuse cette Garance!

    Sandrine xx

  • I’ve never understood dressing up for working out. I’d rather be left alone and invisible. I’m there for me, not for anyone else! :)

  • hahaha I wish I could bump into a hottie, I mean a real, real hottie at the gym! Lucky people living in NYC!!
    Anyway, I wear spandex and worn out t-shirts from college and high school volleyball years haha… sometimes I think I should buy cooler outfits. Maybe that would motivate me to go to the gym more often? Maybe I would already be hot if I had chosen to go to Nike to buy new workout clothes!

    Take a look at my latest post here: http://www.androbelinsider.blogspot.com, would be amazing if you could follow me <3
    PS. Always amazing, funny posts… thank you!

  • Tim Riggins always and forever

  • I used to like McCartney sport collection but I find she is overdoing it now. Too shiny, too much of « I am sexy and I know it », it becomes expected and boring after a while. (and much too pricey for me!)
    Even Ryan Gosling has to take a rest from sense over-stimulation once in a while.

    There is a huge market for sportswear but strangely enough, we mostly end up with the same nasty girly colors (pink, purple and the like), that make me think that designers are either very badly paid or without any kind of imagination.

  • I know you will be amazed when you visit this store or look on the website. You will never have to shop anywhere else for truly cool gym outfits. Sweaty Betty no longer a UK secret!! We create, innovate, and inspire women to find empowerment through fitness.

    SoHo, New York
    Monday – Saturday: 11am – 7pm
    Sunday: 12pm – 6pm

    Nearest Subways:
    Prince St Station N/R
    Spring Street (C/E)
    Broadway-Lafayette (B/D/F/M)
    Bleecker Street (6) 77 Mercer Street
    New York City

    (646) 386-7003

    Located in the heart of the fashion district, the Sweaty Betty SoHo boutique will bring beautiful and technical British-designed activewear to downtown Manhattan. Why not put new gear to the test in our in-house studio?

  • Couldn’t have said it better myself.
    EVERYbody knows that the right outift is the A & O of any good gym practice, or any other part of life for that matter.
    If Stella is a little out of your price range, here’s a great runner’s ensemble as recommended by stylist friend Carina: http://www.livingthedream-blog.com/wishlist/

    As for me, I am still looking for the perfect Yoga outfit. One couldn’t possibly be expected to emulate a downward facing dog or squiggly eagle without the appropriate attire!
    All tips welcome!

  • eh yeahhh exactly how i look! haha xx


  • love these clothes for the street….if u walked into a gym in these clothes and u couldn’t keep up….u would look ridiculous lol

  • You’ve right! The sport collection of Stella McCartney is the solution and nothing else.

  • There are no gym outfits to be found anywhere that are functional , flattering , with superior fit and beautifully and artistically designed. (especially hard to find if you are tall and don’t want to expose ones midriff )
    I am amazed that designers don’t really know the meaning of a true workout because if you are training with a good trainer in the gym, then feeling breezy, airy and cool ( as in the opposite of hot ) in the clothing is first priority. Most gym clothes are not suited for heavy training ! Not everyone does yoga !
    Also if I don’t like wearing dazzling neons and crazy colour spectrums in my regular wardrobe, why would I want to wear these crazy fabrications in the gym ?? Gym clothing seems so schizophrenic !
    Rick Owens and Olivier Theyskens if you are listening to my wishes, please design a range of gym wear that is modest, yet sexy and that is classic, yet with a twist and that is in fabrications especially appropriate for HEAVY workouts and lots of wash and wear that holds its shape ! Wow it will be a huge success especially for ageless women ( in their 40’s plus !) who don’t relate to all the childish clown clothing nor the very shapeless tacky old lady clothing currently available for gym workouts.

  • Nice!!!
    I’m posting looks from L.A. and accessories:


  • Haha I need these tips! I look a mess at the gym.


  • This collection was perfection. Everything I want to wear at and after yoga.

    And Tim Riggins… sigh… Such a mega-babe.

  • Cool gym style, what an inspiration, thanks! Now if only someone could come up with cool golf clothes. I love to golf (even though I’m really bad at it, it’s so zen, and the courses are beautiful!) but I always feel so unpretty in golf clothes!

  • thank you alex for introducing me FNL aka the tim riggins show. just finished the series finale and yes, i cried a little.

    can’t wait for stella. she makes the best athletic swimsuits by far. for all the laps i think i’m going to swim one day.

  • Etant donné le nombre de fois où Garance va à la gym,
    et le nombre de fois où elle y a croisé Penn Badgley,
    de toute évidence le ratio n’est pas suffisamment interessant pour aller courir sur un tapis en plastique

  • En effet, la tenue de sport est super importante ! J’avais moi-même flashé sur le fameux hoodie orange ! Par contre, je n’imagine pas le prix mais je m’imagine bien dedans, c’est mieux que rien !

  • Ah si y a Ryan Gosling forcément….. en même temps ces belles tenues de sport ça t’oblige à assurer un minimum en sport? Alors que faire quand on est nullos en sport comme moi depuis ses 12 ans (malgré tous les efforts du monde), c’est pas grave si du coup TOUT LE MONDE te voit galérer???

  • ça donnerai presque envie de faire du sport!
    xx http://wildlysweet.blogspot.fr

  • Legging noir et tee flashy, ça suffit. Puisque les mecs ne sont de toute façon pas sensible à la mode la plupart du temps (mais plutôt aux jolis culs musclés, d’où le legging à la gym)

  • Moi perso je trouve ça vraiment cool

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