
Graphic Feminism

9 years ago by

Graphic Feminism

Je sais qu’on n’est pas du genre à parler politique, mais…

J’ai toujours eu un faible pour les t-shirts à message. C’est peut-être lié à mon enfance passée en Californie, où toutes les marques de surf plaquaient leur logo partout, mais je ne me suis jamais lassée. Et en plus, qui oserait remettre en cause le droit de vote des femmes ?! Surtout quand c’est un slogan français apposé sur un t-shirt !

Quelques arguments supplémentaires :
A : J’adore les films d’époque
B : J’adore les films d’époque où les femmes donnent de la voix
C : J’adore les films d’époque où les femmes donnent de la voix pour un mouvement qui a changé le cours de l’histoire.

Oui, encore une excuse pour porter un t-shirt à message. En plus, celui-ci soutient l’initiative Every Mother Counts

T-Shirt par Clare V.


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  • suffra-gette 14 octobre 2015, 11:49 / Répondre

    Where can supporters purchase this shirt?

  • Just updated to the direct link! :)

  • Graphic t-shirts are nostalgic and youthful, no doubt.


  • I love a graphic tee too. Especially one that reminds young women like yourself that feminism is still alive, well, and very much needed. I’m in!

  • I’m a graphic tee fan and this one is really cute

    Ray-Ban Giveaway on my blog!


  • LOVE IT! Awesome find, Brie!

  • For once, I like the message on the t-shirt… But 99 dollars? For cotton? I’ll use one of my Petit Bateau t-shirts instead and write a message on it.

  • Carina del Valle Schorske 15 octobre 2015, 12:42 / Répondre

    I like this shirt *much* better than the other one I’ve seen the stars wearing to promote this film: « I’d Rather Be A Rebel Than A Slave. » This may be a quote from suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst, but it’s totally tone-deaf to the fact that many white suffragettes in the UK and the US–including Susan B. Anthony!–actively opposed abolition, suffrage, and/or equal rights for black people. Oh, you’d rather be a rebel than a slave? Cool. Some people didn’t have the luxury of that choice. But regardless of the shirt, it still makes me feel mad/sad/militant to see an inspiring movie about an important social justice movement ignore the contributions of people of color, both as organizers and also as would-be organizers who were excluded. I saw this trailer in theaters along with two other trailers that had almost exactly the same problem: Stonewall and Our Brand Is Crisis.

  • Completely agree.
    Thank you for expressing it so eloquently!

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