From the Beauty Closet

Beach Wave Dreams

11 years ago by

Moi, j’ai les cheveux raides. Genre ultra-méga raides…

Même séchés à l’air libre, ils sont raides (oui, je sais, je sais, mais on veut toujours ce qu’on ne peut pas avoir, non ?)…Et ils restent là, sur mes épaules, l’air tout… raides.

L’été, je suis encore plus déprimée quand je vois ces nanas aux somptueuses chevelures ondulées se balader avec leur boyfriend super mignon (oui, je sais, le boy-friend = rien à voir), du coup, je me retrouve à essayer tous les produits qui me tombent sous la main dans l’espoir d’avoir les mêmes ondulations de rêve (la faute à Blue Crush et Kate Bosworth !).

J’ai essayé à peu près tous les sprays à l’eau de mer, certains ont marché (où es-tu, John Frieda Beach Blonde Ocean Waves ? Encore un produit génial qui a disparu…), d’autres ont failli marcher, et les derniers ont juste laissé dans mes cheveux un parfum de noix de coco. Emily a vraiment trouvé son Graal avec le shampoing Bumble & Bumble Surf et depuis, elle arbore des ondulations à la Kate Bosworth en permanence (pfffff, injuste.).

Alors, s’il vous plaît, aidez la pauvre fille aux baguettes obsédée par les cheveux des surfeuses et si vous avez des secrets pour accéder à l’ondulation parfaite, lâchez-vous !


Ajouter le votre
  • Pourquoi ne pas aller à la plage régulièrement se remplir une bonbonne d’eau de mer à se pschiter sur les cheveux après le shampoing le matin ? :) C’est ce que je fais (et j’ai les cheveux ultra méga raides aussi…) et ça marche ! Bon, il faut pouvoir aller à la mer régulièrement pour puiser le saint graal évidemment ^^’

  • True that beach waves look stunning!

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  • Julia 7 août 2013, 3:56

    To those who say just go hang out in the sea to get this effect- even people who live somewhat near the water may not have time to do this, or the water near them might be totally gross. You guys are super lucky!

    I have a lot of Asian super fine, straight hair that doesn’t even take a perm well. But with Kevin Murphy salt spray (better than bumble and bumble imo), and Oribe dry shampoo, I can get a tousled body-full look I want for a few hours. Esp effective if I keep my hair up in a bun mostly and then take it down specifically for high impact moments. Not the most convenient, but it’ll do until someone comes up with a magical solution for high impact waves.

  • it sounds good. but i think nothing looks like the real thing! :)

  • Nate Johnson 7 août 2013, 11:20 / Répondre

    Here is a vogue tutorial I found. Hope it works!

  • I guess I am confused, or I don’t know any better, but this is what my hair loos like when I just dry it with the blow dryer, and i think it looks too messy, no? a bit less « wild » would be better, and i think to get it like the in picture above, wavy but not messy, without the sea:

    My tip:
    I dry it almost completely with a brush, so it is more or less straight. Then I apply (any) hair mousse , then twist it and fix it loosely with a such a an old style big hair clip in the back of my head. this is key, not to tight, not too loose, and the correct amount of twists, empirical testing required. Then have breakfast, read this blog ;), get dressed and do the makeup. This is the time when the hair is as dry as it should be, so remove the clip and bike to work, medium speed, 15 min without helmet (i know, not good) and et voila, beach hair :D this works for me!

  • I french braid my hair the night before (one down the middle or two) and sleep in it!! Spray with whatever product you like in the morning and after a few minutes undo it. HAS to work!

  • Try the Wool shake from Redken, here in France there’s a mega buzz about this product.
    A lot of people made videos about it and it seems brilliant even on straight hair!!

  • I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM!…and it is very annoying. I was about to chop off my hair because it was no use getting wavy, BUT I discovered a method that has urged me to keep my hair long.
    I just do a side braid as soon as I get out of the shower. My hair is thick, so the effect isn’t so crimp-y. The downside is that I leave my hair in a braid for a few hours. So when I want to rock the beach waves, I know I have to take a shower the day before.

    Your Friend, Jess

  • Maggie Hogan 7 août 2013, 11:57 / Répondre

    My hair is also very straight and heavy, so I max out the sea salt products. I think that Lush makes the best line because they balance sea salt with avocado oils so that it doesn’t dry your hair out. The best are the BIG shampoo and conditioner, and the Sea Spray. Volume+wave= beach hair heaven!

