Let's Talk About

A Redesign!

8 years ago by

A Redesign!

C’est encore le moment!

On est en train de réfléchir à la prochaine version du site (vous vous rendez compte que la dernière fois, c’était il y a déjà deux ans !?). Au Studio, il y a pas mal de changements qu’on a hâte de partager avec vous dans les mois à venir, mais en attendant, on voulait vous demander vos avis et vos idées pour la nouvelle version du site. Dans les commentaires, dites – nous ce que vous aimez et ce que vous aimez moins, ce qui fonctionne ou pas, quels autres sites ou idées vous plaisent. Tous les commentaires sont les bienvenus, parce que ce site, on le fait pour vous.

Hâte de lire vos avis !

x The Studio


Ajouter le votre
  • Coucou! Moi j aimais bien quand on pouvait liké le post!????

  • Bonsoir,serait-il possible de le lire directement en francais?merci.
    Peut-etre que parfois vous pourriez donner des plans pour tous ceux qui rament financierement parce qu’on reve tellement devant vos articles qu’on se sent parfois frustrees.
    En tout cas,venir vers vous chaque jour est un moment delicieux.merci.

  • Sandrine Vaillancourt 2 novembre 2016, 5:30 / Répondre

    J’adore quand on peut voir les images en gros! Elles sont tellement belles

  • I dont like that all your posts are spread around and it’s hard to read it as a serie/as you would read a magazine. Unless you select pmf you cant hear one thats on the mainpage and select the next pmf, you see the next article etc insted.
    And I would like to read the posts that each one has written.

    But I love, love, love the site so I’m so exited for tge next chapter <3

  • J’aborde dans le sens du propos d’Isa! Il serait intéressant de présenter des équivalences de mode plus abordable…En s’inspirant des tendances et de grandes maisons, pourquoi ne pas chercher des looks s’en inspirant , mais à moindre coût ? Je gagne bien ma vie, mais en étant seule pour affronter tous les coûts de la vie quotidienne, j’aimerais retrouver sur le blog les petits wow à des prix plus accessibles. Sinon, je vous adoooore!

  • Salut le studio !
    J’aime également quand les images sont en grand mais ce serait encore plus chouette que ces mêmes images s’adaptent à la taille de l’écran. J’ai un petit écran et je doit scroller pour voir la fin de l’image plus bas…
    J’apprécie aussi les longs articles, type interview carrière. Et plus de city guide.
    Merci !

  • Since you asked!….1, more Garance please! It’s your writing and point of view we all fell in love with, so I would love to see your posts take center stage again. 2, a cleaner page. Between the ads and the boxes that ask us to buy your stuff, it’s a bit mind boggling. Back in the day, I used to race to your blog daily as my peaceful happy place and sometimes now, it’s too jarring and I have to come back to it later. 3, more age range in the Studio, perhaps hear from writers all the way up in age, not just in their 20’s and 30’s? And also, better proofreading in the other writers’ posts, I often see typos. Change and growth are good things, but sometimes I miss the old simplicity and uniqueness! Thanks for asking and best of luck on the redesign, xoxo!

  • Alixanna 3 novembre 2016, 10:05

    I totally agree with JJ
    More Garance, please, and the core of the team that maintains that very special pirit: Bree, Emily, Eric. That’s fine!

    The blog represents the person, and to see too many names is perturbing, especially when the persons are too young: the tone and the subject are not in the same line, and thus seem false and too far-fetched and not really engaging…)
    Otherwise, I adore Brie’s topics, and Life, Style, Career interviews… Very inspiring and relaxing.
    I think the blog has matured like a good wine, found the right tone, and the right distance with the crazy world of fashion and life in general, and it is very precious… Let’s maintain that all together!!
    Bon courage pour la suite!

  • anonymous 4 novembre 2016, 1:03

    I second this. More Garance please. The others try to write in the exact tone as her, which I never got used to. And I feel cheated like I got a knock off product.

    And a more scrollable format please. Its very hard to navigate with the current format. Everything is very cluttered.

