Book Update!
8 years ago by

Déjà quatre mois que Love Style Life est sorti (c’est dingue, non ?), alors on vous donne quelques nouvelles (il figure sur la liste des bestsellers du The New York Times !!! Youpi !!!!) et dates de dédicaces !
- La version allemande du livre est sortie, Garance viendra le dédicacer à Berlin – chez The Corner – ce samedi 5 mars à 16 heures.
- Elle fera une nouvelle séance de dédicaces à Paris le lundi 7 mars au Drugstore Publicis des Champs Élysées, de 12 h 30 à 15 h 30.
- A partir du 7 mars, le livre sera également traduit en taïwanais pour nos lecteurs de Taïwan.
- Enfin, il sera aussi disponible en russe à partir du 6 mars.
Vous retrouverez tous les liens pour acheter le livre dans les différentes langues et les infos sur les prochaines dédicaces sur
D’autres dates et langues devraient venir s’ajouter donc n’hésitez pas à consulter les mises à jour ! Et merci à tous pour le super accueil que vous faites au livre !!
It is not called Complex Chinese, it is Traditional Chinese. Also both Hong Kong and Taiwanese readers use this language :)
Love from HK!
Hi there, I thought I’d let you know that Garance wasn’t actually wrong but for some reason the translator translated the word « Taïwanese » used in the French language, to traditional chinese which is, I presume, not what she intended her french to say.
Just thought I’d let you know x
I wish Garance was in Paris in May. I will be there at the end of May to June for my cousin’s wedding and to visit Paris for the first time! Will be eating and exploring all the things.
congrats!! I love your book
Great book!
Congratulations on the success!
I’d love to meet Garance. :)
That would mean travelling for me, of course. :)
Still, you’re welcome to Estonia any time!!!
Je l’ai reçu Aujourd’hui !!!!!
J’ai hâte de le commencer :) :) :)
Thank you! This book is awesome!
Le livre vient tout juste d’arriver au Québec et je me suis empressée d’avoir ma copie. Très beau livre. Garance, suivre ton évolution est très inspirant! De plus, garde tes cheveux courts, c’est beaucoup plus joli et personnalisé. Félicitations pour le beau travail!
I thought there was going to be another signing in NY? I’ve been waiting to buy the book :/
I love your book! <3
Yaaaaaay, I’m so happy it will finally be available in Russian!! Asking for it as a gift for Women’s Day :p
Is it or, will it ever be, translated into italian?
ehm ehm….Spanish?
Yay, it is here in Germany! I walked into the bookstore today actually for a nice reading book for my kids for this afternoon and came out with a present for meat well – Garance Dore Book! So good to spoil myself now and then, been on the couch with this book and a hot tea…love it!
I am reading right now about the part of opening up as a blogger in front of stranger…and I am sinking deep into the thoughts about it for my own blogging experience…I still don’t dare to do so, but reading about your experience inspires me to try one day. Thank you for the inspiration!
Valerie /
Hi. It said to select your country but Canada would not come up. Do you know if G will be coming to Vancouver?
Hi Debbie,
We don’t have anything schedule in Vancouver at this time but will definitely be sure to announce should we add a signing there!
x Emily