  • If you’ve never tried Kevin Murphy’s Hair Resort Spray — it’s an Australian brand — I’d love to send you some. I work on the US PR team and I might be a wee bit biased…but it’s amazing :)

  • Jane with the noisy terrier 7 août 2013, 12:25 / Répondre

    I have almost as curly as Garance hair but I wear it straight most of the time. When I want that beachy look, I use Oribe Surf Spray. Really good and it doesn’t dry out your hair like some salt-based sprays.

  • My hair is mostly straight with a tiny bit of wave. I have several surf sprays but honestly, the product that does the best job of coaxing waves and texture without the crunch is Dove Nourishing Curls Whipped Cream Mousse. Added bonus–it’s like $5 at the drugstore.

  • I live by the sea and I use seawater to wash my hair. I know for a lot of people it sounds crazy, but it is super healthy, stimulates growth and I achieve nice salty beach-hair. Now I know that this is unachievable in New York but Bumble and Bumble texturizing spray is pretty good too.

  • Have you tried Lush’s sea salt spray? Works well for me but my hair has a bit of wave to begin with. Another product I like is Malin and Goetz sage styling creme, it kind of does the same « adding texture » thing and smells heavenly. And if we’re talking beyond products, i’m a huge proponent of steam curlers! A little bit more of an involved process but if you put your hair in the curlers first thing in the morning and then go about your routine it usually works out. Let us know if you find THE ONE! :)

  • Hélène 7 août 2013, 1:41 / Répondre

    Sur cheveux mouillés et essorés, appliquer un peu d’huile d’argan sur les pointes, les relever en « bun » non serré. Attendre au soleil. Lacher. Le tour est joué ;-)

  • Hi Alex, try the Sulfate free, Silicon free and Paraben free shampoo from Kiehl’s (Superbly Smoothing Argan Shampoo). Most important to get curles is, to use a shampoo which is Sulfate free, no Sulfate, more curls ;-) It really works for me, although I have some natural curling anyway, it enhances the curls very much and I guess it would even do something to a girls with veeeeery straight hair, wish you good luck. xxx

  • I also have straight hair and there 2 ways I create beachy waves:
    1. After washing, I sometimes (not always) use Bumble and bumble texture hair undressing cream (provides great, non tacky hold), blow dry just the roots for volume, use dry shampoo at the top for texture and then twist and wrap (damp) hair into a ballerina bun on the top of my head. After a couple hours (or, even better, at the end of the day), take out the bun and voila, waves! No brushing, combing, or hairspray needed.
    2. On dry hair: dry shampoo for some texture and hold, salt spray- any will do (Bumble and bumble surf spray is my favorite), then same method with a twisty ballerina bun. The waves will have more texture than my other method.
    It takes a lot of effort to look effortless!

  • Hi Alex!

    I just started using Bumble & Bumble Semisumo hair pomade, and I love it. Rub just a tiny bit on your fingers and spread it throughout your hair. Then take strands of hair and twist them away from the face, You can bobby pin these or use hair clips to keep them in place. Leave for 30 minutes or so. When you let your hair out, you’ll have beachy waves!


  • Elizabeth 7 août 2013, 2:39 / Répondre

    I have ultra straight, fine hair that responds well to both the high-end Oribe Apres Beach spray (amazing) and the low-end Not Your Mother’s beach salt spray. I also follow the product with some sporadic curling with a wand.

  • Hey Alex. First, I have to back up Kates comment about Kevin Murphy products – have been using his washes, rinses and styling products for a few years, and because they’re really difficult to find in Germany, I get them shipped in at a premium. That should speak volumes! And from one dead straight chick to another, here’s what I’ve recently learnt: over use products. Yes, more than one. Seriously, enough product to make you wonder why you washed your hair in the first place. Better yet, don’t wash. Just sleep on it. This is our only way

  • Ah! I loved that John Freida beach spray. It was so good and I have been mourning it for a while. I’ve fallen for a new brand of beach spray that finally comes close–it’s Not Your Mother’s Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray. It gives great texture, smells delightful, and it’s sold at CVS. I definitely recommend it!

  • C’est loin de me concerner car mes cheveux sont plutot du type Ina Modja mais j’ai des amies qui se font un shampoing avant d’aller au lit, font une tresse francaise pour dormir et défont leurs cheveux au reveil et ca marche! Bonne chance!