  • nini piccola 4 novembre 2016, 3:32

    Agree with the above. I would like more Garance please and fewer short posts from the others please. The blog is too diluted now. Trying to be too much for too many people. I understand that you are branching out Garance but I believe the core group who has been following you for years would prefer to hear your voice. And we are ALL getting older so I agree with some of the other comments about more range in the age demographic.
    I also realize that you need to monitize in order to survive so sure adds are fine as long as they are not too loud.
    The minis are annoying. I find they are too scattered chronologically as sometimes I see something which has been posted days ago! Check the Remodelista website. They have a heading called Inspiration at which point you shop, travel etc. easy to navigate and search for things. Good luck and… when are you moving to California? It seems to be constantly in your air…

  • I understand that the Garance Dore brand is branching out. It was nice when we used to hear her « voice » everyday, and reading them as a ritual, but I am actually okay with the # of posts from Garance herself nowadays – especially after the book writing hiatus, I am just happy she’s back =) The perspective brought to the table from a young team though is indeed something that’s made me come here less. It is also why I don’t listen to the pmf podcasts that much. It was kind of a novelty in the beginning because you are curious about the people who make up the team, but that wore off after a few episodes. I really now only click on posts I see with Garance’s name and is not a product related post. I also agree with the clutter. The swipe/arrows on the mini posts really don’t work very well.
    I wonder what the younger readers thoughts are about the content here – especially the ones that just started coming here in the last 2-3 years.

  • Overall, I’m a big fan of the blog and the user interface, but since you’re asking :)

    Under « features » for example, we usually find beautiful photographs and the category title, such as « careers » or « city guides ». But i’m less prone to click on the link if I don’t know who the person portrayed in the « career » image is, so maybe 3 words introducing the person or the city or the topic of PMF could solve that.

    In terms of navigation and sitemap, the hierarchy of information in the menu could be slightly reworked so that it can be more consistant with the categories found on the homepage – especially that you’re now introducing new topics such as « Recipes » etc.. I practically no longer use the menu anymore, I just check the blog regularly and see what’s been added :)

    Also, I read the blog in french, but some titles and sentences remain in english, which I’m assuming could get a tad bothersome to your french audience.

    Now these will be more subjective comments but I would LOVE to see a podcast section in the menu. The podcast gives us the assumption that we know everybody at the studio, so it would be lovely to see what you guys are reading, listening to, even migrate the instagram content of Garance’s NYC recommendation to the blog.
    And maybe start posting about wellness to get us super psyched about the second book! :)

    Oops I realize that I went a bit overboard but hope this helps. Love the blog, super exited to see what’s next!

  • I don’t like the adverstising on the side , before you just have one now I feel it’s too much kind of disturbing sometimes I even think is an article ?! confusing.
    And I would like to see more picture from your stories or from your podcast .What I am trying to say i guess it’s just more Picture from Erick , he is very good.
    You have so beautiful picture it’s little bit frustrating I’d love to see more.
    Love the site anyway now and ever , can’t wait to see new version :)

  • Je ne suis pas difficile. J’aime bien ce que je vois sur les blogs. Cependant peut-être plus de photos par moment, c’est aussi intéressant. :)

  • Sometimes it can be hard to find older posts. Like i really wanted to find that post again in which one of you said she was going to only buy second hand for the year – and i am also dying to find out how she got on!!!

  • Astrid Traung 3 novembre 2016, 6:14 / Répondre

    I think it’s too cluttery and sell:y now.

  • Tes photos sont absolument magnifiques, j’adore ton regard et le style que tu as développé après tant de travail au fil des années !! voir plus d’images accompagner tes articles serait genial!

  • Thanks for your work! i love Erick pics!, i used to love…to love! now when i want to say it..i can’t…have you thought about a sort of « look book section? meaning…you show what you like on fashion week, then, on one shop…but when that « fall/winter/spring or summer » arrived…i get lost looking for inspiration! good luck!

