From the Studio

Ask an Angel

12 years ago by

Demain, Alex va aller bacskstage pendant le tournage du fashion show de Victoria’s Secret …elle va poser plein de questions aux Angels (bon enfin, quelques unes de nos mannequins préférées quoi, Miranda Kerr, Lais Ribiero, Doutzen Kroes).
Vous avez des questions pour elles ?


Ajouter le votre
  • Ask if it hurt when she fell from heaven.

  • i want to find out how they keep in such amazing shape. thanks! :)

  • Stefano 7 novembre 2012, 7:33

    If they are willing to marry me!!

  • OMG please learn Miranda Kerr’s skincare routine!!!!!!

  • There are tons of stories about their diet before the fashion show.. Could you ask them if this is true? (juicing, extreme diet and so on…)

  • Please ask Doutzen about her diet / workout plan! Her body is INSANE!!

  • cecilia / luna del mar 6 novembre 2012, 6:06 / Répondre

    hola garance
    j’aimeirais savoir qu’est-ce qu’elles pensent de boire presque 8 verres de l’eau par jour.
    á la fin, ça fait bien à la peau?
    Et connaitre un petit peu leur routine de exercice.
    bonne chance alex. un bisou garance!

  • Ask them their thoughts on walking in the shoes of the Angels that have gone before!

  • i wanna know if after they became angels they feel prettier than before? if the angels wings magically makes you beautiful.

  • Please ask top secrets for staying beautiful while travelling (dehydrated skin, matte hair etc.) as they must travel often as models, you too Garance. Merci!! xx

  • Ann Kathrin Kubitz 6 novembre 2012, 6:27 / Répondre

    I’d ask for their diet and fitness routine as well!

  • Qu’est ce qu’elles aiment et quel plaisir elles ont dans leur métier en général et dans ce défilé en particulier

  • I’m pregnant and I really want to know their routine to return to their «before baby» body…

  • Yes, the same question for me please!
    How they eat and train while the pregnancy?
    Do they do massages during the pregnancy?
    And then after… How they do to get the belly flat in less than one month???

  • Whats the hardest thing about modeling?

  • J’aimerais TELLEMENT savoir à quoi on pense lors du défiler, sur la passerelle, en sachant que ce show est presque interplanetaire….

    « regard sexy, envoutement, Orlando… »
    « toute ma famille me voit avec des plumes dans le c*** »
     » mes ailes pognent dans le vent »
     » +*^%# que c’est difficile de marcher en culottes improbables de footballeur, talons aiguilles et ailes en forme de but  »

    Ou bien, est-ce que l’on se considère, rendu là, comme intouchable:
    « Ma beauté est universelle, même les extraterrestes me kif »

    J’aimerais vraiment savoir

  • funambulatoire 6 novembre 2012, 7:48 / Répondre

    Combien de couches de fond de teint on leur tartinent sur les fesses avant qu’elles ne défilent.

  • Belle dans son jardin 7 novembre 2012, 9:14

    C’est vrai? ça se passe vraiment comme ça? Du fond de teint sur les fesses??!

  • Aleksandra 6 novembre 2012, 8:45 / Répondre

    could you ask what is the best part of the fashion show? the backstage preparation, the after party or when they are stepping first time into the runway or what is it? and why is it so special? miau xoxo

  • fernan Gonzalez 6 novembre 2012, 9:36 / Répondre

    can you please ask mirranda kerr what she thinks of the role of young socialites as fashion brand embassadors and how is diferent the behabiour they display compared to that of models? and which role she thinks is more effective, marketable and accesible for young brands.

  • Please ask them if they ever get tired of traveling so much and what they do when they feel homesick.
    Merci :)

  • How did they learn to use their woman power? Because you know, women are powerful and these girls have lots of it! I imagine it’s hard to stay grounded with all of the attention, yes?


  • ask Doutzen whether she is allowing herself any now or then a stroopwafel (and if not, does she miss it? :))

  • Could you ask them if/how their preparation for the show has changed over the years?

  • Could you ask newbies Cara Delevigne and Jourdan Dunn (and less newbie) Karlie Kloss how it feels to go from high fashion runway to walking around in lingerie and wings for a crowd and television? What do they change about their walk for VS’s show?
    And for all the Angels, why is being an Angel such a big dream for so much models? Does it compare to being the face of another brand, fragrance etc, or is it really different, and why?
    Good luck to Alex (we envy you!!)

