Affordable Art
8 years ago by Emily Yeston

Depuis quelques mois, je m’installe dans mon nouvel appart… et même si ça commence à prendre forme, je trouve que les murs sont toujours un peu… nus.
Heureusement, mon mec a de super tirages de photos qu’il a achetés quand on a emménagé, mais on a pas mal de surface murale à remplir et j’ai du mal à trouver des œuvres d’art accessibles comme alternative aux posters de mon époque universitaire. J’aimerais bien commencer à collectionner des œuvres d’artistes que j’aime et que je voudrais soutenir, mais c’est compliqué de trouver des nouveaux noms dont le travail a de la valeur (ou du potentiel), sans casser la banque non plus.
Vous avez trouvé la solution, vous ? Et sinon, il y a un endroit où vous achetez des œuvres originales ? Aidez-moi !
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Oh yes! I love supporting up and coming artists. Etsy is a great resource for finding prints and inexpensive art. One of my favorites I found on Etsy is Kaylie Abela ( She is local (to me in Boston) and her originals have such unique colors and shapes!
i have artist friends. i cannot afford their stuff all the time but when i’m on the lookout for art, they’re the first ones i go to! :)
Absolutely — cultivate artists as friends! Some of the best stuff is not in galleries. My dream was to own original art … and I found it in a little art town in Arizona — Jerome. There are world class artists here tucked in amongst the mountains. Almost all my friends are really good artists and their art is affordable (usually around $300 and all of them are not in galleries. As a friend, you can see what they are working on and have first dibs :-)
I now have the walls and tables of my old little miner’s house filled with art that gives me so much pleasure and comfort! Sometimes I’ll have my eye on a piece for a year or so until they finally give in! :-) Sometimes I’ve found a great piece from a street artist when I travel.
Check out my Mom’s original Art Work at
I learned from her and went to local shows near my home and have picked up a few pieces over the years.
try saatchi, etsy, notonthehighstreet,ebay,catawiki,expertissm………to name but a few!!
What I’ve done in my place is frame a giant Christian Lacroix silk square scarf, but any interesting fabric can do. It’s cheaper than original art (for a similar size) but a step-up from posters – and the colors really pop.
Otherwise, you can turn to photography, there are a lot of options online, usually for a smaller price than an original painting. I’ve even bought work from photographers that I discovered through Flickr. So much choice everywhere.
def Etsy (Faye Moorehouse) Ebay,
Society 6 is my current favorite. It’s all artist-submitted work. I’ve gotten a few really cool throw pillows with fun art on them there as well.
These are gorgeous! So light and refreshing
Lumas is amazing for that purpose! Only in German and Germany at this moment, but contact me in case you’re in need of translations ; )
Hi – I was having the same issue and found Art Finder. I don’t know if the work will be valuable in the future but at least it’s original and supporting the independent artist.
Thanks for all of the tips guys! Will definitely check out all of your suggestions! x
Paddle 8 is an online auction house – fun to browse, and sometimes you can find good deals (or discover new artists).
elle fait de magnifiques illustrations avec un sens de l’observation hallucinant, elle est à la Fine Arts de New York et commence à avoir son petit succès!
Try Tappan Collective!
Nature’s Atelier Wall Art here:
Have some of the children in your life (nieces and nephews, kids of friends) draw a few things for you. They love to have their work admired and you get some really cool and funny pictures…..especially when you ask them to draw you :)
When framed, children’s work often looks quite like modern art.
There are galleries in NY that deal in up-and-coming artists, go to their openings. There are online dealers who deal in emerging artists and prints from established artists. Also, try PULSE. The founder also founded the Affordable Art Fair.
Etsy is fine, but you’re more likely to find a work which has some resale value, as well as your loving it, through a gallery.
Moi sur les mur j’ai des illustrations de mes amis (des repro pour la plupart) et des repro de Mucyha, mon illustrateur préféré.
J’ai aussi fabriqué un « mur végétal » tropical avec du papier de couleur, ça m’a pris des heures mais le résultat et unique et vraiment sympa!
