From the Beauty Closet

Bring it back!

11 years ago by

Le produit de beauté qui disparaît à tout jamais des rayons… On en a tous eu un. On trouve un produit qu’on adore, on vit une relation passionnée, privilégiée, sur le long terme… et tout à coup, il disparaît des rayons.


On en parlait justement au Studio l’autre jour. Garance me montrait un fond de teint L’Oréal qu’elle adorait (avec applicateur roll-on !) et qui n’est plus produit. Mon drame à moi, c’est le rouge à lèvres Sonia Kashuk dans la nuance Sheer Rosebud, quasiment le rouge parfait. Je chéris mon dernier tube.

Et vous ? Vous avez un produit de beauté adoré qui est devenu introuvable ?

PS : Sonia, si tu m’entends, s’il te plaît, ressuscite ce joli rouge !!


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  • Jane with the noisy terrier 29 avril 2013, 12:20 / Répondre

    My friend Francine would always wear just one shade of lipstick when she was dating a boyfriend. When they’d break up, she’d discard the lipstick as well. When she got engaged, she was wearing a particular shade by Prescriptives that months after their engagement, was discontinued. Our mutual friend Jen and I were outlet shopping and came across a Cosmetics Company store, Estee Lauder brands outlet that features lots of discontinued items. Sure enough, we found 12 tubes of Francine’s shade. Problem was, you could only buy 3 per customer so we talked two ladies into buying the remaining tubes and paid them off, drug-deal style, in the parking lot! Must have worked, as Francine and her husband Ethan have been married for 15+ years now!

    I fell hard for Diptyque’s limited edition Eau Mage parfum. I have about 1/2 a bottle left and one still sealed in the box, keeping cool in the fridge!

  • Where is this secret lipstick warehouse? Maybe I can find my Lancome Crushed Rose.

  • CHelcias 29 avril 2013, 2:29

    Cute story!

  • i always miss chanel’s lipstick colours: they are always limited edition :)

  • What a great story!

  • Sandrine 14 mai 2013, 4:49

    Ah ! trop mignon …

  • Les produits solaires Clarins avec leur ancien parfum, celui de mon enfance.
    Je suis accro à ce parfum, du coup j’ai gardé un vieux tube de crème juste pour l’avoir encore un peu…

  • Magali 29 avril 2013, 2:38

    J’ai exactement le même problème, c’était l’odeur des vacances, du sable, du soleil ….

  • Colette 29 avril 2013, 4:57

    Moi aussi… Ma mère m’en tartinait !!

  • +1 team clarins

  • OMG, yes! Three things:

    1. Tom Ford for Estee Lauder Youth Dew Amber Nude Eau de Parfum
    2. YSL Rouge Pur lipstick, #52…Nordstrom found me ONE tube last month!… :) :(
    3. YSL Rouge Pur lipstick, #49…WHY did they stop making this formulation?!!!

  • Hi, both your YSL lipsticks are still available in France :) !

  • raphaele 30 avril 2013, 4:44

    Oh my god, another fan of the Youth Dew Amber Nude ! I bought all the bottles I could find in every stores and every websites, I have like 3 bottles left. Let’s say if I have 60 years left in my life, it means I can use 1 bottle every 20 years, I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it !! PLEASE ESTEE LAUDER TEAM, BRING IT BACK !!!!!!!!!!!

  • Yeah, i.e. The wonderful wonderful smooth (not too heavy, not like the ones by Weleda) body oil lemon gras by Balea. Its a cheap drugstore product. They changed it into an ugly cocos-vanilla-fragrance. GRRR.

    AND in Germany you cannot buy Revlon anymore. So, last time I went to London, I bougth 4 pieces of this wonderful concealer I use since 1990.

  • Anika Zebron 29 avril 2013, 12:25 / Répondre

    For me, it was a simple bottle of Bath & Body’s Fig & Brown Sugar body spray that I loved. Not a fancy product, no, but it was my scent. The line was discontinued…but not before I stocked up on as many bottles as I could get my hands on! My Mom did this for me too, so I now am living off of a shoebox full of Fig & Brown sugar. It will be a sad day when I run out. :D

  • Floris Malmaison perfume. Beautiful carnation scent, been unavailable for a good few years now but I honestly sill miss it daily. x

  • roelien 30 avril 2013, 6:09

    Yes! Floris Malmaison was a unique scent. Amazing that they just let it go.
    Also: Dior lipstick Figue, and of course Pears Soap as it was before the make over…

  • Un blush Fred Farrugia, rouge vif, parfait pour moi tant sur les joues qu’en rouge à lèvre. Quand j’ai su qu’ils arrêtaient la marque, j’en ai pris une dizaine en stock, à -70% ça valait le coup !

  • Oui!! Le vernis « Barcelona Red » de Chanel, un rouge rouille légèrement paillété doré qui a été supprimé il y a 5 ans de cela … Que je regrette!! Mon vernis préféré, évidemment: mon back up est terminé depuis longtemps…
    Et non, le combos rouge+ vernis paillété ne marche pas, ce n’est pas le même effet… :(…
    Coco si vous m’entendez, ressortez-le!!!!!

  • Essaye le Tinsley ou le Mirta de chez Zoya, ça se rapproche !

    Moi c’est le crayon creamy Agnès B au Club des créateurs de Beauté, en rose douceur… Si quelqu’un en a en stock je suis preneuse !

  • Raphaëlle 29 avril 2013, 12:37 / Répondre

    Mon parfum !

    Guerlain, Aqua Allegoria, Pivoine Magnifica.

    Je l’ai porté pendant 7 ans, et depuis un an et demi, j’erre dans les parfumeries à la recherche de mon nouveau parfum A MOI.


  • Pivoine Magnifica Is still available in Italy!

  • Je recherche ce parfum, mon premier parfum de jeune fille, sublimissime de délicatesse, depuis un an aussi, j’en ai déniché un à Paris (une fin de stock, le coup de bol du siècle) mais depuis j’erre comme toi… Je tente de briefer mes amis internationaux histoire qu’ils jettent un coup d’oeil dès qu’ils voient le mot « Guerlain » écrit quelque part … fingers crossed !