  • Digital perm! It’s the best and it lasts 6 months (going from super curly to tousled by the end of the perm). Just make sure you do the Asian digital perm, not a regular perm.

  • carole 7 août 2013, 6:41

    i agree i am a hairdresser and that would work for her

  • I was told one time by a hairdresser that I have « impressively straight » hair. I’ve found that the best way for me to get the messy beach waves is to wash it at night, put some leave-in conditioner and go to bed with it wet! In the morning I just spray some of the John Frieda’s volume hairspray (best hairspray ever!) and go on my way. It seems to help keep it from being totally flat against my head. I also throw it into a bun on top of my head (w/a pencil to keep it in place) while I’m on the computer or bored and when I take it down, it has some body and waves…for a few moments.

  • mon coiffeur m’a conseillé le spray eau de mer Davines, aux racines uniquement !! et youpla ! mon coiffeur est un génie ! il fait aussi le blond de surfeuse !

  • If you truly have no natural wave (even when hair is wet) then you will need to layer on the styling products. Wash hair with a thickening or volumizing formula. Maybe even use a thickening conditioner. Spray hair with a styling prep. I like Bumble and Bumble prep. Try drying your hair with a diffuser and lean over while you scrunch sections of your hair in the end of the diffuser. Next, use a wave spray and work it into your hair by scrunching sections. I like Shu Uemura Mineral Fabric spray. Oribe Beach spray is also really great.
    If you want smoother waves like Gisele, skip the diffuser and just dry, use curling iron to create waves, comb hair with fingers and then use Oribe spray to set. You can find loads of video tutorials on YouTube that demo the curling iron technique for creating waves.

  • Have a shower and then soak in an epsom salts bath, including your head for at least half an hour. Do not rinse your hair. Do not comb. Allow to air dry, incompletely. While still slightly damp create a rough plait/chignon at the back of your head and allow to completely dry. Sleep in it. Works beautifully for my straight hair and the epsom salts bath is a wonderfully relaxing antidote for product junkies.

  • I’ve tried EVERY sea salt spray and texturizer out there. I also desperately missed John Frieda Beach Blonde Ocean Waves UNTIL I met Davines No. 14 Sea Salt Primer for Wizards. I swear by it, and can no longer live without it. The best technique using that product is to spray it on damp, towel dried hair, scrunch and tousle a bit, then blow dry upside-down on Med/Low speed – too high can straighten out your hair – then flip after a couple mins when your hair is mostly dry at the ROOTS… ends can still be damp. The volumized roots will keep the ends separated out and let them wave up as you casually scrunch/tousle here and there. Sounds complicated, but honest to goodness, I’m completely uncoordinated with hair maneuvering and this takes less than 5 minutes from the moment I step out of the shower. Good luck! xx

  • This sounds AMAZING!!! I am also desperate by my straight hair and surely will try your tricks! Just have to found this Davines miracle. Thanks for the tip!

  • three blocks from the river 7 août 2013, 9:31 / Répondre

    I’m a curly girl myself so it isn’t my issue but in my summer reading of beauty blogs, have come across a number of recipes for do it yourself sea salt spray. They seem to use either regular sea salt, himalayan pink salt (? I think it has a lot of minerals) and/or epsom salts. The basic recipe is salt, water, conditioner or oil and some kind of hair gel. There are tutorials on youtube and recipes on blogs. You mix it up and spray it on. Hope that inspires you. Good Luck.

  • Je n’échangerais pour rien au monde mes boucles contre des baguettes ;) Tu as des cheveux parfaits Garance, tu as de bonnes raisons de les adorer ** Belle journée !

  • Hey girl,
    Check this out…
    May be this help you out….

  • omg yes john frieda!!!! why did they discontinue that product?! when you find a replacement please let me know.

  • Alexandra 8 août 2013, 4:16 / Répondre

    Use a volumising shampoo and conditioner then apply a light spray of any sea salt product.
    Dry off hair with a hairdryer but without using a brush.
    Then I use a hair curler – Phillips Cate CurlControl. Section hair in to large sections and wrap each section around the curler for 10seconds. When all sections are done, brush through with a brush or I like to use a Tangle Teezer.

  • Start surfing !!!