Bon déménagement!
Here in Perth there are quite a few markets throughout the year where artists tend to sell their work a little cheaper. I also find that some of my favourite artists – e.g. James Jean, Tran Nguyen, Victo Ngai – will do online limited edition print releases that are fairly affordable, or even sales. Otherwise if there’s an artist you really love, it’s worth contacting them to find out if they do have any prints or can work within your budget for an original. Local exhibitions tend to have great stuff too. I’d say my artwork is affordable! But international shipping isn’t.
Good luck :)
Salut ! Vous devriez regarder le site earlywork qui est fondé par une française. Elle contacte les étudiants en école d’art pour vendre leurs oeuvres à prix abordables via son site internet. Cela permet de les faire connaitre (et vivre un peu mieux) et de rendre l’art plus accessible.
If you ca find Marimekko fabrics in the state, they are very visual and you can frame them and they make huge canvasses 1,40 meters on 2 meters
For example, I framed this one in my bedroom, and it looks great :
This one also is great :
Also a different style :
Love it!
Je ne sais pas si ca existe aux States, mais en Europe, Yellowkorner ou Lumas sont les bonnes options dans ce cas :-)
I’m moving into my new place soon so thanks for the inspo!
I love Minted:
I have spent hours wandering through the various artists and styles.
Hey! I’m still graduating from the college poster days haha, but a few of my favourite pieces were never intended to be art at all- I just bought cheap frames for a pillow case I bought in Beijing (with amazing embroidery, of course), and other things like an interesting post card. Otherwise, charity shops can be the absolute BEST (but you do have to wade through a heap of prints first!) for art advisory :)
I am a french artist, please don’t hesitate to have a look at my paintings and at my approach:
Max Wanger!
Check out fantastic VINTAGE PHOTO, from the 1940, 50 and 60´s – taken by press photographers. Mainly consist from Europe. Fashion, sports, famous people etc. I can recommend – YSL 1967 from Cafe de Flore. Enjoy!
Hi Emily,
I hope it’s not too late to comment… You should definitely check art auctions. For advises, you could go visit tis website:
Because the fact is what you buy at an auction from an artist is worth what is worth, meaning it will always worth something in the art market.otherwise, it’s better to take your own nice photos and framed them. I found quite shocking affordable art fairs pretending that they’re selling art when actually, it is mass-produced…
But no need ot be an expert or a millionaire! On legreendot, you’ll see a selection from 500 euros; Check this one:
I hope it helped!
Thanks Mélanie! Everyone has sent through such great ideas–I’m continuing to check everything out still, so thanks for sharing! x
Fine art prints are a great affordable type of art for example screenprints, etchings, lithographs and woodcut prints..
Here is a link to galleries in New York that stock original prints:
My other tip is to go to art school graduation exhibitions, you are supporting young artists as they hit the hard transition of making it as a professional.
Have you ever seen Caroline Ruivo’s impasto paintings? They are beautiful! You can contact her directly from her website – Her artwork is posted on :) Hope this helps!
You could try Art Interiors:
or Saatchi Art:
or Uprise Art:
Love your blog and the idea! This is my website, and my IG account @catalamitad
Maybe you find something that suits you. ;)
One of the best art and design start-ups Berlin has produced yet; and I think pretty much what you’re looking for. As they put it: Surround yourself by what you love – there’s an art to it.
Super cheap option – and great if you love antiquing and second-hand stores! – find some vintage postcards or notecards you love, and put them in frames you find second-hand or somewhere cheap like Target. If you have a color theme, you’re sure to find prints to match and use a single frame color to bring it all together. Most postcards and notecards fit into standard size frames, too.
J’ai découvert il y a quelques années le réseau international de galeries d’art Carré d’Artistes qui proposent des oeuvres de peintres très divers à des prix abordables pour favoriser l’accès à l’art pour tous :
late to the game on this one, but try Collected Together in Brooklyn!
Never too late Judy! We’re still looking for pieces–thank you for the recommendation! x
Art :))
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