  • Le shampoing Nuxe Rêve de miel…. Le drame !

  • Justine 30 avril 2013, 6:09

    Pour moi, c’était le Baume des Familles, de cette même gamme… Une pure merveille, on pouvait l’utiliser pour n’importe quoi ! Je chéris le peu de produit qu’il me reste ! Xoxo

  • I once went all the way to Paris just to stock up on the discontinued everywhere else Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation Nr 0 and Face Fabric Nr 8! Also, Im incredibly annoyed at Chanel for not selling their amazing nail polish Pirate Red anymore:( Mutiny I say!

  • I love buying Chanel makeup in Asia, they has suprisingly a lot of stock and got the Pirate nail polish in Kuala Lumpur! x

  • The entire line of Prescriptives! Please, please, please!

  • Jane with the noisy terrier 29 avril 2013, 3:07

    It’s available online!

  • Mariana (@andpizzazz) 29 avril 2013, 12:48 / Répondre

    The white tea soap of L’Occitane was really delicious, I miss it sooo much!

  • Aww poor thing! Luckily it never happened to me

    Paris-New York Fashion Blog
    The Deep Blue Cory Fashion Blog
    The Deep Blue Cory Facebook Page
    Xoxo Cory

  • Thankful they haven’t discontinued any of my faves.


  • Boots Skin Tonic in Damsel Rose!!! I MISS IT SO MUCH :(

  • LANCOME CRUSHED ROSE. The BEST pink I have ever used. It has disappeared off the face of the earth…..

  • jane with the noisy terrier 29 avril 2013, 3:05

    Jenny, check out Designer Fragrances & Cosmetic Co. (DF&C Co) at 575 5th Ave
    Manhattan, NY 10017 (212) 984-4682 Essentially, it’s a Lancome outlet and you may luck out and find your lippie there. Happy hunting!

  • Le baume a lèvre tartine et chocolat et le parfum grosellina de guerlain !!!

  • Le Feu d’Issy. It’s been discontinued for about ten years, I think, and I’m still so sad and frustrated that it’s gone.

  • rosamunde 29 avril 2013, 1:28 / Répondre

    YES! For me it’s the Guerlain Terracotta Khol in BROWN and the Bobbi Brown foundation with SPF 15 in ALABASTER. It’s even more sad when the product is still being produced but your minority color/shade is the only one that was kicked off the production…

  • Estee Lauder Youth Dew Amber Nude
    Guerlain Shalimar light

    And I’ve tried about a million before finding THE ONE.
    Unfortunately this incredible kohl disappeared along with the full range of Nivea makeup…
    bring it baaaaack !!! pleaaaaase !

  • Such a dilemma ! Two products I was madly in love with disappeared : a Shiseido blush (the perfect blush/foundation/pretty much everything) and my fragrance Paul Smith London.

  • Alexandra 4 mai 2013, 5:37

    Shiseido Powdery Foundation, best powdery foundation ever!!!

  • Not a beauty product however a Versace perfume. That I can´t remember the name of unfortunately.

  • Le parfum Miel et Citron de L’Occitane ): On le trouve maintenat juste au eBay mais c’est a prix d’or et sa deviens de plus en plus rare

  • Anika, you can get BS&F on their website (and it’s cheap!):

    I miss B&BW’s Green Clover and Aloe. It’s the perfect light, springy scent.

  • Bourjois Sweet Kiss lipstick in Rosé alluré.
    I searched for a replacement for months until someone eventually told me it was discontinued. :-(

    I.’m not even sure if it’s red/coral/pink….all I know is that it is the PERFECT shade.
    And it smells like flowers!

  • I loved the old Sunsilk Waves and Curls Frizz Control Cream – it gave me soft, bouncy curls without feeling stiff or sticky. Sadly, they discontinued it (at least where I live), and I have yet to find a replacement that is as good… Any tips welcome! (I live in Europe)

  • Yves St. Laurent « Champagne » Eau de Toilette ( also known as Yvresse). I fell in love it it during secondary school over a decade ago. I found a bottle with my mom and am still keeping it even though it most likely will not smell the same. Loved the bottle, loved the scent.

    I prefer Eau de parfum but that one lasted most o fthe day even amidst lots of activity. Just the right « weight »

  • For me it happened twice… Once when a small Polish cosmetic company was bought by a larger one – after that, they gave up the best bath product EVER – goatmilk powder with rose petals. I was not able to find a substitution so far :(
    I also regret that Sisley discontinued the perfect dark circles concealer. It was.thick, kind of like plasteline, gave perfect coverage and also it made smaller lines disappear. It did cost a fortune, but was efficient and worth it. No substitution for that one, either.

  • L’Eau de Parfum et l’Eau de Toilette Jean-Charles de Castelbajac!
    Je fais sans mais pour l’eau de parfum je renifle la colle Cleopatra et pour l’eau de toilette, des feuilles de tomates, ça ne peut plus durer! ha ha

  • Katherine 29 avril 2013, 2:18 / Répondre

    I hate it when this happens!!! I find L’occitane to be the worst. Every year they discontinue an excellent line or product and replace it with something sub-par. I REALLY miss the red rice line, grape line and the immortelle foaming face wash.

  • C’est marrant de voir un article qui mentionne le fond de teint roll-on parce que ma sœur l’avaut acheté et je le trouvais génial (hyper couvrant, teinte parfaite, facile à appliquer et qui tient). Quand j’ai voulu l’acheter moi aussi… il n’existait plus ! Et ce week-end, j’ai glissé un « si tu mets plus ton fond de teint roll-on, je le veux bien » ! Bingo !!

  • Ha, I love Loreal too. They have some perfect product for skin. Have a nice day.

  • I know it’s not a discontinued brand, but no store around me sells Klorane products anymore! I love their dry shampoo, and was a little bit sad to learn that Sephora and Ulta (near me, anyways) don’t sell it anymore. I know that I can buy it online at a few places, but it’s a bit sad that I can’t find it nearby anymore!

