Denim Delivery
9 years ago by

Aaahhhhh, essayer des jeans, tout un programme…
L’un de ces moments ingrats mais indispensables quand on se lance dans la quête du jean parfait. C’est une pièce tellement essentielle qu’on a tous envie de trouver la paire idéale… même si pour ça il faut essayer des dizaines de coupes et de tailles.
Du coup, on est trop contents que la marque AYR Jeans suive la tendance initiée par des marques comme Warby Parker et un propose un service d’essayage à domicile. Terminé les micro-cabines d’essayage où on essaie de se contorsionner dans un slim ! Enfin !
I’m constantly looking for the perfect pair of jeans with the result I own for sure more than 100 jeans :) But as I didn’t know this brand so far now I must try this brand out! Thanks for sharing.
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
it took me a while to find my perfect pair of jeans !
but now i own them and its like paradise!
amazing shoots!!
XOX, Gap.
Live in denim jeans ! My particular favourite bring slim fit high waisted ones :)
With love from London,
Hayley x
Nice denim !
It´s a great idea!!! I have so so much bad memories of experiences in store. Thank you for sharing, I didn’t know them or this service.
Ah ça, il n’y a rien que je déteste plus! Ou du moins que je détestait plus. J’ai trouvé la marque et le modèle de jeans qui me correspondent le mieux, alors fini la course et vive les valeurs sûres, sans compter qu’ENFIN ceux-ci ne m’arrivent pas à mi-mollet! :p
I need to find good small fitting pair of jeans
Music Festival Season Giveaway on my Blog!
The jeans are really nice and casual with a fun vibe :)
Oui en effet..c est comme pousser des wagonnets dans une mine…A méditer
La coupe et les détails parfaits! Ce jean est superbe!
THIS. This article just described my life. Have you used my CV as an inspiration? :) Hahaha….
However, I am literally addicted to fashion, I hate trying on a new pair of jeans. It’s a non-refundable ticket to ‘Gosh-I-am-fat’ destination. Even though, I might not normally feel fat when trying on denim (no matter the shape, cut or thickness) I always suffer.
I’ve established an abstract skirt club in order to decrease these tough moments to minimum :). Till now. Home try-on program seems a better invention than a light bulb (let’s be honest, I wouldn’t be so nervous in a changing room if there was a candle light only.) A revolution? Maybe?
Right now, I am set on trousers mode, wearing only quirky suede pants. No denim for a while! Check it out here:!Red-Fluid/cyh4/5507f5670cf2458597d66009
Please, please, we’d love to know more great news of this kind!
Katarina Bradacova