  • Caroline Dé 3 novembre 2016, 9:22 / Répondre

    Bonjour l’équipe! J’adore votre blog mais j’ai toujours trouvé que cette dernière version allait un peu dans tous les sens. On trouve tout d’abord les articles les plus récents, ensuite des articles pour shopper, ensuite d’autres articles, après des recettes, d’autres articles, archives – features et Instagram. Je pense que ca fait beaucoup d’informations et quand j’ai été présenté a cette version, j’ai été submergée par tout ca.

    Je pense aussi que Archives et Features devraient être des catégories propres tout en haut du site, parce que nous sommes beaucoup a vouloir retrouver des articles que nous avons lu il y a 2 mois ou 2 ans ou peut-être plus intéressées a lire des articles City Guides.

    Enfin, ce n’est que mon avis ;)

  • I’d like more Garance stories please, and also interviews, podcasts and posts about/by writers, psychologists, researchers…Beauty is good, but intellect and emotions are even better.
    I don’t mind advertising, you do it in a nice way.

  • I agree!

  • Tout d’abord je ne me lasse pas de surfer sur votre site et ca de façon quotidienne. Et puis il y a un autre site que je consulte régulièrement aussi c’est Inside Closet. Ce que j’aime sur ce site ce sont les portraits qui nous sont présentés. Toujours des femmes par ce que bon … GIRL POWER oblige, et des couples temps en temps. On découvre leur intérieur. Ce que j’apprécie c’est que ce sont toujours des personnalités très créatives et d’horizon très différents. Les interviews sont toujours identiques: leur produits fétiches, la pièce dont elles rêvent … et surtout leurs parcours. J’aime ce site car c’est très inspirant. Ce se souvent des personnes qui adorent chiner et leur intérieur ont une vrai empreinte.
    Vous proposez déjà beaucoup de portraits mais ceux qui sont abordées sur Inside Closet sont plus abordables à mon sens.
    J’aime les belles choses mais mes ambitions ne sont pas forcement à la hauteur de mes moyens …et j’aimerais y voir des choses que je pourrais m’offrir.
    Autrement j’adore vous lire.

  • Les pubs qui bougent sur la droite sont derangeantes quand je lis un long article. Elles sont necessaires mais peut-etre des photos statiques suffiraient ?
    J’aimerais plus de posts par Garance puisqu’il s’agit de son blog et plus de diversite quant a l’age des modeles qui presentent une tendance mode ou les beauty minute. J’adore les photos d’Erik dont je suis fan depuis ses debuts ! :-0)
    Merci au studio, impatiente de decouvrir les nouveautes !

  • Miruska Milanovic 3 novembre 2016, 11:47 / Répondre

    I love the site and the writing from Garance. Like some of the others that posted, I do find the site a bit too busy these days, but I do understand why the ads are needed so I can deal with that. It can get a bit confusing and the voices are very different but that’s also minor. My biggest problem is that the links in articles often don’t lead anywhere; they lead back to your site and often to a place that doesn’t make sense to me at all. For example, the article would be talking about a face cream but when you click on a link, it doesn’t lead to a place where you can buy it, just leads back to another article on your site where maybe it was mentioned again or it leads to a group of articles and it’s not very obvious why. Or if you link a person in an article, I would like a link to lead to another place on the web where we can read more about them, not just back to your site where maybe their picture was posted in the past. that’s not very hepful. I would rather there is no link at all. But amazing content that’s updated every day, which I know is not easy. Keep up the great work.

  • My only suggestion is instead of ‘asking’ for feedback from us readers/fans, determine, internally, the direction you’re ready to take us and trust we’ll follow; question yourselves publicly and we waver.


  • I echo the sentiments already mentioned above – mainly that Garance’s writing is my favorite thing about the blog, and while I do enjoy some of the variety, that is the core of what keeps me interested and coming back. My main piece of feedback that is design specific is that I generally feel the current design doesn’t really facilitate an easy flow. The way the actual posts are broken up by all the other components (shop, minis and older posts, etc) makes it a bit annoying when you’re trying to view recent posts chronologically. (That’s not to say I dislike their presence altogether, just their placement on the page.) The site is beautiful, but making the components more distinct and less jumbled together – and not breaking up the flow of full posts with all the other little things would be even better!