  • we have plenty of Klorane (shampoos and body) in Australia! where do you live? x

  • Benedicte 29 avril 2013, 2:38 / Répondre

    Un vernis Essie (enuf something), couleur parfaite ; bon, là, j’ai survécu ; un parfum acheté aux Pays bas, marque obscure dont je n’ai jamais retrouvé la trace même sur Internet, j’ai gardé un fond à sniffer de temps en temps, et dernièrement une bougie Muji « lime basil » qu’ils ne font plus et je crois que c’est ce qui va me manquer le plus. Là je viens de tomber raide dingue de la ligne olfactive Fig Fiction de Other Stories ; j’hésite à faire un stock, parce que si ils la suppriment ça sera un drame….

  • Essie Enuf is enuf – it’s back! Came out with the Spring/Summer 2013 collection in London

  • For me, it’s my perfume: Issey Miyake Le feau light. I got my two last bottles in Tokyo six years ago, snif! I’ve found others… but none of them smells that good! Double snif!

  • 1- Bliss Smoother – the best body mask ever made. I found 4 jars in Australia
    2- Lancôme Lip pencil bois de rose
    3- Shalimar eau Light
    4- Clarins Baume Après Soleil Anti-Moustiques
    5- Anais Anais lipstick
    6- Clarins lisptick Gloss 104
    And last but not least: Magic de Céline Perfume. I still have a small bottle and a bottle of deodorant. Céline need to bring it back!!

  • Oh, there is one.. It’s fragrance actually – Chris 1947 Dior. I loved it so much, i had three bottles of it. But it was limited edition and doesn’t exist anymore. Though it will always stay in my heart )

  • Yes, I do. I love my Dove 5Elements Day cream and now it’s gone out of nowhere. Problem is I;m allergic to most of the day creams so I don’t know what to do now…xx

  • Charlotte 29 avril 2013, 3:10 / Répondre

    When my Yves Saint Laurent, yes Yves, was discontinued. It hurt. It really did. (same as the change of name…terrible).

  • Essie Smooth Trick cuticle oil (in the perfect blue squeeze tube).

    Please come back !

  • L’eau de toilette « Chloé Innocence » de Chloé, avec un très joli flacon, sortie dans les années 90, qui a disparu sans explication dans les années 2000…
    Et une série limitée de vernis à ongles de Chanel, transparents mais colorés, rouge et fushia, très frais. Mais j’ai trouvé un équivalent récemment chez Muji !

  • John Frieda Beach Blond Ocean Waves – the only sea salt spray that would give my dead straight hair that realistic beach wave look!

  • A shower gel by Nivea which had a « thing » to massage your body and tone it. I tried to stock it, but then I couldn’t find it anywhere…

  • Such a cute story, you’re a lovely friend.

  • Mine is Stila Plumping Lip Glaze. It’s the only one that stays on my lips for hours. But of course they discontinued it. Then there’s a non plumping variety of the same product, but that one sucks. Bought the lip glaze in bulk on ebay and still have about 10 left.. Don’t know what I will do whenever I run out!!

  • …mine is a discontinued perfume (at least here in europe)… the original Envy by Gucci, my most loved perfume of all times… by now it appears I have purchased every last bottle stocked in my hometown. :-(
    pleaseeeee bring it back. It was a masterpiece!

  • Chanel made a fragrance called Une Fleur De Chanel and I REALLY miss it!

  • L’occitane red rice! What are they thinking!

  • Le Feu d’Issey. THE scent, most amazing one ever. There is a « light » verion of it now, but it’s completely different and lost its magic.

    I remember once on a tram, a girl came in and she smelt of it. I wanted to offer her buying the bottle, but it would be just so.. gross? So I didn’t. You can still buy it sometimes on ebay, but the prices are ridiculous.

  • Yes! I was so sad to find that Le Feu d’Issy had been continued. The only thing I’ve smelled that was remotely like it was, weirdly, a perfume by Jessica Simpson. I didn’t like it as much, but there was something about it that reminded me of Le Feu.

  • Dolce & Gabbana’s Sicily perfume! It just disappeared from all stores suddenly!

  • ~Anything by Prescriptives! Esp the compact powder foundation with SPF.

  • Le feu d’issey ! Je vois que je ne suis pas la seule, pourvu qu on nous lise !

  • My lovely powdery, distinctive Helmut Lang perfum! Found one one line eventually that was sent at great expense from Hong Kong! Original, in the correct box etc, but I daren’t use it in case I drop and smash it!

  • Rouge à lèvres bourjois « cerise noire » (alors que le vernis, lui, est toujours dispo, que c’est une tuerie, un intransférable confortable avant l’heure, et … et…. tout et tout)… et qui ne se dévisse plus que pour les grandes occasions…
    le mascara cils à cils marron bourjois aussi…
    la poudre de soleil arcancil dans son boitier marron à la guerlain…
    Je vois que je ne cite que des trucs « pas cher », enfin peu chers. Quand c’est un bon produit et qu’en plus on l’a trouvé en drugstore, on ne veut pas qu’il disparaisse.

  • Lauren Wintrous 29 avril 2013, 4:28 / Répondre

    Bring back my beloved Mimosa cologne by Calypso.
    Hoarding the last few drops!

  • Le Dix de Balenciaga, the perfume of my grandma And my mum, I really loved it!

  • Les colorations Diacolor gelées de L’Oreal ! Je mélangeais du châtain foncé et du cendré et ma couleur de cheveux était parfaite. Un véritable produit de beauté ! Facile à appliquer toute seule ! Je n’ai toujours pas trouvé d’équivalent depuis un an.
    Please L’Oreal bring it back !!!

  • Tout simplement le labello à la cerise mat et légèrement rouge sur les lèvres. Maintenant il n’existe que dans le version scintillante…

  • Camila 11 mai 2013, 5:39

    I agree with Flore, because here in Argentina the labello cherry, the original, doesn´t exist anymore!!! It was the one for me, cause the lips seems so natural, it was a balm with a touch of color, and it was very cheap for the results…

  • Le mascara Coup de Théatre de Bourgeois
    L’eau de toilette Grosellina de Guerlain
    Le crayon à lèvres Tuile de Chanel

    … I miss them so much !

