From the Beauty Closet

Au Revoir Dry Skin!

11 years ago by

Difficile de passer outre…

… le changement de météo et la sécheresse cutanée qui s’ensuit. L’année dernière, vous aviez été de très bon conseil quand je vous avais demandé vos conseils de crème hydratante pour peaux sèches, donc à mon tour de vous confier mes trois incontournables depuis que l’hiver s’est installé.

1. Lait-Crème Concentré Embryolisse : Ai-je besoin de le dire ? Ce grand classique des pharmacies ne me quitte plus l’hiver venu (vous vous souvenez qu’Alice conseillait de changer de crème hydratante au fil des saisons ?). C’est doux, non-gras et ça laisse la peau bien hydratée et sans rougeurs.

2. Masque-Crème Hydratant Caudalie : je viens d’en faire un ce week-end pour booster l’hydratation de ma peau, et franchement, ça change tout.

3. Crème pour les mains & Other Stories Rose Revival : Par temps froid, j’ai les mains et les coudes tout secs (j’avoue, j’en deviens presque parano) donc elle m’accompagne partout. J’adore son parfum à la rose (j’aime tout ce qui est à la rose) et sa taille, idéale pour l’emmener partout.

Quel sont vos essentiels beauté de l’hiver?


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  • Alex, tu dois commencer a lire les ingredients: paraffinum liquidum!!!! It’s like wax on your face
    Ciao Miranda

  • i;m currently using a serum from caudalie and a cream by roche posay. i love the combination :)

  • Never use paraffinum liquidum!!!

  • Totally agree with Miranda — you often read that makeup artists love this. I can see why, because it creates a smooth (silicone-y feeling) barrier on your skin. I’d like to see some folks who care about the long-term condition of your skin (longer than a photo shoot) endorse it. Caroline Hirons, who I trust, says no to the mineral oil in it.

  • Embryolisse..heard about on a old post on your site….i was disappointed…sorry

  • HydraMax by Chanel

  • le baume coloré de chez burt’s bees (100% naturel) et les soins eight hours Elizabeth Arden !!!

  • Je este fidéle à ma créme Shiseido depuis des années et varie entre peau séche et peau mixte en fonction des saisons …

    La parenthèse Enchanté

  • – Créme Nutritive Reparatrice Avéne
    – Serum Hydratant Avéne
    – Hand Cream and Lip Balm of Karité and honey L’Occitane
    – Monoï and Morinda oil Polysianes

  • Les produits BIO avant tout : Melvita par exemple pour le serum et la crème, et Senteurs du Sud pour le lait démaquillant et le tonique à l’argan…

  • Je conseille, pour le corp à peau seche, Iso-Urea Smoothing Body Milk La Roche Posay, simplemente unique !

  • My skin is terribly dry during the winter months! Great suggestions!

  • I’ve sworn by Clarins over the past couple of years, I started with the HydraQuench Cream for very dry skin/cold climates (recently discontinued) which really relieved my dryness and balanced my skin out. I’ve since moved on to their Daily Energizer as my skin is more on the normal side of the spectrum but if I do have a flair up of dryness I find that Eucerin’s Replenishing Face Cream works wonders. I’m really tempted to try Embryolisse but its hard to find in the UK.

  • I slather myself in organic jojoba oil all winter. It really works. I swear it helps keep shininess at bay too!

  • Gosh I love &other stories rose revival scent. Seriously it is the best scent ever created and I bought the whole rose range. Since my childhood I was looking for this exact scent of rose and no brand whatsoever could deliver… But now… I am so happy and it is great that they have no a thicker hand cream in a tube…have to get that!

  • I bought Embryolisse hoping to fall in love with it. It didn’t happen. It didn’t do anything for me, sorry….

  • As it’s still in the 80’s F here in S. Cal, I haven’t had the dry skin yet. I have normal-oily skin on my face, so year round I use products for this skin type, basically. I do switch to a creamy cleanser though on the face rather than a gel cleanser when it really turns colder. BUT, in the cold weather my legs seems to get the driest and itchiest. I find Nivea body lotion works like a charm. Original Nivea with it’s fabulous scent! I also love anything with a Rose scent, Nuxe products have several products for the face with a delightful rose scent. A micellar water and foam cleanser, a toner, and a gel cleanser. Love love them!