  • J’avais exactement le même problème que toi au début d’année, quand j’ai coupé mes cheveux ils sont devenus si soyeux et raides (bien sûre je n’avais plus de pointes cassées) que je n’arrivais même pas à les friser au fer. Ce que j’ai fait c’est une permanente avec de grosse boucles. Au début mes cheveux étaient un peu comme ceux de Carrie Bradshaw, son fameux petit bob qu’elle arborait chez Vogue puis peu à peu le lavage séchage (et lissage parce qu’évidemment maintenant que j’avais les cheveux frisés, ils me le fallaient lisse) les ont fait devenir tout simplement ondulés wavy. Ma permanente a duré plus de 6 mois car mes cheveux ont vraiment bien pris. Aujourd’hui, je les lave, les sèche soit à l’air libre, soit au fer et le résultat est fabuleux!
    J’espère t’avoir aidé ;)

  • Anonymous 8 août 2013, 7:21 / Répondre

    i would kill for straight hair. it’s pretty cool that you have a problem and then get to poll the world for the answer! xx love you guys.

  • Enfin quelqu’un qui comprend mon désarroi face à la disparition de « Ocean Waves » de John Frieda des rayons avec sa formule bi-phasée à secouer avant utilisation…mais pourquoi ??? Depuis j’en ai essayé 1000 mais aucun ne lui arrive à la cheville.

  • Alex, I am totally with you…super straight hair that won’t do anything…this is what (kind of) works for me…(all Bumble and Bumble btw)…shampoo only (no conditioner) seaweed shampoo, comb with wide tooth comb, then Bb. texture creme onto damp hair, mess it up a bit, tip head upside down and blow dry, then finish with a few squirts of surf spray. Also putting your hair into a bun when it is still wet and leave to dry (perhaps if you need waves for the evening time, or can be done at night) with the same products also works. My hair definitely isn’t as poker straight after all this, but I still get proper beach hair envy :)

  • J’ai le même problème que toi ma chère Alex et pour y remédier je fais une demi natte (une natte qui commence au milieu de la queue de cheval) et je laisse mes cheveux sécher comme ça! Ou bien pour que ça fasse plus « star on the beach », j’utilise mon fer à lisser et je me débrouille pour créer des « waves » comme on dit, ensuite je met un peu de volumateur sur les racines tout en les ébourrifant avec les doigts puis le tour est joué! Une vraie surfeuse d’Honolulu quoi!

    D’ailleurs, c’est une très bonne idée d’article! Je commence dès maintenant à écrire mon prochain post pour expliquer comment avoir une chevelure de surfeuse.

    Merci quand même Alex, et j’espère avoir aidé!

    Pour ceux qui veulent, c’est ici:

  • I have super straight hair as well, have tried every beach spray on the market and mine normally ends up feeling even more limp, straight and completely lifeless after the first hour…. The « best » yet though (with the most tolerable scent) is Alterna Bamboo Boho Waves Texture Mist. Spray it in your hair while damp, then put it in a low, simple bun for an hour or two then unravel.

  • Je suis coréenne, donc je pense que per-sonne ne peut avoir les cheveux aussi naturellement raides que moi! Mais l’été, j’ai trouvé une combinaison de produits qui me donne :
    1/ du volume
    2/ de la texture
    3/ des très légères ondulations!!!

    Sur cheveux mouillés :
    1/ mousse volume (bamboo volume weightless whipped mousse)
    2/ puis le woolshake de Redken, que je répartis sur toute la chevelure
    3/ et enfin, le curls rock amplifier de TIGI CatwalkCurlesque collection, que je mets et chauffe dans mes mains, et je répartis le produit surtout sur les longueurs

    Ensuite, je sèche les cheveux au chève cheveux avec un diffuseur, tête en bas et voilààààà!

  • Bonjour! Alors je suis comme toi, mais j’ai trouvé une solution : la permanente. Honnêtement, j’avais des baguettes et j’ai fait deux permanentes sur environ 1 an et j’ai mes beach waves sans le moindre effort. Il faut quand même bien entretenir les cheveux et ne pas trop les brosser bien sûr, mais c’est tout. Du coup, alors qu’elle est presque entièrement partie, il me reste quelques ondulations que ma coiffeuse a mises en valeur avec un dégradé, tout ça pour dire qu’on en profite super longtemps en plus.

  • Kevin Murphy’s Hair Resort spray or gel works well on my super straight hair.

  • Rag your hair; there’s some tutorials on-line you can watch to show you the technique.

  • Really like the fact that you are not only giving styling lessons but also dare asking for advice.

    My hair are pretty wavy stylish all year long and I am dying for staight hair!

