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Emoji Talk

10 years ago by

Emoji Talk

Ça vous arrive d’avoir de grandes conversations avec vos collègues de boulot par texto ?

Non ? Moi non plus. En général, ça se résume à des « hahahahaha » et des « lol ». Et surtout à des tonnes d’émojis. Cf. ma conversation avec Garance l’autre soir :


Parfois, les émojis valent mieux que des mots. Ou peut-être qu’ils expriment mieux ce qu’on veut dire ? Un de mes préférés c’est cette tête de pierre… Je sais pas trop pourquoi, mais à chaque fois, je suis hilare.

Et vous, vous avez un émoji préféré ?!


Ajouter le votre
  • je suis très emoji as well et mon favori est le gun!!! j’adore et je le sers a toutes les sauces!!


    bisous :)


  • I love emoj!! ;-)
    XOX, Gap.

  • i use them, everybody uses them! :)


  • Sunglass emoji is the best ! It can be used in any situation and is good for my self esteem. Xd ????

  • c’est vrai que je me dis aussi souvent « how the hell did they come up with that » hahaha.. et au final presque chaque jour je découvre un nouvel emoji, c’est un truc de malade! il y en a tellement, et surtout tellement d’improbables!!

    et j’avoue qu’assez souvent j’aimerais bien pouvoir les utiliser dans la vraie vie aussi ;)

    x tiphaine

  • I was just thinking about this!
    I’m on a emoji face or something…
    And love the stone face, it’s a moai from Easter Island!
    They are a representation of ancestors and a gift for gods :)

  • In Japan, the app Line is all the rage. It has this hugely wonderful range of « stickers, » some of which are even little gifs. You can buy them with all your favourite characters, like Hello, Kitty, Pikachu, Disney, etc. There is totally an art to using just the perfect sticker at the perfect moment. I’ve had complete conversations using just stickers, and I definitely use them to help solve the forever problem of « was that sarcasm or was that not? » A sassy looking Snoopy just clears that all up.

  • à l’inverse, ça me met mal à l’aise que l’on substitue des images types à des sentiments personnels.. je suis un peu vieille probablement ..mais je chéris l’effort du mot juste…..!
    bonne journée !

  • Emojis don’t say it better, let alone express it better. In fact, they don’t really say much at all.
    I’m getting more and more annoyed by this kind of message, especially if I get them from people whom I haven’t talked to in a while. It might be different if you use them to « converse » with co-workers or other people you see quite often (but then again, why use them if you’re going to talk to them in person in, like, five minutes?), but in the past few months, a lot has happened in my life (it started with a major breakup in January, followed by working in a new job completely different from anything I had done before, then my mom fell into a coma after surgery) – and even though everything is fine now, I feel frustrated whenever I reach out to get in touch with people, try to find out what’s actually going on in their lives and share more about the ups and downs of mine (and there have been mayn ups, too!) – and all I get (even from rather ‘close’ friends) is the kind of messages that has more emojis than letters in them. Ahm… no, thank you.
    I’m not even talking about the environmental aspects (or drawbacks) of the digital age, but hey, if you can’t even bother to find words that actually mean something… How can communication be anything personal when you do nothing but select from a variety of pre-designed, simplified and very small images? You can say a lot using an image, but with emojis? I don’t think so…

  • I’m terribly old school and never ever use sms language, lols or emojis… I believe in real sentences, with real worlds. And yes, I live in the 19th century. Sigh.

  • I thought I was an emoji overuser, I had never seen the stone head before!

    The blushing emoji must be my most-used, I’m currently loving the monkey covering his mouth with his hands lately, haha!


    Brigadeiro’s Blog

  • The wine glass. Haha.

  • Emoji is my second language! I love the pint one x


  • I find myself always using the wine glass emoji. There goes my life. And the heart, in all its colors.

  • Lisa Walker 24 octobre 2014, 12:28 / Répondre

    My have– the one in agony. It’s hilarious.

    And I dream of having my own. A little stove top and a chef hat.

  • I love emoji, too. I often use the girls dressed in pink, most of all the one with lifted arms and the hearts. Sometimes I start using some emoji just for fun, for example the hat with the green ribbon and I add in the message « let’s give this emoji a chance ».

  • ugh….the poo with eyes is my all time favorite emoji!!!!! …..conveys so much……merde :-)

  • Mon préféré est celui des deux filles qui ont l’air de danser la polka !! Je l’utilise dès que je veux signifier quelque chose de joyeux/positif à mes copines, il veut tout dire pour moi !!

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