Get What You Give
10 years ago by

Il est peut-être un peu tôt pour commencer à penser à Noël…
… mais on peut penser aux cadeaux. Il y a déjà plein de coffrets cadeaux sublimes qui commencent à sortir un peu partout… comme les six boîtes en métal Aesop (parfaites à reconvertir en boîtes rangement pour ses vernis à ongles), créée chacune en hommage à l’un des matériaux utilisés dans les boutiques Aesop.
La “Marble” box est censée lisser la peau à la perfection (vous saisissez le lien subtil avec « marble », le marbre ?). Elle contient le nettoyant visage Fabulous Face Cleanser, le tonique B & Tea Balancing Toner et la crème hydratante Camellia Nut Facial Hydrating Cream. Le nettoyant laisse une impression de propreté mais sans l’effet peau-qui-tire (personne n’a envie de se décaper la peau !) et la crème fournit l’hydratation que la peau réclame en hiver, mais sans donner l’impression de s’être passé une motte de beurre sur le visage.
Il y a aussi des box soins du corps, pour les différentes types de peau et pour hommes.
Vous vous offririez laquelle, vous ?
The Marble Box, Aesop
I didnt try this brand but I would like to. Hm. xaxa
nobody will complain if they get gifts from aesop! :)
Je n’ai jamais testé Aesop, mais ça me donne clairement envie d’essayer!
I was wondering about Christmas gifts…
This can be a great idea for my girlfriends!!
XOX, Gap.
need to try this!
Aesop is the nicest smelling facial products there are. And really does miracles. I also appreciate the effort they do in designing their stores. This way it becomes a whole experience. Love it!
URGH. I love Aesop! This would be the prefect, indulgent gift for the holidays.
I used to like Aesop’s products, and their design is great, but if you look closer at the ingredients… well, let’s just say they don’t quite go with the pseudo-natural-minimalist design – which is too bad!!!
I saw Aesop in Liberty the other day and the bottles look great- almost austere and pharmacy like. I haven’t tried them yet but they are on my list.
I’ve done it so many times- bought someone a gift and loved it so much that I kept it for myself…
I have been looking forward to trying this brand but the reviews I have read are not so great.
Can anyone attest to this brand from the readers? I love the way the products look!!!
great post
This is a great brand, it doesn’t make ridiculous beauty claims, but it makes my skin feel lovely. I use the Parsley Seed Cleansing Oil, yes OIL and it’s amazing!
Hi – I’ve not been able to pin images from the blog since the launch of the new design and initially thought maybe it was an old iOS bug, but I’ve updated my iPad and am still not able to. This happens only when I’m on the iPad – wanted to check if you’ve had other users face the same issue. Thanks!
Hi Janani! Thanks for alerting us! We will be sure to look into fixing this issue.
It’s never too early to start thinking about holiday gifts. I have to send mine across the ocean and shipping takes forever! These are great suggestions.