    Anyway missing jonh’s magical spray badly too. We should petition someday.

    I am using the 3 min miracle mask (Ausie shampoo’s) on dry hair all day long on vacation. At the end of the day all you want is some sticky, etangled hair. It works and its good for ’em

    Take care

  • Constance 8 août 2013, 12:13 / Répondre

    I would kill for hair that dries totally straight. Count yourself lucky. ;)

  • I either use himalayan salt (they sell it in the form of a soap) or I salt the water (4 or 5 tbs in a cup). I leave it in my hair and don? use the hair dryer (my hair are soft). Works perfectly without unnecesary chemistry.

  • I have the same problem with my hair: Stick. Freaking. Straight. So what I do is mist my damp hair with B.B. surf spray, pull it up and divide into two sections, one on top and the other closer to my neck, and twist into two loose buns. Blast it with a hairdryer or sleep on it overnight, take it down and viola! beachy waves

  • Hi Alex,

    I have super straight hair too. However, my trick is simple, no beach spray required.
    After towel drying my hair, I put a small amount of volumizing mousse at the roots, then spray with small amount of moroccan oil, and finish it off with a tiny bit of texturing paste. It’s messy and sexy!

  • aaaaaah je ne suis pas la seule a être complètement obnubilée par les cheveux des surfeuse !!! Quand tu as parlé de Blue Crush j’ai eu un sourire jusqu’au oreilles …!
    Moi le seul remède que j’ai, c’est de se faire un chignon vite fait, les cheveux légèrement humides, et une heure après, t’es la reine des cheveux ondulés façon « je viens de faire du surf je ne me préoccupe pas de mes ondulations » ;)
    Après c’est sur que les ondulations sont pas super contrôlées tu peux avoir des truc étranges…

    Merci pour le post ;)

  • I don’t have stick straight hair, but I have unruly hair, and this helps shape waves in my hair. I wash it at night so it air dries while I sleep. Then when I get up, I French braid it while I do my makeup and get dressed. Then I let the braid out and spray some sea salt spray (I think it’s Not Your Mother’s, though I am sure any other would work). The braiding just really helps get the beach wave kinks in your hair. Hope this helps!

  • sandrichka 8 août 2013, 4:11 / Répondre

    Bumble & Bumble’s Surf shampoo and creme rinse have changed my fine, pin-straight hair into someone else’s hair, and that’s a good thing! I wear it super short but i get an amazing amount of texture from it. I have to say the B&B Surf spray leaves my hair too crunchy. I much prefer Shu Uemura’s Liquid Fabric for added texture without that stiff feel.

  • Il semble que j’ai les mêmes cheveux que toi. J’ai tout essayé, après 30 minutes…plat.
    Tout ce qui a fonctionné à date c’est malheureusement la permanente fait avec de gros rouleaux.
    Quand les cheveux sont mouillés ça frise pas mal mais séchés à l’air libre : miracle! des ondulations légères, du volume, le look je viens de passer la journée à la plage, yéé!!!. Par contre la permanente pour que ça ait l’air naturel il faut prendre des petites mèches pour chaque rouleau, c’est long mais ça vaut la peine!

  • J.Crew’s Lavett and Chin Texturizing Spray. No crunch, no grease, no chunks, no tangles, no frizz (unless you’re going for bed head — then tease). Just full body and beachy waves like you’ve never seen. It changed my hair from a lame disappointment to one of my favorite features, and all I have to do is towel dry and spray on the top and comb through, then air dry. I have superfine hair and not a lot of it… how much natural wave it has depends on where I’m at (straight in the desert, frizzy in humidity). This does the trick no matter where I am. Also, I can’t use any of the silicon or Moroccan oil products because I break out every time. Perfection without zits! Good luck.

  • Japanese digital perm! I have super straight hair that does nothing, even if i have it in a bun all day the wave falls out after half an hour. Now I get a digital perm at a japanese salon and its amazing, absolutely love it. It gives me a perfect wave that i can easily keep straight if i want to, or tousled/curly just depending on how I dry it. (It naturally dries wavy now). It also doesn’t destroy your hair so you can get repeat perms!

