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Beach Bum

8 years ago by

Beach Bum

Ce week-end, je suis allée à Rockaway Beach, dans l’Etat de NY.

Comme c’était un long week-end férié, je savais qu’il y aurait plein de monde, mais on ne s’est pas laissé décourager. Après un départ un peu tardif, une erreur de train et 40 dollars d’Uber, on est enfin arrivés sur une plage noire de monde avec une mer couverte d’algues. Toute une aventure, c’est le moins qu’on puisse dire, et même si c’était agréable de paresser dans le sable quelques heures, ça m’a fait penser à toutes ces plages de rêve que je meurs de découvrir un jour…

1. Horseshoe Bay aux Bermudes – rien que pour les couleurs… on a du mal à croire que ça existe vraiment !!

beach bum garance dore photo

2. Capo di Feno en Corse – La ville natale de G. en, mais aussi sa plage préférée, je crois. Et on comprend pourquoi.

beach bum garance dore photo

3. Praia Dona Ana au Portugal – Allez, avouez, c’est celle dont vous rêvez…

beach bum garance dore photo

4. Kauna’ oa Beach en Hawaï – Je me verrais bien passer une semaine (voire plus) là-haut…

beach bum garance dore photo

Et vous, votre plage préférée, c’est où ?


Ajouter le votre
  • So lovely! Looks like a dream <3

  • Amy Conley 5 juillet 2016, 11:50 / Répondre

    Bay of Fires, in my home state of Tasmania, Australia. Seriously. But any beaches here in Tas are amazing and mostly free of other people year round :)

  • Point Addis Victoria on the Great Ocean Road Australia. You walk down the 50-60 steps through the forest in the national park and on to a white sand beach surrounded by red coloured sandstone cliffs. The waves are gentle enough for beginners to learn to stand on their boards, but fun for everyone. Just a few km from the famed surf mecca Bells Beach…. But a million miles away in every other way.
    Water is cold in winter but sublime from January to April.

  • Bordardoué et Donnant à Belle Île en Mer !
    Le climat est moins chaud qu’en Corse mais il fait toujours beau à un moment de la journée et l’eau est froide mais bleu turquoise !

  • Ocean City (Maryland, US) and Lake Tamula (Võru, Estonia).


  • La mienne, c’est celle où a été tourné Le Grand Bleu à Amorgos, en Grèce !!

  • Playa de Levante in Formentera is my favourite. It’s quite close to the very famous Playa de Ses Illetes but it’s less crowded and, in my opinion, way more charming because of its wilderness (sort of), Praia de Boiao in the Algarve because it’s like being inside The Goonies and Spiaggia Fornillo in Positano because it’s secluded amongst the hills and it has all the Italian allure without the tourists.
    However and so that you don’t feel alone in nightmares on the beach: Dühne beach in the North of Germany is a nightmare! And I’ve been there twice! Why? I don’t know… I guess I wanted to give it a second try but… no. It’s simply a no.

  • What are your posts suddenly en Francais in my feed???

  • Natalie 6 juillet 2016, 4:25

    Hi June,

    We have made the domain switch to http://www.GaranceDore.com which caused a few technical difficulties but should be resolved now! Give it a try using the new link :) x Natalie

  • Marzena Trela 6 juillet 2016, 4:53 / Répondre

    Plage Saint Jean – Pianattoli Caldarello Corse :)
    and Lozari – Balagne :)

  • Solastranda near Stavanger, Norway :-)
    True love!

  • Praia da Dona Ana, in the small town of Lagos, used to be beautiful, but unfortunately now it is very different from the photo you posted. Two years ago the local authorities decided to put more sand on the beach in an attempt to stop the erosion, but the fact is the profile of the beach is now very different. But no worries, google Praia do Camilo, also in Lagos, I think it is a good alternative

  • I have around 10 favorite beaches… Every single one of them is in Greece!

  • Natalie, have you ever checked beaches in Croatia? Most of them are undiscovered paradises, with more than 1000 islands, coast and islands in Croatia are full of wonderfull beaches. Some of them are wild, some of them are with sand, on some of them you can be alone. Real paradise!

  • Natalie 9 juillet 2016, 2:20

    Hi Tijana,

    Croatia sounds beautiful, thank you for the recommendation! x Natalie

  • c’est dans ma ville: fortaleza, brazil!
    natalie, il faut venir ici! <3

  • These r amazing! My fave is in Baska on Krk Island in Croatia :))
    Xo from Poland :)

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