  • Les images pourraient-elles s’adapter à la taille de nos ordinateurs ? Lorsqu’on défile et qu’un image en chasse une autre, ça en jette, et les images sont canons, mais lorsque je visite le site depuis mon macbook 13 pouces, il y a toujours une partie qui est tronquée. Alors que sur l’iMac gigantesque, pas de problème.

    Oui je sais on est des puristes de la photo, et on ne veut pas perdre en qualité, mais quand même !

  • More Garance & chronicle ordering? I loved scrolling back in time and knowing when I was back at the last article I’d seen. But as always, I will love you no matter what the H ya do!

  • J’adore le blog .. Mais merde it’s difficult to follow !!! I think a blog that has a daily or multiple ones (articles/topics) Is so Much easier to read in order than flipping around under topics !!!
    I never want to
    Miss an entry but do because it flips around !

  • I like that you’re keeping the site’s design fresh even though the current design is by no means outdated.

    My two cents: Right now, the site is like a checkerboard of articles, and there are many things competing for my attention when I land on your homepage. It’s the classic « paradox of choice » issue – there are so many elements on the page, in so many places, in so many sizes, and text everywhere, that it’s overwhelming.

    I second the many people who say that Garance’s writing/illustrations are the heart of the site, and that’s what keeps me coming back. No disrespect to the other contributors, but I don’t find as much value in those posts.

    Food – Not sure how this fits in to the site; it always seems a bit like a random add-on to me.

    I like the interviews, the illustrations, and the fact that as busy as Garance is, she still takes time to write fairly often. Everyone wants more, of course, but I think it’s worth commending her for posting as often as she does. Sometimes it even surprises me given how much busier she seems now (career-wise) than when she started the blog. Thanks for that, Garance! Keep up the great work, everyone.

  • I have been following this blog for quite a while and have enjoyed its evolution as the audience grows. I would like to see more awareness of your older readers – I suspect that I am not alone. That might include styling advice on how to adapt featured looks to the more mature woman. The articles on caring for skin, hair styles, exercise, diet, etc could also embrace your more mature audience. I always enjoy interviews with accomplished, creative women in their later decades. I should also add my thanks for creating a lively informative blog with which I start my day.

  • I wonder why my comments were not posted…
    I suggested stronger writers, with different personalities and points of view. Apart from Garance’s insightful texts, I usually find the posts shallow and kind of ordinary.
    Better proof writing.
    Also, fewer ads.
    And, finally more photos and slideshows from Eric.

  • I would second this. I think some of the posts are very light/breezy/superficial and just don’t really resonate. Like someone sees a new movie or buys a new face product and then writes a paragraph about it. Why? It seems to me like filler to meet a daily-post quota. I would love to hear from more experts (on any subject) who can give some valuable takeaways.

  • I still enjoy the website but it is becoming difficult to navigate the multiple small entries and harder to find good content in what is written. I loved the career profiles, the short videos, your travel stories, your fresh perspective and of course the beautiful pictures. It’s good to hear different voices on the site but maybe try to simplify the way the stories are presented and improve the quality of the posts. It would also be nice to have more interviews of accomplished women of different ages. Anyways, thank you! Also love the podcasts.

  • It’s going to be great, no matter what, but thanks so much for asking! I agree with everybody who said that the site is a bit too choppy, as I prefer to be able to scroll. Also, I understand why others from the studio contribute to the writing, though I find myself a bit uninterested in their interests as they seem much younger than I am (I am Garance’s age). That said, I totally support the site’s wish for younger viewers, and I understand that Garance has so many great things happening so she can’t be writing articles as frequently as before–and that’s completely cool! I think the advertising is done very well, and I’m so happy the site produces income! Anyway, take or leave the scrolling bit–can’t wait to see the updates! And thanks to everybody who contributes to the site! xxx

  • I love the content and voice of your blog! It is relevant without being too caught in trends. Garance is so inspiring and her writing is definitely the reason I keep coming back. I always learn something from Garance. That said it’s nice to have other voices and perspectives too so it’s not all just about one person. Pardon My French is my favourite segment for this reason.

