
Biking in the City

10 years ago by

Biking in the City

Faire du vélo à NY, ça s’apprend

…. En fait, depuis que j’ai failli vomir dans un taxi en arrivant à NY, j’ai décidé de pédaler plutôt que de subir leur conduite erratique, même si ça veut dire que j’ai aussi dû apprendre à slalomer entre les piétons qui font à peu près tout et n’importe quoi.

Mais maintenant que j’ai choppé le truc, j’adore ça ! Je crois que je suis amoureuse de mon vélo.

Ici*, je peux tout faire à vélo : aller au boulot, au cinéma, au resto, aux puces ! A la Neue Gallery. Et même chez Barney’s. La semaine dernière, le printemps a enfin fait son apparition et depuis, mon vélo me remercie tous les jours (sauf ces satanés jours de pluie).

C’est à la fois super détendant et excitant de faire du vélo en ville. Et puis, c’est aussi un bon plan pour mater « Tiens, des mecs mignon en terrasse… ah, je crois que je vais devoir m’arrêter au feu pour me recoiffer, non ? » En plus, on tombe forcément sur quelqu’un à vélo qu’on connaît, et ça finit par une bonne petite tchatche…

Bref, faire du vélo à NY, c’est comme une soirée en mieux puisqu’on n’a pas besoin de la prévoir des mois à l’avance. Et puis, petite cerise sur le gâteau : faire du vélo, c’est aussi du sport ! Par ici, les belles jambes pour l’été !

*Je viens de Californie et là-bas, on trimballe toute sa vie à l’arrière de sa voiture (une serviette de plage parce qu’en Californie, la plage n’est jamais loin, des sneakers, des snacks, un CD de Cranberries, des fringues pour sortir, un coupe-vent, des bouteilles d’eau…)


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  • I agree, riding a bike in the city is just the best! It’s so liberating and you really notice the things that you wouldn’t otherwise :)!


  • the picture is wonderful: the yellow set off by the dark background! :)


  • I love bike riding too! But can we talk about the challenges–helmet or no helmet? If you do wear a helmet, what about helmet hair? Dresses and skirts? I sometimes wear little bike shorts under dresses, early 90s style :) Have you seen the inflatable collar helmet?!

  • I love biking, I just think it is SO dangerous to bike in NY… So many of my friends had severe accidents.. No thanks! At least not on a daily base.

  • C’est chouette le vélo et on en fait beaucoup aussi à Strasbourg ;) Ca embellit le quotidien et tu profites du soleil tout le journée – et tu fais du cardio!

  • I really agree. I have one but in place that I live it is not easy to ride. Hm.

  • I really like it, unfortunately the city where I’m studing is full of climbs o.O really bad!

    How to wear a FOULARD/SCARF tutorial on lowbudget-lowcost Fashion Blog

  • HA!! — “Oh, hey cute boys hanging outside the coffee shop, oh did I just hit a red light and have to stop for a minute while I fix my hair?”

  • I have not rode a bike since I was a kid I wonder if I even remember how? One thing I always think of of those of you who ride in the city is it not hard with people everywhere? I would be afraid of running everyone over.

  • Haha, can’t support those post enough being a Dutchie. Even though my bike takes me everywhere and has done so for the biggest part of my life, I would be scared to take it for a ride in NYC .. sounds like a challenge! But yes, the danger never outweighs the positive sides :D

    X STYLONYM http://www.stylonym.blogspot.com

  • Le vélo, ça concilie liberté de mouvement, écologie (pas de Co2, pas d’électricité) et jolie fesses (si si, avec la pratique, ça fait effet !). Sauf les jours de pluie, comme tu dis ! Je ne me suis pas encore résolue à adopter le look poncho hollandais et guêtres waterproof pour en faire tous les jours de l’année.

    Au passage, pourrais-je connaître le modèle de ce super vélo ? Le mien est en bout de course alors je fais de repérage… D’avance, merci ! :)

  • Hi Chloe! This is called a Tokyo Bike – made in Japan!

  • I enjoy riding my bike so much but…what about the outfits along with it?? That ALWAYS gives me a headache! Do a post with your suggestions concerning riding…wardrobe…PLEASEEEEEEEE!


  • You can ride your bike to Barneys, not Barney’s.