  • leticia Scala 29 avril 2013, 5:04 / Répondre

    Kiehl’s Gardenia Bath and Shower Liquid Body Cleanser

  • for me, it’s prada’s l’eau ambrée body cream…not the lotion, but the body cream…in a jar, with the most perfect velvety texture that there ever was! it also worked extremely well…loved it…now it is gone forever…i spend a lot of time trying different products to replace it…going on 3 years and i still don’t have anything that i love as much as that…

    even tried to have family in europe look for it and send it to me…!!! i miss it so!

  • À vrai dire, je viens tout juste (22 ans il était temps) de commencer à prendre soin de ma peau. Juste une crème hydratante, mais c’était une véritable quête du produit parfait (Imperialis de Lush). Comme cette crème est géniale, je comprends désormais l’inquiétude que l’on peut avoir lorsqu’un produit cosmétique que l’on affectionne disparaît, ça devient une habitude et les habitudes rassurent.

    Hier j’étais chez Claus ;)

  • NARS pussycat cheek / lip tint.. the best thing ever! it just made you look a little flush, super natural, healthy cheeks. I will forever miss it.

  • Chez moi, c’est le shampooing klorane au henné reflets auburn. Maintenant j’en utilise un autre de Klorane mais celui là était encore mieux et il sentait si bon :(

  • Egalement un parfum Guerlin, Aqua Allegoria mais « Groselina » !

  • Moi c’est l’odeur du « Felce Azzura », un savon italien souvenir de mon enfance. Heureusement pour moi, il existe maintenant en plusieurs variations dont un adoucissant pour le linge. Quand je lave mes affaires avec et surtout mes draps de lit, je m’endors comme un bébé.

  • I live in constant fear that the Sonia Kasuh’s hidden agenda concealer palette would be discontinued. I just wouldn’t know what to do with my 3 minute make up routine in the superearly mornings!

  • Rachel 30 avril 2013, 5:42

    I too fear this! My Target was out last time I went in to buy it and I almost had a hissy fit in the store (okay not really, but you get the idea.) Bought one of her stick concealers and the cover girl/ olay stick as well but neither even close to lived up. Thanks god they restocked a few days later… I should probably stock up now that I’m thinking about it. Or at least re purchase before I completely run out next time.

  • Le parfum Palazzo de Fendi, le drame de ma vie !
    Il sentait le frais, le propre, on s’allait bien tous les deux !

  • charlene 30 avril 2013, 5:11

    same here, le fendi palazzo mon parfum préféré de tous les temps! c’est déjà tellement difficile de trouver SON parfum, mais alors le trouver quand il n’est plus fabriqué…

  • Oui ! Le rouge à lèvres Chantal Thomass pour nivéa beauté > la couleur capucine était parfaite, entre le rouge et l’orange, flashy mais mate. J’arrive au bout de mon dernier tube argh.

  • I am missing Tendre Poison By Christian Dior For Women. Also, it is really annoying when they change formulas of cream etc (usually the new formula is not as good as the old one, so it is like a discontinued product). For example, HydraQuench (cooling) Cream-Gel by Clarins.

  • d.j.v. beautenizer fiberwig (the old formula)

  • Shiseido Inoui perfume. :…. (

  • This illustration is so elegant and lovely, Garance, especially the way you did the bottles.

    And unfortunately I have too many beloved discontinued products to mention. I’m a redhead so I especially miss my auburn eye brow pencil by Maybelline.

  • Ooh.. yes yes… mine is a mascara, Maybelline’s Illegal Lengths.



  • Stella McCartney *stella* roll-on deodorant.
    It smells much better than the fragrance
    They discontinued it. : ( I bought 6 bottles, and I am on the last one.
    SO sad….
    Please bring it back!!! I promise to buy all of them! : )

  • Kiss My Face tinted moisturizer! It was oil free, natural, spf, and no animal testing. Made your skin glow!

  • C’est fou , ce qui revient toujours et qui nous manque à toutes , c’est le parfum d’un produit et non forcemment son effet ou sa formule. L’odeur, c’est vraiment ce qui crée la complicité avec le produit et nous rappelle tout plein de souvenirs. :)

  • Chanel, PLEASE bring back Pro Lumiere!!!!!!!!!!!

  • A Shiseido coverstick that made all my blemishes disappear like magic! I’ve tried anything from Yves Saint Laurent to Clinique, Chanel, Bobbi Brown, MAC.. pffftt you name it, I’ve tried it, but I haven’t been able to find a suitable replacement for my beloved Shiseido coverstick!

  • have you tried Shu Uemura’s Nobara stick?

  • genevieve durand 30 avril 2013, 4:27 / Répondre

    disparu le divin parfum WRAPPINS de CLINIQUE.

  • carlita 4 juin 2013, 11:40

    pour répondre à Geneviève Durand, concernant la disparition du parfum WRAPPINGS de Clinique, je lui signale qu’en effet, on ne le trouve plus dans les parfumeries depuis fin des années 90, mais qu’ elle peut le trouver en coffret, avec le lait hydratant,vendu sur le site internet, en petite contenance.
    Moi aussi, je l’ai regretté quand il a disparu des parfumeries.
    Je réponds tard à ce commentaire, et j’espère que Geneviève reviendra consulter cet article, et lira mon commentaire.

  • Lizgeecee 1 janvier 2014, 6:54

    You can get it from the Clinique website @Christmastime

  • Aveda all the chakra line and specially creativity, also a shampoo Aveda is my beloved line but they discontinue product a lot so sad…

  • oh my gosh, forget beauty products. i HATE when i find the perfect bra and that gets discontinued. now i buy three of each color (black, nude, white) for my every day bra’s and store them. lolll.

  • Oh I know the feeling. What am I going to wear ? Artisan Parfumeur stopped my perfume « Tea for two » ! Any idea for something similar ?

  • Spicebomb is pretty similar! Not quite as smoky, but definitely in the same ballpark.