  • Le plus simple, le moins toxique et le moins cher : faire une tresse pour la nuit (et même une tresse africaine, comme ça les ondulations sont sur toute la longueur), ou un chignon enroulé très haut sur le crâne, attaché avec un élastique : très belles ondulations assurées ! ;)

  • Essaie le spray au sel de TIGI, ça donne un résultat honorable sur des baguettes de tambour!!! Bonne chance

  • Le spray curvaceous wind up de chez redken est parfait et très efficace il agit sur cheveux humides et sec.

  • I love Oribe surfcomber texturizing mousse

  • Pureology just came out with a color-safe, salt free beach waves spray: Sea Kissed Texturizer. Love it & it smells so good.

  • I was apartment sitting recently and noticed that my hair was beachy wavy more than usual right out of the shower. Like, I actually didn’t bother detangling/combing my hair and just let it air dry and put a teeny bit of Oribe Surfcomber mousse in when it was mostly dry and I was astounded by now wavy my hair was. It was all due to the water softener they tend to use on older apartment buildings with old pipes. My bf said there’s a lot of salt in it too. On previous visits I would find that my shampoo wasn’t performing as it should and I was wondering why. After blow drying my hair actually felt flat and a bit greasy as if not all the shampoo had been rinsed out. But conversely, the soft water and air drying resulted in the best waves ever.

  • Bb de la Branche 19 août 2013, 6:05 / Répondre

    Merciii Alex pour ce poste. Mon dieu j’ai exactement les mêmes cheveux que toi, et c’est la méga loose! Tout essayé , le volume s’en va en 1h et les ondulations en 2h… youpi. Les seuls moments où j’ai des ondulations c’est quand mes cheveux sèches après m’être baignée… dans de l’eau de mer évidemment.

    Donc merci, je note avec toi tous ces conseils et je vais tenter certains sprays (pke les coiffures avant de dormir… non merci)!

    Et dire que certaines copines aux ondulations de surfeuses rêvent de mes cheveux… on est quand même sacrément cinglées nous, les filles.


  • Pauline P 21 août 2013, 6:42 / Répondre

    C’est un peu tard mais je reviens de deux semaines de vacances (et très franchement : vous m’avez trop manquées!!!!!).
    Le secret pour des cheveux curly? J’en ai 2 :
    1. Cheveux mouillés, tu enroules tes cheveux mèches par mèches en anglaise et sèche chaque anglaise plusieurs fois.
    2. Cheveux mouillés, tu enroules ta chevelure en chignon bas et les sèche ou les laisse sécher (souvent je dors avec mon chignon bas pour les avoir curly le lendemain matin).
    TADAAAAAAAAAAaaaa!! Ca marche :) (j’espère que mes explications sont assez claires!)
    Bonne journée les filles.
    Bisous de Normandie :)

  • i concur about the John Frieda discontinued product. it’s like, anytime anything is too good, the man must take it away. boo! i miss it so, i also have straight hair and that spray was the only thing that gave me sumptuous waves, and thus confidence in my late teens/early twenties. it smelled divine, as well. bring it back, John Frieda!

  • philip b. maui wowie is my favorite – it is great for thin hair where bumble & bumble surf spray is too heavy!

  • Salut!
    Je suis dans le même cas que toi et c’est pour ça que je réponds à ton article ^^. Comme toi, j’ai les cheveux raides, quand ils sont mouillés, ils sont raides, et quand ils sèchent, ils sont raides. Je ne connais pas les frisottis quand il pleut, ni les belles anglaises quand on est à la plage – contrairement à ma soeur… La génétique est injuste.
    Alors, voilà ce que je fais (par contre, ça demande plus de temps…)
    J’utilise un spray d’eau salée (Tony&Guy) mais je pense que n’importe lequel pourra faire l’affaire.
    Je « pshiiite » toute ma chevelure, sans modération. Je veille bien à ce qu’il y ait du spray PARTOUT. Je froisse un peu mes cheveux avec mes doigts, puis je les attache en un chignon très flou: je les enroule sur ma tête de manière assez désordonnée et je les fixe avec un élastique. Au bout de 20 minutes, je détache mes cheveux, ils ont pris le plis du chignon, donc ils sont ondulés, et les ondulations sont fixées par le spray! ;). Et pour être sûre que les boucles tiennent, je les laque. Sur moi, ça marche et le rendu est plutôt bon !
    J’espère t’avoir aidée! :)

  • Very well written, I hope next time can be good, thanks for sharing

  • Hi nice information thank for sharing with us keep it up i get here nice information.

  • This is a great post, thanks for share this useful information.

  • Thanks for sharing this useful post. Keep it up!!

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