Let's Talk About

All the Shoes

8 years ago by

All the Shoes

Cette Fashion Week, vraiment TOUTES les chaussures ont l’air, comment le dire gentiment… inadaptées !! A la FW et à la vie au quotidien. Les cuissardes vernies, pour ne citer qu’elles. Comment arpente-t-on élégamment les Tuileries avec des bottes vernies blanches dont les talons sont si hauts et si fins qu’ils finissent forcément beige sale ?

Soyons honnêtes, beaucoup de rédactrices et de personnes de la mode optent pour des talons raisonnables ou des sneakers entre deux cafés défilés et quand elles rentrent écrire leurs critiques/articles pour leurs magazines/sites. Mais du coup, je me demande, qu’advient-il de ces chaussures immettables après les défilés ? Est-ce qu’elles finissent dans des archives dédiées ? Ont-elles juste été empruntées pour l’occasion ? Leur propriétaire les remettra-t-elle pour aller au bureau ?



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  • I don’t know where the shoes go, but I certainly want to go there.

  • All I know is I want the booties pictured! Who makes them?

  • MagpieDV > Stella McCartney

    Brie : oh oui je me suis toujours posé cette question !! (et je trouve ces boots magnifiques, mais talons tellement hauts, et tellement peur de les salir)

  • They go to the same place as coats over the shoulders, little bags that don’t fit a thing and skirts that don’t let you move. To the heaven of pretty impractical things, obviously,

  • Want ces shoes please !!!!!!!!!

  • My sister used to work for a big fashion brand and has quite a few pairs of shoes made for shoes… They look more like sculptures than shoes!

  • We are all fascinated and hypnotized by how the clothes work together and are represented at the fashion shows and medias. It is true that most of the pieces are not really made for life (e.g. running behind the bus).
    However, each of us have at least one! unwearable thing, but most coveted and which we are all crazy about, aren’t we? :-)
    I mean, the white heeled glossy boots – why not?!!, but paired with a white or black cachemere knee-length dress and nude make-up (for an evening rendez-vous svp)
    Another thing (and I’m really overwhelmed!) is those horrible street looks, which are the mess of bad taste and good tags.
    I thing, the circus and the carnaval were not supposed to be the leading idea of the designer. If it is, I ‘m really happy that Garance Doré Blog exist to ask the right questions and sort it all out :-)

  • Let’s not forget that the shoes you talk about cost thousands of dollars! Sometimes, I’m glad I can’t afford expensive shoes that I’ll only wear a few times. Beautiful in photos but not so much on my feet!

  • I think they live on in fashion photography heaven, where shoes are cleaned and re-heeled for photo perfection. My heels look like they have some street stories to tell…

  • Ahh, this post is just a tease! Those booties are to die for. I can’t seem to get enough of them – I have two new pairs – dark green and black – and now I can’t stop thinking of going to Nordstrom to pick up a pair of light brown leather ones.


  • Très juste.Ce sont des beaux objets (certaines en tout cas) et c’est tout. C’est l’idée qui compte, pas le 1er degré.

    Celles en photo sont très belles et portables.

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