    It would be good to have a cleaner and simpler layout. The number of different boxes on the home page can be a little difficult to navigate, especially for a new reader.

  • Hi Garance and the team,

    In your redesign I would love to see a like or love button. And wouldn’t it be great if it is possible to get your favorite articles printed on glossy paper and got it send to your home. Sometime I do have a fantastic article of yours and I want to hold it and touch it. Like you can do in the magazines.
    Your book was a good first step though!

    Love reading your blog and I love the drawings and photos!

  • Caroline et Jared 4 novembre 2016, 3:46 / Répondre

    D’abord ????????pour toutes ces belles évolutions du site (déjà) et dans vos vies personnelles (souvent liées) en faite c’est ça de vous avoir connu il y a 10 ans via un blog c’est cette proximité -toute relative je sais????????- qui nous plait.
    Alors plus d’apparitions visuelles de vos amis-collaborateurs-amis ( bref on ne sait pas dans quel sens le mettre mon nouveau titre ).
    Pour les équivalences moins chères. Oh non !!! plutôt de temps en temps des astuces, des trouvailles merveilleuses d’une journée Vide Grenier (une chronique 1 fois par mois) en clin d’œil.

  • Les photos en grand, j’adore!

  • Overall I love the site, but if I could suggest something I would love to see much more room dedicated to ideas and less to products.



  • Alors ce sont aussi des choses qui ont été dites…
    Je trouverais bien de redonner la possibilité de ‘liker’ un post (comme quand on cliquait sur le petit coeur), parce que j’ai envie que vous sachiez que quelqu’un a aimé, mais je n’ai pas forcément envie que tous mes réseaux sociaux le sachent.
    Les titres en anglais m’ont souvent interpellée. Je lis certains articles en anglais (de collaborateurs), mais avoir systématiquement un titre anglais pour un article français me perturbe un peu – on sent qu’on n’est pas les lecteurs principaux, et c’est une chose, mais sentir que le site est à ce point dirigé vers un autre lectorat qu’on ne prend pas la peine de changer les titres, c’en est une autre.
    J’aime lire les articles des collaborateurs, mais j’aimerais qu’il soit plus évident de voir qui a écrit un article (par exemple pouvoir afficher aisément tous les articles écrits par une telle personne).
    Enfin, il serait pratique de pouvoir lire les articles chronologiquement, y compris les plus petits (si ce n’est pas possible, on pourrait remonter les boutons ‘article suivant’ et ‘article précédent’ au-dessus de la section de commentaire?
    C’est tout ce à quoi je pense pour le moment, en tout cas qui n’a pas déjà été dit mille fois par les autres lecteurs :) Merci de nous demander notre avis, continuez le bon boulot, c’est toujours agréable de voir un site aussi léché!

  • Hi. I am in my early fifties and have been following the blog for five or six years. I agree with those who have said « more Garance » as it was her voice I fell in love with. And also more age diversity I want to hear younger perspectives, don’t get me wrong, but am also interested in the lives of women more my age–we are not all frumps after all…. When it skews too young I start to think « this is not for me ». Maybe it isn’t though, which is fine…you can’t be all things to all people…but the younger demographic is so well catered for, and as Garance is now in her forties that perspective is interesting. Oh… I LOVE the PMF interviews!!!

  • Hello Garance and the team!
    I am big fan for a long time (started reading when I was 19 and I’m now 28…!) and I love that you guys keep moving forward and trying new things.

    On my side, I would love more articles about « stories » and less about « things ».

    I don’t come here to shop (maybe I am the only one?). I personally keep coming back to read a funny story, or a interesting look on a specific topic (fashion related or not), get inspired by your illustrations/photos etc.
    I completely understand that Garance cannot write as often, and great that others are taking over the posts but I miss a deeper/funnier look on things: it’s all about the story.
    Like Alison/Nathalie have been doing lately.

