Fashion Law Degree
9 years ago by

Un diplôme de droit de la mode ?! Oui, c’est désormais une réalité.
La faculté de droit Fordham Law School, à NY, a annoncé qu’elle proposerait le premier cursus de droit de la mode au monde à partir de cet automne.
Le programme est soutenu et en partie financé par Diane von Furstenberg, qui plaide depuis longtemps en faveur d’une réforme légale de l’industrie de la mode. Une avocate idéale pour ce nouveau cursus, non ? Il couvrira des matières comme le financement de la mode, les droits du mannequinat, les licences et la durabilité.
Est-ce que cela veut dire qu’on va vers une plus grande sécurité et des régulations plus strictes dans l’industrie de la mode ?
Nous, en tout cas, on voit ça d’un très bon œil !
Mon rêve quand j’étais à la fac !
Great idea. In the UK every industry is heavily regulated and this protects people in profession as well as clients. Fashion should not be an exception. And imagine all those stylish lawyers :)
I’m a corporate lawyer and I’ve always been interested in fashion law. I could definitely see myself transitioning from tech to fashion sometime in the future. It’s great that Fordham is offering this specialization.
this is brilliant!
Oh la la, un concept très interessant, je ne peux pas attendre pour entendre le résultat de ce nouveau développement dans les industries de la mode. :)
La Bijoux Bella | by mia
I hope they offer a scholarship named for Elle Woods :)
This is absolutely amazing!
Warm Regards,
????? ?????
This is very interesting. I think this is a great thing for up and coming lawyers who have a passion for fashion and a passion for politics. I think this is great!
This is great that there is a degree for Fashion Law. Fashion is a huge industry with different types of people who need lawyers and I believe that having a lawyer that’s not just a generic lawyer, but a lawyer that understands the industry and is willing to study up on the rights of models, retail owners, brands, magazine owners, manufacturers, suppliers, etc. There are so many regulations, laws, taxes and so on that deal with this business that it’s good to have someone who will specifically concentrate on getting a degree for it.