Club Monaco Flats
10 years ago by

J’étais en quête de la paire de chaussures plates idéale…
J’en avais une super, à bouts pointus que j’ai portée jusqu’à ce que les semelles soient trouées (trop mignon !). Du coup, je voulais les remplacer, mais après avoir checké tous les sites (bon, d’accord, presque tous) j’étais prête à m’avouer vaincue. Jusqu’à ce que je me souvienne de la paire de Club Monaco que Garance avait achetée il y a moment…
Bouts pointus ? Check. Noires ? Check. Alt-attitude ? Check.
Voilà, je ne chercherai pas plus loin. J’espère juste que G ne sera pas trop dégoûtée que je lui pique son style…
I bought mine at Joe Fresh style, they look the same and very comfortable, I really recommend them and they are not expensive, they are not real leather of course.
they look pretty perfect and timeless! :)
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Nice way to pimp out your affiliate links. You could be classy and actually disclose that fact.
Hi Helene, You can read about the affiliate links and how they work with the blog in this post by Garance here:
I find toe cleavage to be an integral part of the perfect flats. Without it, flats can look old-fashioned and generally not quite right. For this reason, I always find a photo of a person actually wearing the shoes is SO important if looking online!
That’s so true.
AGREED 100% !!!!
so cute
giveaway on my blog!
Je crois bien que tu as trouvé le Graal!
Très jolies chaussures !
Très jolies! :)
I bought these flats after seeing them on Garance. Thought they were tres chic and loved wearing them this winter but a few days ago I made the mistake of wearing them in warm weather ….yikes, in less than an hour I had blisters on both feet. You will pay a price for those pointy toes.
Madewell is the best i’ve found and real leather