    But it is still the best blog in the « blogosphere » so keep up the good work!!


  • First of…Bravo! you are ALL doing a great job!
    I think most of the readers are here because we all fell in love with Garance’s voice & point of views. The blog has evolved in style, has changed its contents and all that is great. But Garance is less present around. And even though we are all happy to see her be more comfortable inhabiting her own self & are proud to see her spread her wings, we all miss her. And that is not going to be easy to replace. But it would be a great help to bring in a more grounded voice to add to the team. Above all the suggestion about the blog itself, the way it looks, its content etc… to me that is what you are missing the most. A stronger more profound point of view on many of your topics. Don’t get me wrong, the freshness of youth is appreciated and is what keep us aware of the new. But the lack of experience behind it sometimes makes for a shallowness that can be so boring & disappointing. It would be nice to balance it out with a more mature voice.

  • Hello !

    Voici des suggestions…

    1- Ta signature / logo
    Je trouve que ta signature « Garance Doré » en tête de blog n’est plus vraiment moderne (désolée…). Je trouve qu’au fil des années ton écriture a évolué « calligraphiquement » parlant et je pense que tu devrais revoir ta signature pour lui redonner du pep’s. Elle est trop « propre » et toute mignonne certes mais selon moi elle ne reflète pas la femme un peu fofolle, moderne et pleine de créativité que tu es…

    2- Les Fashion News
    Donnez – en plus des liens en anglais – des liens en français svp ! A chaque fois que je les lis je suis souvent super intéressée et fini par quitter le blog pour me retrouver sur Google à essayer de trouver des compléments d’infos en français…

    3- Les Pardon My French
    En anglais… Comment dire… Quelles solutions pour les frenchies ??? Je peux pas vous demandez de les traduire… J’imagine le boulot de dingue… Mais du coup je les écoute jamais…

    4- 73 questions with Garance Doré
    Dans le même esprit que les 73 questions VOGUE posées aux personnalités influentes.
    Je voudrai tellement te voir dans cet exercice Garance !!!!

    5- Les photos d’Erik
    Des petites merveilles je suis si fan de son travail… A garder !!!!!!

    6- Des portraits à jour de l’équipe
    Il y a des départs et des arrivées pro c’est le cycle de la vie. Je voudrais pourtant apprendre à connaître les nouveaux et découvrir toujours plus les anciens. Des photos, des recap de parcours et des « ce que vous aimez, vous inspire ou autres » pour présenter vos différentes personnalités.

    7- Des sujets pas ou peu abordés…
    Par exemple… J’ai 33 ans et des cheveux blancs depuis 10 années. La galère… Besoin d’astuces et de conseils pour les jeunes femmes comme moi au quotidien capillaire digne d’une femme de 50-60 ans qui doit gérer ses racines !!!!! Aucune d’entre vous n’a encore ce problème ???

    8- Les textes personnels de Garance
    Ne les arrête jamais je suis fan tout comme tes looks sélectionnés et super inspirants…

    Bonne continuation et imagination…

    J’ai hâte de voir le résultat car je trouve le blog déjà magnifique…

  • Hello !

    Voici des suggestions pour le blog

    1- Ta signature / logo
    Je trouve que ta signature « Garance Doré » en tête de blog n’est plus vraiment moderne (désolée…). Je trouve qu’au fil des années ton écriture a évolué « calligraphiquement » parlant et je pense que tu devrais revoir ta signature pour lui redonner du pep’s. Elle est trop « propre » et toute mignonne certes mais selon moi elle ne reflète pas la femme un peu fofolle, moderne et pleine de créativité que tu es…

    2- Les Fashion News
    Donnez – en plus des liens en anglais – des liens en français svp ! A chaque fois que je les lis je suis souvent super intéressée et fini par quitter le blog pour me retrouver sur Google à essayer de trouver des compléments d’infos en français…

    3- Les Pardon My French
    En anglais… Comment dire… Quelles solutions pour les frenchies ??? Je peux pas vous demandez de les traduire… J’imagine le boulot de dingue… Mais du coup je les écoute jamais…

    4- 73 questions with Garance Doré
    Dans le même esprit que les 73 questions VOGUE posées aux personnalités influentes.
    Je voudrai tellement te voir dans cet exercice Garance !!!!