  • Hi Carine,
    I have two full bottles of this perfume and I nerver wear it. Do you want them ?
    I’m a perfum addict but I made a mistake and my bottles are sleeping in the darkness of my cupboard.
    If they could make you happy, I would be too.
    I live in France (nobody’s perfect :) but I can send them to you.
    If you’re interested let me know :

    see you !

  • For me it is a holiday chanel palette from the late 2000’s. Perfect colors, consistency, staying power; a perfect basic palette with just that extra little bit of depth and interest you can only get from the high end brands. If I had known how much I would use it I would have bought 100 at the time, though considering that its chanel I would probably still be paying off that credit card bill. Still, so worth it. Alas…

  • Eleftheria 30 avril 2013, 5:35 / Répondre

    If perfume counts..Le Feu D’Issey (plz plz plz bring it back!).
    Kiehl’s Super Thick Volumizer, the only thing that made my frizzy curlyish hair daily commented with admiration (thankfully I have tracked down the remaining 5 bottles in Greece).
    The perfect brownish loose eye shadow from Pupa..the list could go on..

  • sandripera 30 avril 2013, 5:46 / Répondre

    Navy mascara l’oreal, please!

  • Avon Lipstick in 24k ORANGE, line discontinued so is the shade. It was wonderfully sheer, moisted and… just orange in tint. Perfect for summer, made my teeth look brighter… It is a crime AVON !!!

  • Clémence 30 avril 2013, 6:07 / Répondre

    Le baume à lèvres Similitude, une jolie teinte rosée poudrée

  • emporio Armani White for her/him, the fragrances in the white tube. A best seller discontinued out of no reason. why that, Giorgio?
    The last one I got was from the RED Campaign.

  • Julia 5 mai 2013, 1:29

    Indeed I do miss that Armani Perfum so much…still half a bottle left!!Most sexiest perfume ever..recieved compliments all the time when wearing it!!

  • BlinkyTheFish 30 avril 2013, 7:19 / Répondre

    Kerastase nacre nutri-sculpt wax!! It was a light, reflective, moisturising, end-softening wax that was amazing! Actually Kerastase discontinued a bunch of good stuff. They had this line in a blue-green packaging with the best conditioner EVER. All gone!

  • I would like to buy again my favorite lip plumping therapy: Lip Fusion XL at Sephora but seems to be out of stock everywhere in the world! No one else works the same…help!

  • I fell in love with the La Praire marine biology day/night solution that’s since been replaced with another product. Its to this day, the only lotion I’ve used that doesn’t clog up my pores. I wish I’d stocked up more!

    x karen

  • Oooooh oui hélas!
    -l’huile pour le corps à l’andiroba de Natura Brasil (je me rabat sur l’huile de douche triphasée)
    -le parfum au flacon jaune épicé « les belles » de Nina Ricci
    – le gommage café/citron de Harnn
    – le parfum de Castelbajac
    bring them back!

  • Losing a perfume is what scares me the most. It’s so unfair when you find what you think is going to be your signature scent and then have it discontinued a couple of years later. I’ve been there and yes, I did stock up for a decade. Honestly.

  • Le fond de teint liquide Benefit, j’etais bien triste quand ils l’ont arrete! POURQUOI? il etait parfait, aussi bien en texture qu’en couleur. Bring it back!

  • Sadly missing:
    – Clarins Eau Dynamisante Satin Finish Body Oil (about 1teaspoon left and too afraid to use it)
    – Chanel’s Limited Edition Nail polish in Gold Fiction (the perfect gold!)
    – L’Occitane’s Eau de toilette in ‘The’ ( last seen several years ago and like nothing they’ve produced since).

  • Justine 1 mai 2013, 5:10

    Me too the satine oil of Clarins !!!!

  • Oh..the Lancome Aquafusion Fluid. It’s oh-so-light and moisturizing on my skin.. Unfortunately they discontinued it already.

  • Love this post! My go to product was Shiseido’s Lasting Lift Mascara. It was the only mascara that worked for my super-straight (i.e., Asian) lashes. I died a little on the inside when I found out it was discontinued and I have yet to find a suitable replacement :(

  • Hypnotic Poison l’Elixir…

  • Stila are currently discontinuing my illuminating foundation and I’m very sad about this. They have completely stopped supplying it in America and you can still get a limited supply in Europe but soon it will be totally gone :(

  • I’m seriously missing Clarins’ cream deodorant — it was the best! When I found out it was being discontinued I stocked up, but eventually ran out. Saddest day ever. Now I use Khiels, but I’m always on the lookout in case they’ll magically decide to bring the Clarins version back.

  • LE fond de teint PARFAIT : Unifiance Fluide MAT de La Roche Posay… Je l’avais adopté depuis au moins 8 ans, et il a disparu cet hiver, sans que je puisse être au courant et faire des stocks!
    Bring it Back !!

  • LAetitia 25 octobre 2013, 9:09

    Idem… as-tu trouvé un équivalent depuis ? je désespère…

  • princesse 14 janvier 2015, 9:38

    la gamme Tolériane de la Roche Posay s’en approche…mais c’est pas encore ça.

  • Véronique 30 avril 2013, 11:26 / Répondre

    Rien de très glamour, mais ô combien précieux : la crème Radiacure Suractivée. La crème parfaite que m’avait conseillée ma grand-mère pour les peaux mixtes et deshydratées (très deshydratées) et sensibles. Pas chère, en pharmacie, ultra efficace pour une peau parfaite et veloutée.
    Le labo (du même nom) a disparu et j’en pleure encore. Jamais retrouvé d’équivalent.

  • Yes!! I want my Nivea tinted red lip balm back (the old formula) . The new is goes on way too slick and has glitter in it. The old formula was great, that literally stains your lips and was hydrating at the same time. It was the perfect lip balm. I wore it through high school. Even Clinique’s chubby sticks don’t quite match up.
    I love your beauty column, Alex! Keep it up!