    She Wears: Fashion Illustration Blog

  • how does it feel to share the stage with fellow models that used to date your ex boyfriend (read: Adam Levine, Leonardo diCaprio, etc etc)?

  • could you ask how they got rid of postpartum stretch marks?
    on a related note, could you ask them if it is an urban myth that models don’t get stretch marks?

  • Peut-elle demander à Doutzen Kroes comment elle concilie sa vie de maman et sa vie de top model.
    Ses astuces belle peau et beaux seins ;)

  • Mimiesoftly 7 novembre 2012, 4:50 / Répondre

    Quel est le programme de body workout?
    ça me laisse rêveuse…:-)

  • J’aimerais bien connaître toutes les  » transformations  » qu’elles subissent. tout ce qu’on leur met comme maquillage, et de produits dans les cheveux aussi. Se serait intéressant de savoir

    bonne chance à Alex !! bise!

  • Oh évidemment, si Alex pouvait leur demander leur routine et leur régime (surtout ceux de Miranda Kerr et de Doutzen Kroes, perfection), tu ferais des heureuses.

  • I would like to know how Miranda Kerr takes care of her healthy-glowy skin!
    What kind of products does she use? Does she detox, face-massage herself?

    Thank you so much!

  • I’ve always wanted to know if models likes all the thing that they’re wearing at the fashion shows, or they just have to say that they looooove them..:) and, also, what they’re planning to do when they’ll be  »to old » for modeling.

  • How often do they have to wax to have no hair at all on their body?
    and also an « angel » is about « soul and spirit » and not « material »: how do they take care of their soul in the material world they live in?

  • Ask them if they read fashion blogs… :)

  • ce qu’elles pensent de la réelection d’Obama ?

  • I’ve heard a couple of them say they allow themselves to eat anything, in moderate amounts, and I think it’s a great approach. (Strict dieting can be really harmful to health.) So my question would be:

    1) What are your thoughts about dieting? Helpful, harmful?


    2) If you had to summarize your health philosophy in one sentence, what would you say?

  • Ask them about the dichotomy between high fashion runway and print modeling and things like Victoria’s Secret and their thoughts on the fact that beautiful, near perfect bodies like theirs can’t really get hired much during fashion week.

  • Ask about their skincare routine!!

    I’m posting accessories from Los Angeles on my blog!
    Take a look!

  • I wonder if they don’t get tired of being judged, or treated the way they are just because of their looks.
    Except from Doutzen who does a really good job at dance4life. Don’t they feel empty sometimes? Living a life that doesn’t exist?

  • This may be a silly question, but can you ask Doutzen if she will go back to brunette anytime soon? I’ve followed her career for several years now, and she’s getting more and more blonde! Very very beautiful, but I think brunette brings out her features so beautifully. Also, congrats to Doutzen for her success; LOVE LOVE LOVE her! Wish I was going to VS fashion show. XOXO Angels!

  • J’adore le show et l’énergie d’une beauté healthy et glamour. Qu’est ce qui les rend aussi sublime sur ce show?
    Est qu’elles ont un secret de beauté?

    love the victoria’s secret angels.

  • Dear Garance and Alex,

    Please ask if they get to keep any costumes? Like maybe their first Angel outfit? And if they could keep one from this show, which one would it be and why?

    Thank you

  • Quels sont les aliments anti cellulite?

  • J’espère qu’il aura la réponse à pourquoi diantre Karlie a coupé ses cheveux?!!!


    Il y a un ou deux ans j’avais lu un article sur le VS Show … Apparemment les mannequins sont couvertes de fond de teint DES PIEDS A LA TETE (oui oui oui ils le disaient !) et qu’il fallait 4 heures pour maquiller UNE fille !

    @ ALEX : Peux tu demander à Doutzen quels sont ses secrets pour avoir des fesses pareilles ? ! ? Non mais sérieux c’est pas permis d’avoir un booty comme ça !

  • Que font-elles pour avoir ce corps et cette peau! J’en rêve!

    Théa Unknown

  • When is the post on Victorias Secret coming??! I am eagerly awaiting it…

    You guys do a great job, keep it up!!

  • Mais alors où est passé ce post ? Il ne me semble pas l’avoir vu… En cette période estivale je serais ravie de connaître des secrets d’anges.

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