    5- Les photos d’Erik
    Des petites merveilles je suis si fan de son travail… A garder !!!!!!

    6- Des portraits à jour de l’équipe
    Il y a des départs et des arrivées pro c’est le cycle de la vie. Je voudrais pourtant apprendre à connaître les nouveaux et découvrir toujours plus les anciens. Des photos, des recap de parcours et des « ce que vous aimez, vous inspire ou autres » pour présenter vos différentes personnalités.

    7- Des sujets pas ou peu abordés…
    Par exemple… J’ai 33 ans et des cheveux blancs depuis 10 années. La galère… Besoin d’astuces et de conseils pour les jeunes femmes comme moi au quotidien capillaire digne d’une femme de 50-60 ans qui doit gérer ses racines !!!!! Aucune d’entre vous n’a encore ce problème ???

    8- Les textes personnels de Garance
    Ne les arrête jamais je suis fan tout comme tes looks sélectionnés et super inspirants…

    Bonne continuation et imagination…

    J’ai hâte de voir le résultat car je trouve le blog déjà magnifique…

  • J’aime beaucoup le blog! J’adore les visuels, j’aime y faire un tour, je trouve toujours quelque chose à découvrir! J’aime bien qu’il y ait d’autres rédacteurs/contributeurs sur le blog même si j’aime beaucoup les postes de Garance. Si je devais citer un truc nouveau que j’aime bien ce serait les podcasts!
    Pour les améliorations possibles, je dirais l’organisation des posts car parfois je rate des postes car il y a plusieurs rubriques et c’est difficile de trouver la chronologie des postes (par date), mais c’est peut-être voulu… Je me suis demandée si c’était lié à la volonté d’évoluer vers un format plus magazine. Je pense que j’aime le côté journal, le côté chronologique même s’il y a cette tendance à vouloir que tout soit intemporel.

  • Here’s my few pennies of thought: I second the above comments about more Garance.Garance’s stories are so inspiring and insightful, I really learn from them. But also really like the stories of Brie and Emily, the fashion stories and lifestyle interviews. The food recipes seem a bit random. The stories by other team members are often not very deep; like ‘ beauty product of the week’ or other very short notes, and I can totally live without them. Erics photos are amazing, so please have more of those.

  • Bonjour Garance et toute l’équipe
    Avant tout un grand bravo pour ce blog, les sublimes photos et les articles sur de belles personnes qu on aimerait tant rencontrer dans la vraie vie !!! Belle bulle d’oxygène ces reportages et sujets qui font souvent rêver !
    Comme déja dit précédement, Garance, tu es francaise et tu as énormément d’ admiratrices et de lectrices françaises … Il serait agréable de temps en temps d’arriver à oublier que le blog n’est pas pour nous en priorité !!!
    Les postcasts en anglais aarrggrrhh j’aimerai tant comprendre de temps en temps !
    Pourquoi pas des interviews, des reportages sur de belles personnes frenchie , des photos sur Paris et la mode de la rue francaise ( Paris et Province), des adresses sympas dans notre pays.
    Concernant la mode, comme deja dit par d’autres, peut être de jolies choses un peu plus accessibles financièrement et des looks pour les jours de pluie, les jours gris et froid, et des tenues sympas adaptées pour aller au bureau après avoir déposé ses enfants a l’école et courru pour attraper son bus ou son métro (non aux nu-pieds et jambes nues l’automne et l’hiver, non aux talons pour courrir et aux baskets pour aller au bureau …) et des reportages et idées pour s’identifier aussi à 45 / 60 ans !!!
    Enfin, de petits articles sur l’équipe et vos looks à vous !

