For the Mums
8 years ago by

Une petite pensée pour toutes les super mamans et mamans en devenir !
Vous prévoyez quoi pour la fête des mères (ce week-end aux US), vous ?
Robe, Rachel Comey ; Mocassins, Manolo Blahnik ; Top cachemire, Michael Kors Collection (à porter sous une robe) ; Montre, Gucci ; B.O. Charlotte Chesnais ; Carnet Smythson, “Mummy To Be” ; Sac, Hillier Bartley
Hello, a beautiful edit. Thank you. Since I had my daughter just over a year ago I seem to find dressing easier. Comfortable and practical needn’t be boring, especially living in busy London, and in fact, having this as a mainstay for now means I’m a much more ‘selective’ shopper. The dress in particular would be top of my list! My daughter was actually born on Mother’s day here in the UK, but this weekend I’ll probably be doing at least one of what I often do with her as company: coffee with friends, exhibitions, and/or browsing those little boutiques in Shoreditch and Notting Hill Gate we’re so fond of here.
Love it!
A cashmere T-shirt must be one of the best gifts in the world! :)
Watching over our flock of books. Hawaii on Mother’s Day Weekend. A nice place to be.
Moi, j’ai perdue ma maman il ya exactement 7 mois. Pour la fête de mères, elle aimait les ‘afternoon tea’. Cette année, j’ai reservé la même table et j’y suis allée toute seule. J’ai passée l’après-midi à pleurer. S’il vous plait, profitez de vos mamans chaque jour et n’attendez pas juste la fêtes des mères pour passer un bon temps ensembles.