  • Soin Hydratant Teinté Be Beautiful de Nivea Visage Young, bon ce n’est pas de la grande marque, mais aucune BB crème est à la hauteur de cette crème teinté, elle me manque vraiment …

  • I remember three:
    – the foundation EQUALIZER from Estée Lauder
    – the perfume Loulou (Cacharel)
    – the perfume Action (Trussardi)

  • Hi Alex,

    So with all the comments you can see a lot of people are pissed off with the discontinuation of certain products. Which makes me wonder why the manufacturer would discontinue if the customers will still buy – or is is just a few people that like a specific product? In any case my favorite perfume called « Dreams » by Ana Sui is discontinued. I wouldn’t mind but too many people have commented on how good it smells on me. I’m sure I wasn’t the ONLY ONE buying it. The last time I found it online but for how long? Then they discontinued (in CANADA) a liquid blush by « byTerry » called rose de rose made out of crushed rose petals so I ended up buying it at Barney’s in Beverly Hills. Oh well….with all the stuff out there you’d think we can find a replacement but alas…….some simply don’t compare.

    Inspirations: photography, life, food, style, design, product reviews, health, quotes+

  • I was completely distraught when Floris stopped making their Wild Hyacinth scent. I have written to them asking if they would consider making it again, but the answer is no, sadly. I had more compliments on that scent than any other I have ever worn, complete strangers coming up to me to ask me about it. Just the simple scent of a single wild flower, but it was so pure and beautiful and strangely, although it was only eau de toilette, the smell of the scent on my skin lasted more than any perfume strength scent. I miss it so.

  • My first even Chanel eyeshadow quattro. It had the most perfect taupe colour that I’ve never been able to find again anywhere.

    That said, I think that with the multitude of brands and collections nowadays it’s not so difficult anymore to find a good replacement or a ‘dupe’ of a colour, especially lipstick.

  • I checked it and it was quad nr. 77 Influences.

    I particularly miss the brownish grey shade Willow. Have never found a shade quite like it, despite efforts to look for a dupe…

  • Kiehls had the perfect mascara in the perfect brown-black color…

  • Hello I was to nuxe’s I’ve seen prodigieux indice 30 Face I m afraid…..what a shame !

  • Chanel Beauté Initiale moisturizer and Maybelline full n’ soft mascara!!!

  • The hot wax Zip it which I « discovered » 15 years ago in NY. For awhile I could find it via Amazon and have it shipped to London. It was the perfect wax, in a tube, eradicating even the smallest hair. Sadly the formula has changed and the perfect grip is gone.

  • manda_renee 30 avril 2013, 4:43 / Répondre

    John Frieda Sea Salt Beach waves spray (smelled like coconut and didn’t leave my curly hair frizzy or sticky)…and Marc Jacobs Blush perfume, warm with an amber scent and my perfect evening scent. I mourn their loss often and ebay/ outlet searches have been fruitless :( alas, everything changes!

  • Prada Shielding Lip Balm Tint !

  • La Roche Posay Unifiance Concealer it was for me. I was literally looking like a zombie until I finally found out that MAC s concealer will do as well. Haha.

  • Imperial Body Balm chez Kiehl’s et l’huile de bain Sakura de Shu Uemura vous me manquez!

  • beaucoup de jolis produits:
    1- fard à paupières MAC femme noir, c’était une tuerie pour moi
    2- rouge à lèvres Bourjois docteur glamour , dans la teinte framboise
    3- Bourjois ombre stretch
    4- Garnier masque capillaire à la feuille de pêcher et au noix, c’était le masque qui rendait mes cheveux doux et bien nourris

  • Je me souviens de cet ombre de Bourjois! C’était trop bien!!! A l’époque j’étais étudiante et c’était un peu trop cher donc je l’ai jamais acheté mais j’y ai souvent douté…

  • Magdalena 30 avril 2013, 8:43 / Répondre

    I am still mourning first Gucci Eau de Parfume. Irreplaceable. Never found anything close enough.

  • Mine was Get out of Hair from Bliss… now they have Fuzz off but it isn’t the same….

  • Aaah I still miss the Dior Puré Light Foundation that was discontinued in like 2008. It was perfection in a bottle; so light, so fresh looking and the shade ivory #01 was my perfect skin tone match. Everyone use to ask me about it. And then one Day: Gone. I bought every bottle I could find. And since then I’ve been looking for something similar. It seems impossible. So each morning I blend Another ivory foundation (a bit too dark and not light enough) + a tiny drop of white foundation + a liquid primer/highlighter + daycream SPF 50 (Kiehls is the best) togethef and voila: It’s almost exactly like my dear Dior Pure Light. ;)

  • amy serpa 1 mai 2013, 12:49 / Répondre

    oh god YES-

    Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely body lotion…tears were shed
    MAC Santiago Red matte lipstick-WHY would you discontinue a RED lipstick-madness
    Benefit Lip Plump…used for 15 years and it’s gone baby gone

  • L’EXTRAORDINAIRE « Shampoing aux céréales de JF Lazartigue » gaine les cheveux et leur donne corps et tonus, idéal pour les cheveux frisottés … Ça m’a pris deux ans et beaucoup $$$ avant de lui trouver un remplaçant (Fekkai, shampoo Protein Rx).

    La « Crème sans rinçage ELASTO-CURL ». Kérastase avait un produit EXCEPTIONNEL qu’ils ont retiré du marché pour le remplacer par un autre qui ne lui arrive pas à la cheville !

  • Elizabeth 1 mai 2013, 4:27 / Répondre

    1. Tom Ford lipstick Moroccan Rouge (between pink & red)
    2. Nars eyeshadow Night Fairy (lilac with a gold shimmer)
    3. Chanel nail varnish Troublant (purple with a green shimmer)
    3. Dior scent Dior Dior
    4. Givenchy mascara bronze vernis (dark green-gold)

    I do sometimes feel as though someone is following me & noting products I like to discontinue them…

    Prescriptives is available again online, even the foundation diagnostic is said to be very good

  • A real nightmare, It has happened once in the past with Contradiction by Calvin Klein (I’m still trying to figure out which is my new « very me » perfume….Now I’m into Bottega Veneta)
    The worst, by the way, is happening right in these days: at Kiehl’s they told me that their amazing defining curl spray is running out of product: nooooooo. I’ve found it just some month ago and it is so much perfect for me, I’m desperate… It was just what I needed: something that can define my curly hair without making them sticky or heavy, I DO NOT WANT to come back to the Kerastase foam ora the the Redken cream!!!
    Any suggestion to make them no to drop it or to find some new fantastic product that fits me?

