Bonterra Vineyard
6 years ago by

Avec l’âge, j’investis de plus en plus d’argent dans les choses importantes. Les soins pour la peau, la nourriture, le vin… des trucs d’adulte, quoi. Je me targue d’être une consommatrice semi-responsable (je fais de mon mieux !) et je privilégie quand je peux les petites marques locales et durables. Ce qui explique mon coup de foudre pour Bonterra dès que mes lèvres sont entrées en contact avec leur Merlot (j’adore le vin). En plus d’être absolument divin, il est bio (toujours gagnant !) et la marque propose un Club des vins, le seul vrai club dont j’ai envie de faire partie… Et alors, un Club des vins, concrètement, c’est quoi ? Un colis trimestriel de quatre bouteilles, soit en général entre 65 et 80 $ par envoi… Arrêtez de poser des questions. Je plaisante, mais allez jeter un œil sur le site de Bonterra… et longue vie au vin bio, délicieux et accessible !
I’ve always treated tea like my « wine » and never really understand all the buzz surrounding wine sipping until my husband and I went to a winery in South Carolina. The wine was so delicious that my husband and I wanted to join the wine club but feared the wine would taste different by the time it got back to us in Texas. It was then that I realized that people enjoy wine just the same way that I’ve always enjoyed tea!
I’m always trying to learn about wine now that I have so behind in my knowledge but happily I have bloggers like yourself, friends who have wineries in their homes and plenty of wine glasses… ;-)!!
Thank you for sharing this bit of information!
Love Bonterra wine and yes the struggle is real in trying to find organic, sustainable wine that also taste great. Fantastic post! Love following you!
Happy Holidays!
Em & Barbie
According to the new research, the has many benefits. It is very useful for stomach, liver, and heart. It is also very useful to reduce weight. I also know wine delivers cardiovascular benefits that raise your good cholesterol and thin out your blood
Hello,…According to the new research, the has many benefits. It is very useful for stomach, liver, and heart. It is also very useful to reduce weight. I also know wine delivers cardiovascular benefits that raise your good cholesterol and thin out your blood