Studio Find

Cool to be Square

8 years ago by

Cool to be Square

J’ai besoin de votre avis sincère : vous les trouvez comment, mes nouvelles boots ?

Peut-être que vous les trouvez moches, mais moi, je les adore ! Nan mais vous imaginez un peu, des boots blanches ? Moi, la fille qui doit avoir à peu près 10 paires de boots noires ? Enfin des chaussures dans ma deuxième couleur préférée que je me vois porter sans problème. Et, oui, ce sont des Céline. fraîchement débarquées du podium…. mais dans une version plus confidentielle (le modèle à bout rond, rouge et noir était sur toutes les it-girls pendant la fashion week).

Hélas, moi, depuis des mois, je suis légèrement obsédée par les bouts carrés. A tel point que mes amies – dont je bénis l’existence – ont décidé que ces boots blanches seraient mon cadeau de nouvelle trentenaire. Ce sont des filles géniales, j’ai même versé ma petite larme.

Avec leur forme atypique, elles mettront en valeur n’importe quelle petite robe ce printemps. Le bout carré, nouvelle tendance à suivre ? Je crois bien.

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  • I love these! They are beautiful.
    I once had very similar ones, not Celine, though. :)

  • this style was very fashionable in the 90s: i remember at least prada and gucci carrying such styles! :)

    dejun tip bufet

  • ettagirl 22 mars 2016, 3:45 / Répondre


  • Well, well, well… No… Actually, shall I dare say? They are horrible.

  • hahah ! well – I DID ask for you honest opinion :)

  • laurence 22 mars 2016, 4:39 / Répondre

    j’adore qu’elles soient blanches – avec les élastiques noirs c’est top, et elles auront sûrement une super allure quand elles seront un peu usées! par contre les bouts carrés, je ne sais pas… je ne suis pas fan – mais je n’ai jamais aimé ça, même dans les 90s. Du coup je remarque que je suis suuuuuper exigeante sur la forme de mes chaussures, du bout surtout, arrondi mais pas trop, pas carré donc, surtout pas pointu, sauf peut-être pour certaines ballerines, « en forme d’amande » serait ce qui se rapproche le plus de ce que j’aime – enfin il faut voir la forme générale aussi… bref, compliqué!!!

  • What a nice 30’s birthday gift! You are lucky indeed! I LOVE white boots. I think white boots are generally really cool since they stand out in a person’s outfit. I realize they are Celine but I am not loving the square toe, despite the fact that I usually love everything by Celine. They are better than the pointy toe shoes from last season’s collection though. But then again, they ARE Celine…so they are inevitably going to be unexpectedly cool!

  • they’re so cute! they remind me of something Zenon would wear

  • Betty Cadbury 22 mars 2016, 9:55 / Répondre

    Elles sont identiques à des bottes de ski de fond! // Exactly like cross country ski boots!!

  • Why do you have 10 pairs of black boots. I thought we were all conserving for the planet or whatever. Or was that way back on earth day. These boots look weird to me, but so does a lot of Celine. Although I appreciate her ground-breaking designs I would not wear many of them. There is too much endless searching for novelty. I get bored by it.

  • Those afforementioned ten pairs are from the last 7 years – which feels like conserving to me :) I really don’t splurge so often actually – but when I do, I make sure they last!

  • Charikleia 23 mars 2016, 6:46 / Répondre

    I would never buy them, hate the square toe, white reminds me of nurses, etc. etc. But you should enjoy them and wear them with pride!

  • You asked for an honest opinion, so here goes : white + square end = totally not my style…
    Reminds me of Witches, the book by Roald Dahl (witches are recognizable by their square toes).

  • Je ne suis pas fan des chaussures blanches a bouts carre. Un peu trop voyant a mon gout, mais c’est une question de style il faut donc les voir dans un ensemble, « en pied » si je puis dire ! :0))

  • I’m torn with these! On one hand, they’re so mod and cool; on the other, they’re kind of « off. » I have a similar pair–also white, also with the black Chelsea stretch panel on the side, but with a big wooden heel–and I never wear them, since I currently don’t have the legs for skirts (which I think these boots really lend themselves to). Dependent on the outfit, I think square-toed boots can be really cool, but it definitely depends. (Please, no cropped flare pants, which is what everyone seems to pair these with–I don’t care if it was on the runways, it literally looks like you’re a Scooby Doo extra who Hulked out of your pants haha.) A miniskirt and sweater would look really good with these, but I think they’re a little harder to wear with pants–a true (non-cropped) flare might look nice! Happy birthday!!!

  • hahaha totally on the Scooby-Doo extra! I’ve only worn them with skirts thus far :)

  • Love it!


  • Ida Rose 23 mars 2016, 2:47 / Répondre

    I consider myself an advocate for ‘ugly’ shoes, so I say they are great ;)

  • mosaic_world 23 mars 2016, 4:24 / Répondre

    I have a love hate relationship with square toes. having a wider foot, I think they are the most comfortable option. but then having read many articles about what is the most flattering toe shape (generally a pointy toe or almond shape), it seems like square toed shoes should be a no-no.

    in terms of looks, I have to admit that I prefer a more pointy toe over a square or even very round toe. it just looks a little more refined. but if you want to stand out, I suppose squared toe is one way to go! I admire the white color.

  • J’aime beaucoup, ça change, c’est cool, et puis c’est Céline :)

  • Maryanne 23 mars 2016, 5:33 / Répondre

    Love them, very cool…

  • I absolutely love them! Quirky, very different from the norm, and if you want to stand out, these will be perfect!
    I think they will look great with shorter length trousers, and cropped but they are to be seen so whenever you wear them make sure they can be :)
    I really think they are fab and I would love a pair!

  • mireille 24 mars 2016, 3:58 / Répondre

    Je n’aime vraiment pas, mais alors VRAIMENT.

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