  • I miss my summer fragrance Aqua Allegoria Lemon Fresca Guerlain. I’m trying to find a similar one.
    I liked his clean and citrus fragrance.

  • Jeannine 1 mai 2013, 9:30 / Répondre

    Ce qui me manque c’est mon parfum Moods de Krizia. J’en trouve plus.
    Le pire de mes ‘panique produit disparu’ concerne le baume après soleil ‘balsamic effect’ d’Ecran. Une amie venant d’Italie m’en a procuré un nouveau il y a deux ans, puisqu’il était introuvable aux Pays Bas. Il m’en reste encore pour un été ou deux. Je n’ai jaimais trouvé un produit comparable, ça soulage vraiment les coups de soleil (et comme je suis rousse….). Depuis peu j’ai trouvé une droguerie en ligne qui le vend (halleluja!).

  • Various shades of eye shadow from the Body shop. Too bad. But I have a different problem: some of the products I’ve been using for years stopped working. Like my favourite deodorant (nothing special, Dove, but the smell became ‘me’). It doesn’t work anymore! So now I’m stuck with a few bottles. Same thing happened with a face cream that suddenly made my skin feel itchy. My friends told me this has happened to them as well (esp. with deodorant). Very annoying!

  • Féminité du bois de Shiseido, le parfum de ma maman, ma madeleine de proust …

  • hvitveis 1 mai 2013, 12:29 / Répondre

    Birmane eau de perfum Van Cleef & Arpels


  • The old Benefit lipglosses! There was the perfect pinky peach colour that I wore all the time, and the formulation was so creamy, not sticky. So sad :( And my Mother used to wear Givenchy Trois Eau de Parfum, she would love me if I could find it again!

  • Clinique Simply Perfume. Just a soft, beautiful scent. I am not sure why it discontinued. Whenever I have it on, I am asked every time what fragrance am I wearing.

  • Lansky Remy 1 mai 2013, 4:38 / Répondre

    Miss Dior Chérie n’est plus produit… C’est que Miss Dior mais ce n’est pas la même odeur. C’était mon parfum sophisté et chic… enfin pour moi! Maintenant, mon nouveau parfum sophisté et chic c’est Chanel Mademoiselle. Je l’aime vraiment beaucoup! Sinon pour les autres produits de beauté je change de façon continuel. Et je ne ne suis pas une femme qui achète 1000 produits de pour la peau ou de maquillage. Je suis assez simpliste à ce niveau. J’ai l’impression si j’achète plusieurs produits je n’aurai jamais le temps de tous les utiliser et j’aime avoir la satisfaction que j’ai terminé un produit, j’en suis presque fière.


  • Justine 1 mai 2013, 5:05 / Répondre

    Mon drame personnel c’est l’huile de la ligne Eau Dynamisante de Clarins. Une pure merveille ! Hé, la dream team de Clarins si vous m’entendez, please please please, ressucitez-la !! La texture est parfaite : 1 huile sèche qui penetre rapidement et hydrate vraiment sans « poisser », ça ne court pas les rues…J’en sais quelque chose, depuis son arrêt, je erre dans les rayons à la recherche d’un équivalent…Allez je croise les doigts !

  • Laurence 10 juillet 2013, 2:04

    oh Justine j’erre également dans les rayons en vain oh désespoir si un jour l’odeur et la texture de cette huile de rêve te ramène à la vie tiens moi au courant

  • I miss the Body Shop products from the 90s, when they still felt very ecological and home made, you could also buy the products in different sizes and get refills. I hardly buy anything from the Body Shop anymore, it feels much more industrial and less environmental friendly these days. Plus, there are so many other ‘eco’ labels around these days.

  • Summer by Kenzo, MY perfume :'(

  • Chanel eye pencil in Violet Smoke! I have green eyes and it goes perfectly with them. I think it’s only available in the US now? I have to buy it over the internet at great expense – and even then I think once or twice I might have been sold a fake one.

    Please bring it back to the UK Chanel!

  • Mon parfum Sicily de Dolce Gabbana qui a simplement disparu de la surface de la terre il etait absolument PARFAIT une odeur fraiche et il tenait des heures!!
    Et le seul Khôl qui m’allait etait celui de chez Guerlain dans la teinte marron qu’ils ont stoppés comme un rouge de chez Chanel entre le vieux rose et le bordeaux qui etait superbe !

  • Corinne 2 mai 2013, 2:54 / Répondre

    The fragrances Flora Danica by Royal Copenhagen and Thierry Muglers « Violet » Angel.

  • Les belles de Ricci (the yellow one), and the You Rebel lite from Benefit… :_____(

  • How about bringing back favourite clothing items? Everyone has a favourite T shirt style or for me it’s the bra that fits like it was made for me. I purchased as many as I could find when I discovered that style was being discontinued. The last one is definately looking sad and well worn now. :-(

  • Margarita 3 mai 2013, 4:58 / Répondre

    Les Belles de Ricci by Nina Ricci. Incredible perfume, it smells like freshly picked tomatoes and tomato leaves, so fresh and so earthey at the same time.

    Diorissimo by Dior. Classic and timeless. It’s a signature perfume of my mother. But it’s discontinued in our country.

    Happyderm mosturizer by L’Oreal. It was very nice to my sensitive skin.

  • It’s not a beauty product as such but I reallyreally miss the Miller Harris perfume ‘fleur du matin’. It was my summer scent, and nothing else I’ve tried comes close.

    And if anyone decides to stop making any of the hair stuff I use, I may have a meltdown. Because.

  • Vous avez réussi à transformer ce blog en quelque chose de spécial.

  • I miss my SeSDERMA 50+ face sunscreen (for sensitive skin, with color). It was just perfect for my skin!!!!