  • I’m a long time reader and fan. I think this is because your work gave me an insight into beautiful style and the fashion industry that I couldn’t find anywhere else on or offline. All the previous changes you have made to your site, channels, and content I have grown to enjoy so I am certain anything you decide will be beautiful, classy, and fabulous. Your voice is confident and your curation is sure to appeal to your target audience, because, well, you’re Garance! Recently however, all that has been coming out has been advertising, notes about products, and some odd commentary about food and wellness. I miss the quality content about fashion and style, and interviews with interesting and talented people in different parts of the industry. All the best!

  • More Brie’s amazing fashion eye and style and more of Erik’s pictures! I love the last ones you guys did.
    Of course, Garance’s post are always my favorite but I don’t mind the variety of people. Maybe we could get to know them better? Also, I agree with some of the comments from earlier, this version can feel a bit all over the place sometimes. Maybe more focus? Less clutter?
    Thank you for the everyday inspiration. You are part of my daily life and always bring some love!!!!

  • Hi!
    This is my first comment though I’ve been reading you forever!! So first of all, congrats for all you have achieve since then! And, I wanted to share how much I love the simplicity of your website that is really content driven, which is great: long articles, beautiful photos, interesting and in-depth content, very little advertising… So I would really like that the next design keeps in line with this simplicity and avoid the temptation of a « magazine » like style, which looks more fragmented, complicated, and where you easily loose track of the chronology. Because I love that all posts follow each other (a blog in fact!), I can easily jump from one to another until I come to the last one I already have read. It creates a feeling of intimacy that you can not find on other websites. In the contrary of other comments above, I like very much the lifestyle orientation you seem to open to, and that you do not only focus on fashion – which I love, but it’s cool to hear your voice on other topics that are all about style anyway. So thank you, and be confident for your next website design, I am pretty sure it will be inspiring, warm and beautiful :-)

  • Been a reader and big fan since before you moved to NY!! Now tho’….not too sure what you really love and are obsessed by and what your getting paid for. And I agree that some of the voices are a bit young. Maybe add one hot shit older voice too? But I wholeheartedly back your monetizing career trajectory because you are very talented. Just, I guess, somehow it gets diluted when you are featuring and then trying to sell it. There might be a clearer way to separate that? A fine line – I know. But ??Ya!!

  • Beautiful blog. I have to second what MIRUSKA MILANOVIC said earlier: I find it totally annoying how the links work within your posts. So often I have clicked on something I wanted to know more of, only to find that I landed somewhere else on your site that didn’t even make any sense with regards to the searched item. At this point I have completely stopped following up on any links, as I know that they don’t lead anywhere productive.

  • Hello Garance and the team!
    First and foremost, congratulations on your splendid work. I have been following your work since 2008 and come here daily to get my mind off work for a couple of minutes a day.

    I would agree with some of the comments above. We all arrived here because we adore Garance’s voice, reflections and insights about her life and while I welcome the introduction of other voices, there seem to be quite shallow and very product driven – particularly the shorter posts (minis). I would welcome more better and introspective writers, perhaps from other places around the world? After all, Garance is French and it seems that most of the other voices in the blog are very USA-centred. Similarly it would be great to have different ages represented.

    On another note, when someone else starts writing, it would be great to have some sort of information of who the person is, it seems that lately there are new interns and additions to the team that write short posts but we don’t have any info about them (keep the about/studio page updated?)

    Someone above mentioned the issue of links: while I appreciate that you want to keep visitors on your website, it would be great if links could take readers to relevant pages with further information.

    Photos are amazing and it would be great to have even more!

    Keep up the good work!

From the Archives

This or That
  • This or That
  • Holiday Gifting
  • Happy Holidays!
  • #AtelierDoréDoes
  • How To...
Silja Danielsen Photo

This Or That: Low Knot or Top Knot

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This or That / Sandal Edition

This or That: American or Française?

This or That: American or Française?

atelier dore this or that lingerie lace or cotton sex month

This or That / Lingerie Edition

This or That / Blush vs. Bronzer

This or That / Blush vs. Bronzer

This or That: The Beanie

This or That: The Beanie

This or That: Nails

This or That: Nails

This or That

This or That

This Or That

This Or That