  • Biking is a good thing! Also completely stylish. Maybe the Dutch have set the trend since bikes are basically an epidemic there. Brooklyn and bikes go together so well now.
    Your Friend, Jess

  • I loved it!
    I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:


  • I love bike too in the City!
    Take a look @ my blog



  • Cycling is my favorite mode of transport and so I’ve had to adjust my wardrobe around it:
    –no more flares/baby bells: they can get stuck in the bike (unless you belt them in, which I refuse to do); only skinny pants
    –mini skirts only work with tights + a winter coat to hide it
    –pencil skits and dresses: don’t work! (unless you can hike them way up and hide it under your coat)
    –any type of shoe works, unless the sole is sliperry; surprising how many are, which you notice when your foot keeps slipping off the petal
    –any at all handbag is OK if it goes in your bike basket (unless you are afraid it will get ruined by the rain, but you can always put it in another bag to protect it)

    And you CAN cycle in the rain! I do it all the time, it’s not that big of a deal. I’ve even cycled in a hail storm, ouch. Yeah, your hair gets wet, but for me that doesn’t matter as I always air dry my hair anyway and don’t use styling products.

    For days when I am very glam or wearing special clothes for work I skip the bike, however, as it’s too risky to ruin the clothes (or it might be that I’m wearing a shape of skirt that doesn’t work well on the bike.) When I lived in Geneva I cycled to and from work and I was always so impressed with the men on their bikes in their gorgeous bankers suits….so dreamy but I worried I would ruin my suits and took public transport when I needed to wear them, which at the time wasn’t every single day.

    You could always change upon arrival BUT–wrinkles. It’s true that when I really need to look my best, I skip the bike. A shame. But I still cycle almost daily.

  • When I was in New York, I was completely astounded by the amount of people riding their bicycles! The cars drive so recklessly and the pedestrians walk out across the street whenever they please. It must take a lot of courage to be able to ride your bike in the streets of New York. Kudos to you, definitely glad to hear of someone who thinks differently from me!


  • You’re absolutely right, riding a bike is one of the best things in the world!

  • Oh and–to add to my personal adjustments list–you can’t have a « hairstyle » on a bike. I almost always wear my hair long and loose, but if I need it coiffed, like to a cocktail event or to give a super important presentation, I can’t cycle, the wind will destroy it. Long loose hair though, the wind makes it even better.

  • Shout out to the Cranberries.

  • When I lived in Denmark and Amsterdam, I LOVED cycling everywhere. My favourite time was cycling to work in Amsterdam at 7am, when the city was totally silent. I live in London now and would never dream of cycling to work from North London to The City. Too much traffic and pollution. Also – yes your legs get totally toned, but after cycling all the time, my old (non-cycling) clothes didn’t fit so well because of all my newly built-up high muscles!!

    Cycling in a city is totally NOT relaxing and there is no time to look for boys because I am always looking for cars/roadblocks/pedestrians/etc…

  • I bike and I run so much that now, when I walk places I get mildly irritated by how slow and inefficient it is in comparison. And I used to think I was a fast walker too! Haha.

  • Ok, I don’t know how to bike but I’d like to learn. Wish I could bike anywhere!

  • Mais le gros problème c’est : comment rester classe avec un horrible casque de vélo sur la tête ??!!!

  • natalie 23 avril 2014, 12:41

    a helmet is an absolute must especially if you’re biking in the city (you have to protect your most important asset: your brain!!!). I find that wearing a Bern helmet or similar doesn’t mess up my hair too much because it sort of cocoons my head if that makes sense. If you want to style you hair when you get there, just pull off your helmet, spritz salt spray a few times, shake and walk it off! you’ll always look a little tousled coming off of the bike, so enhance it, embrace it, and own it :)

  • MY GIRL! I started to use bike more often than just for a weekend outing when I lived in Oslo. The city has a very reasonable net of city bikes, very convenient. After I came back to my home city and started working I got my own bike to commute and never looked back. I use it every day. Neither rain, nor snow can stop me. But spring is definitely the best time for cyclists. You no longer look like an alpinist covered in dozens of layers to protect you from the wind (I actually use ski gloves and a ski mask to cover my hands and face when commuting in winter). Instead you can cycle graciously admiring the trees, flowers or boys, if you like :)

  • Brie, Garance I need some help!
    I am going for work to San Diego at the end of june. One week of conferences and networking and I have no clue about what to wear. Seriously? I guess I need to look good for interacting with people but it needs also to be easy and I don’t want to end-up sweaty and crumpled and what about the evening away from work?
    Any help welcome with pictures, link…

  • Super post!
    Je suis aussi une inconditionnelle du vélo. Le seul hic, c’est de savoir jongler avec les variations de temps. Ça serait chouette une petite page pinterest su comment rester chic en pédalant! Bisous

  • Good to know since I’ll be in NY next week! ;)

  • Enorme le vélo à NY j’en rêve moi même venant de la côte d’azur, mais y a t’il beaucoup d’aménagements cyclables uniquement destinés aux vélos ?

    Ps: bonne drague aux feux ^^

  • That’s true–as Sarka mentioned, I’ve « outgrown » some of my clothes due to daily cycling (looser in waist, tighter in thighs and hips.) But it’s OK, b/c I like the physical change; you can’t put a price on a hot ass ;-)

  • Brie- Any tips for riding safely in the city?

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