  • YSL Rouge Pur #137 Star Red… I will never ever get over it :(((((((

  • Clinique Chiffon eye shadow–when I discovered it had been discontinued, I even bought packages off of Ebay! It’s perfect for my daytime nude lid look. I keep trying other brands for a replacement, and may have found one from Laura Mercier, after a hunt of maybe ten years!

  • It’s not a very well-known brand.. but Chambor Truly Lasting Lipstick in Truly Coral. Perfect muted pink for my lips, delicious smell and buttery soft.
    I have one tube resting in the refrigerator!

  • Fendi Theorema – does this perfume still exist out there… I had it years ago when I lived in Australia and I have never seen it again.

  • Stila Natural Finish Oil Free Foundation. Shade B. I don`t understand why would they discontinue such a great foundation.

  • barbaravasony 12 mai 2013, 2:38 / Répondre

    – Stella McCartney has scent called Sheer. It come out every summer as a limited edition scent, each year a bit different. I love Stella McCartney *sheer 2006*
    I only have a few drop left. The bottle is definitely a keeper, so beautiful.

    – Philosophy has a hot salt body scrub that leaves skin soft as baby’s. my fav scent was amazing grace, but it is no longer available. the new scents are just not doing it for me…too intense

  • Sandrine 14 mai 2013, 4:51 / Répondre

    J’adorais le parfum Fleur de Rocailles de Caron il y a plusieurs années et quand il a cessé d’être produit j’ai été très malheureuse. Il était d’un délicat … Il y a eu une version ‘moderne’ du jus, mais je n’ai pas accroché.

  • Yes!! Gucci original Eau de Parfum, the one from the Tom Ford era, is apparently gone! Its a wonderful scent but it was replaced with a new one with the whole current branding Gucci has, that whole feminine floral vibe. The original one was pure Tom Ford: dark, exotic, dirty and yet polished! I keep my first bottle and managed to get a new one in a small shop in Dijon. Todays Gucci is doing it all wrong!

  • Shiseido Relaxing Fragrance
    Armani White for her
    Manhattan’s grey eyebrow pencil and Manhattan’s eyeshadow in Olive (from my high school days, but these were GREAT make-up products and I hoard that eyebrow pencil!)

    On another note – does ANYONE make a grey eyebrow pencil these days??? When I was looking for a new one (after thinking I had lost my old trusty pencil) the shop ladies were trying to sell me either brown or black. I am sorry, my eyebrow hair is GREY, my hair colour is dirty blonde, there is no way I am going to walk around with brown or black eyebrows….

  • Forest Rain by Kiehl’s and one particular wireless bra from Gap

  • I thought I was the only one wearing MAC santiago anymore! I have found myself going to all of the department store cosmetic counters seeing if any of their colours match mine….crisis…..

  • Pitty ! I am a helmut lang woman fragrance addict and am trying hard to replace it or finding the equivalent fragrance and I do not find it. I am still having an empty bottle which I smell from time to time remembering this exceptional fragrance. Please if somebody know where I can find it I would be soooooo happy!! except these auctions which sell the bottle around 400$ forget about it!

  • All of the original YSL Rouge Pur lipsticks.

  • Sharing the pain! Clinique stopped doing the Eyeshadow duo in Sunburst a few months ago, and I’m happy I had two spare ones – the colours were perfect for my eyes and complexion… sigh…

    *Maiken: yes! I saw one of a French blog, but it is from a US brand! Sorry can’t remember where I saw it or its name…

  • I miss Inoui from shiseido. If anyone know a source………

  • Alejandra 11 avril 2015, 5:36 / Répondre

    I reaallyyyy really miss Coco Mademoiselle douceur satinee pour le corps! Bought my first bottle in Geneva, and didn’t saw another one of it in a really long time. Afterwards I came along a bottle in Houston and I was thrilled!, automatically bought it! But since then haven’t seen it again :-( i really loved how my skin glowed and had a velvety feeling with that product and it smelled wonderfull, it seemed to locked in the fragance on my skin longer and if it was mixed with the eau de parfum or eau de toilett GOSH!! awesome! If ayone knows what happened please tell me? And also there is an oil being featured on webpage on coco madeoiselle part, is it similar to the aforementioned product?

  • Francesca 17 août 2015, 1:26 / Répondre

    J’aimerais retrouver un flacon de Inouï de Shiseido! j’adorais ce parfum quand j’étais ado et je sais que on le fait plus, sur internet je n’ai pas réussi à le retrouver… j’ai acheté un mini échantillon dans un vide grenier à une collectioneuse, mais le peu qui reste a tourné, il un fond très amer qui est bien loin de la fragrance du parfum d’origine…

  • Isabella90 23 août 2015, 4:12 / Répondre

    La Roche Posay Unifiance Satin Cream Foundation – my Holy Grail. Has anyone found something similar? :(

  • Very sad that NUXE discontinued its Eau Prodigieuse. This was a product for hair, and skin, and … everything. It suited me. I loved it. I had no idea of their plans to discontinue or I would have stocked up. I cannot even find it on ebay. And I emailed them about it but they said, « Merci encore pour votre fidélité mais malheureusement nous avons en effet arrêté l’Eau Prodigieuse. Elle ne correspondait plus aux attentes de la majorité d’entre vous, si bien que nous n’en avons plus et que son remplacement à court terme n’est pas envisagé. » Sigh.

    Guerlain also used to do a very glossy lip gloss. I think it was in the Meteorites range. It would have been around 2003.

  • Please, please bring back Gucci Flora Glamorous!

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  • This or That
  • Holiday Gifting
  • Happy Holidays!
  • #AtelierDoréDoes
  • How To...
Silja Danielsen Photo

This Or That: Low Knot or Top Knot

atelier dore this or that summer sandals chunky sandals vs. delicate sandals

This or That / Sandal Edition

This or That: American or Française?

This or That: American or Française?

atelier dore this or that lingerie lace or cotton sex month

This or That / Lingerie Edition

This or That / Blush vs. Bronzer

This or That / Blush vs. Bronzer

This or That: The Beanie

This or That: The Beanie

This or That: Nails

This or That: Nails

This or That

This or That

This Or That

This Or That