9 years ago by

J’ai toujours eu un petit côté nerd. J’adore les quizz et les questions de culture générale, et en gros, mon intelligence, c’est un des trucs le seul truc sur lequel j’adore être challengée.
Du coup, j’étais hyper motivée quand Josh (mon mec) m’a parlé d’une appli qui s’appelle Elevate. Elle vient juste de remporter le Prix de l’Appli de l’année décerné par Apple (un truc super prestigieux) et a donc tout naturellement trouvé sa place dans mon emploi du temps quotidien. En gros, elle a été conçue pour développer l’activité cérébrale dans des domaines comme l’élocution, l’écriture, la lecture, l’écoute et les maths.
Le compte gratuit donne accès à trois sessions d’entraînement quotidiennes, qui sont conçues comme des mini-jeux chronométrés… Bon, d’accord, ça ressemble peut-être plus à des QCM de concours, mais c’est quand même hyper ludique !! Et en plus ça fait du bien de savoir qu’on fait travailler son cerveau avec quelque chose de concret ! L’appli mémorise aussi les progrès qu’on fait et propose des problèmes de plus en plus difficiles en conséquence.
J’essaie de motiver tout le monde au Studio pour qu’ils la téléchargent pour qu’on puisse faire des compètes mesurer se motiver ensemble, un peu comme avec Two Dots (Erik nous écrase toutes !!)…
En tout cas, maintenant que je suis accro à cette appli, j’ai envie d’en essayer d’autres ! Vous utilisez des applis de ce genre, vous ? Vous êtes accro ?
I will check the app out! For sure
the only app on my phone is the weather. i try to stay disconnected, at least on my phone…
I don’t have any apps but stick to good old fashioned reading! This is a nice idea though. I feel we spend too much time in front of screens these days and welcome being hold to old fashioned paper at the end of my day.
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I love Breeze which is a pedometer app but is really nicely designed and gives you a spirit animal depending on your how often and what times you are on the go the most! And I also use Clue which tracks your lady cycle. Again real nice design and inconspicuous and informative.
I love getting new apps! definitely gonna get this
I downloaded it and I actually really enjoyed it!
I’ve been crazy about DuoLingo to brush up my very cobwebby French. You can choose from several languages and it’s designed more like a game than a lesson. I love it. And your competitive side can get friends to sign up and see who is earning the most lingots as you go along. (And you if you do the French one, you can figure out what Garance is muttering under her breath!)
I use Duolingo and Anki, two language learning apps daily! Anki is an intelligent flashcard program that I use to review and learn new words (super useful as an expat), but which can be adapted for any kind of fact you want to learn. Duolingo is an integrated language learning website and app, and one that I’ve been using for almost a year now to brush up my high school Spanish.
Other than that, I read obsessively (I completed my goodreads goal months early this year!) and I listen to lots of podcasts. I particularly like the pbs news hour, for about 50 minutes of in depth relatively unbiased national and world news, and Hardcore History, which I swear can make a history buff out of absolutely anyone!
Great advice, I love that app, too :)
Sounds like a cool app, thanks for sharing!
I love Duolingo. It is an app for language learning. Teaches you by only asking, so you start with guessing then you realize you actually learn a lot of stuff rather than memorizing! It is pretty amazing! (plus free?!!)
Can Erik please tell me where he is now on two dots!? i’m on 85 which i was on 84 for a month! i sure earned it!
I actually beat it – level 210! … be prepared for level 110 … :)
Grave je suis carrément accros aux jeux surtout s’il y a une vraies difficultés évolutive ! Sounds great ! NERD à fond les ballons !
Par contre, wouahou ! On veut plus d’infos sur ce fameux Josh !!!! :)
I guess, Why not meditate? World´s need it, we need it!!
With love,
I use Fit Brain, it really motivates!
Yep, guilty as charged!
Thanks for playing TwoDots — we’ll have more levels for you soon!
I use Headspace. It’s kind of meditation app and very helpful.
Non mais tu m’as donné envie d’essayer !
Le blog déjanté à boire au bureau
Peak is pretty cool, i think its very similar to the elevate one: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/peak-brain-training/id806223188?mt=8
Thank you, my new favorite app, let’s all make 2015 a more intelligent year!
Emily, but what is the brand of your notebook ????? Is it one of Garance’s ???? Can’t find it !!! Great app, great notebook , hahaha !
Hello Emily !
What’s the brand of the notebook ?? Garance’s ? Can’t find it !
Thank you !
Hi Gabriella!
Yes, that is one of Garance’s notebooks. We have just ordered more stock, which will be over at http://www.garancedoregoods.com very soon – stay tuned!
Elevating daily, have you tried Peak? Loving jigsaw puzzle App…addictive. ;)
Je vais courir chercher mon téléphone afin de voir ce que ça donne
Great app, thanks for the advice!
Actually, I’ve tested it and I realise that, even though I’m bilingual (French-English), because I went through the French school system, I’m much slower than I would like to be when it comes to playing all the games about English (words, reading and co). Definitely need to work on that (and there comes the competitive streak again…).
For brain training I would recommend Lumosity (http://www.lumosity.com/) – it is mostly for desktop, but recently they’ve launched the iOS / Android applications too. I use it daily.
I play Lumosity. It’s very similar to this one and also gets harder with more practice. And I absolutely LOVE Two dots :)
Lumosity is great. You can play in your computer and there is an app too. Very good to train your brain.