10 years ago by

Mardi soir, Azzedine Alaïa a montré sa collection à Paris, dans son studio, comme à son habitude,
…selon son propre calendrier, en dehors des fashion weeks, en dehors des mannequins vedettes et de l’excitation des front rows. Des années qu’il s’est extrait des obligations de la mode, et pourtant il a su garder toute son influence et son importance, et sa compagnie n’a fait que grandir, tout en restant farouchement indépendante.

beautiful designs!
i love alaia for walking to the beat of his own drum because that shows! :)
I have a pair of Alaia…and everytime I wear them I fell like a princess…
XOX, Gap.
gorgeous looks
Mon dieu que les détails sont beaux…
Baci, Ali
Effectivement, il règne une ambiance particulière dans la maison de Monsieur Alaïa. J’ai eu la chance de rester à ces côtés pendant une quinzaine de jours. Les mannequins étaient peu maquillés, juste une queue de cheval en guise de coiffure, mais lorsque les filles revêtaient les vêtements et les chaussures de la collection, elles se métamorphosaient. La démarche, l’allure, la maille qui flottait, tout devenait magique. Ensuite, nous mangions dans la grande cuisine de manière informelle. Monsieur Alaïa est drôle, attachant et d’une grande simplicité.
Love the nude coloured dress – lovely!
The detailing on that blue outfit is just incredible! I agree with your life philosophy, Garance :)
xx TheMinxBlog.com
Yes, the dark two-piece is particularly lovely.
Love it! What a thoughtful way to communicate his visions with his clientele. The dinners sounds even better!
Mr Alaia is such a great artist and a generous person,i had the chance many years back to be invited by him with my Editor in chief at those time…this was a very special moments…i believe that you too Garance in your own special way
contribute a lot to the fashion world…and with your friend Melissa and Jasmin and the Art of eating well…you can start dinner at your place…..very french..
bisous bisous
Yael Guetta
I usually look at the clothes from the vaunted fashion shows and think, « Ugly, ugly, ugly. Who buys this garbage? » I look at this and think, « Lovely, lovely, love. I wish I could afford it! » This is a designer with talent and a good eye!
He really is a genius. He seems like a man of such substance in a world where many pretend to have insights and talents beyond their true capacities. I actually first learned of him because his showroom was hosting the World Press Photo Exhibit, an incredible collection of international photo journalism (nothing even to do with fashion!).
Pure genius
J’aime beaucoup la robe du milieu ^_^
Nice designs. kaaryah also provide latest formal designs for women.
je ne vois pas là des tenues de soirée, je vois des œuvres d’art merci pour ce partage quelle élégance