    I also think Shiseido Benefiance Wrinkle Resist products are fabulous in the colder climates!!!!

  • I love Embryolisse! It is always in my bag for emergency cases. I use it when I need to clean my make up or when the skin feels dry. And it works perfect as a hand cream! Even during freezing Russian fall/winter. You should try.

  • Je viens de découvrir la marque Erborian et j’adore cette crème + sa très légère odeur de yuzu. A la maison huile musquée à la rose des Andes. Après des années de crème à la rose du Dr Hautschka. Envie de découvrir « Other stories ».

  • J’utilise la crème hydratante Cetaphil, l’huile d’olive 100% vierge & ainsi que l’huile de noix de coco. Il ne faut pas chercher bien loin. Mes produits hydrants sont très simple. Maintenant, je me tiens qu’à cela et à l’année longue. Lorsque je sors de la douche j’enduis mes pieds d’huile d’olive ou l’huile de noix de coco et je mets des chaussettes, même avant de sortir de la maison je fais ça. J’ai commencé à faire ça disons cet été et mes pieds sont toujours et je dis bien toujours hydratés, mes talons sont doux comme tout. :) Pour le moment je ne me dirigerai pas vers d’autres produits. Moins que j’utilise de produit plus ma peau se porte mieux. :)

  • Thank you Alex. I am having a horrible time with dry skin right now. I use to be oily but in the last two years I have become super dry but still have break out usually from dry irritated skin. And my makeup seems to melt off my skin because of it. Uugh when you have a long work day. I will have to try your suggestions.

  • LA Cold Cream d’Avene le dimanche soir en regardant un bon film et mon tube d’homéoplasmine toujours dans le sac pour un hiver sans lèvres gercées!

  • The shea butter handcreams from L’Occitane are wonderful for the cold months, too.

  • There is nothing better for the cold months than Dr Hauschka and Weleda – esp the cold cream by Weleda (definitely NO mineral oil), but also Skin Food, the Everon lip balm as well as the body lotions and hand creams (the one with pomegranate works best for really dry skin). Dr Hauschka has great face creams (the rose cream is a classic) and body lotions as well (I’m currently in love with the almond lotion – smells sooo good), and I like to use the cleansing milk during the cold season instead of anything more soapy that might make my skin even drier.
    I also love to use a DIY scrub with brown sugar, salt (I use less salt in the winter than in the summer) and various oils. It leaves my skin well-nourished and dewy. In general, I mix the oils according to my mood and the season (and also use them for an overnight hair treatment): sometimes, I just use the multi-talented coconut oil or even olive oil bc it’s cheaper, sometimes, I spoil myself and add argan oil or rose hip seed oil. Aloe vera or jojoba are great in the summer, but for the cold months, I prefer almond and sesame. Sesame oil is often used in Ayurveda – it has a warming effect, and who wouldn’t want that now that it’s getting cold outside?

  • Bonjour Alex, je vous conseille d’essayer l’Egyptian Magic ( une sorte d’Eight Hour Cream , complètement naturelle). Ingrédients (que du bon) : Huile d’olive, cire d’abeille, Miel, Pollen, Gelée royale et extrait de propolis!

  • The best for me is -Eight HourCream -Intensive Daily Moisturizer from Elisabeth Arden and Homeoplasmine for Lips . Bisous Alex

  • If you love the scent of roses you should definitely try the Sérénité de Rose Mask from By Terry!

  • I recently discovered the brand: ‘Gerards’ at a make-up workshop , it’s reeeeeeeeeally good, your skin feels as good as new :D ….

  • I use Embryolisse all year round and perfect as a primer and makeup removal. I love Clarins and Chanel body line.

  • Dr. Hauschka rose cream is just perfect for cold weather.

  • All Cream CHANEL.
    It’s perfect for winter.

  • My favourite is La Roche-Posay hydreane (legere for summer and riche for winter).

  • Live Live cream as a base cream during the winter w any cream you use over that. The Live Live soaks right in- it is an incredible barrier and has healing properties. And then the amazing Goe Oil for anywhere else… Both all natural.

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