Let's Talk About...

$300 or $80?

10 years ago by

Hier soir, alors que j’étais (en train de bosser) sur Internet…

… je suis tombée sur un top hyper sympa chez (insérer le nom d’un grand magasin). Mais bon, il était à 80 $ et du coup, je me suis dit : « Quoi ? Attends, je ne vais pas dépenser 80 $ pour un top de chez ___ ! » A peine cinq minutes plus tard, toujours prisonnière de l’Internet, je repère un sweat de créateur (dont j’avais oublié l’existence) pour 280 $, et là, je le fourre immédiatement dans mon panier de peur qu’il disparaisse.

En fin de compte, je me suis endormie avant de finaliser mon achat pour m’imaginer faire la fière avec ce sweat à prix d’or…

Bon, mais qu’est-ce qui explique que trouve normal de payer bien plus pour une pièce de créateur ? La marque m’influence beaucoup, j’adore « cette marque » et donc je suis prête à payer beaucoup plus pour l’avoir. Surtout si je trouve une pièce à un prix bien inférieur aux prix habituels, ce qui incite du coup encore plus à l’achat. Finalement, je pense que c’est la marque qui détermine la façon dont on rationalise ou pas un achat, non ?


Ajouter le votre
  • If you’re obsessed with labels, then yes.

  • since we’re not talking more along the lines of tshirt/sweatshirt here and not so much the fancy lace/leather stuff – I think the best way is to ask yourself, if this sweatshirt was made by (insert department store), would I still buy it for the same price – ORRR, say if this $80 tshirt had a designer label, would I like it more?

  • i may get shit for this but: i recommend investing in better friends who don’t care about ur brands :D


  • On est toute sensible aux marques… Et on est sensible aussi au prix que pratiquent certaines grandes enseignes qui abusent quand on sait que c’est du gros Polyester Made in China. Mais ouais… Même si j’en suis victime, j’appelle ça le « bullshit marketing » ! :-)

  • Yes I definitely think branding plays a huge role of how much we are prepared to spend on a product. I guess it may be for different reasons for different people perhaps because because we believe it to be higher quality or perhaps a status symbol or maybe we can identify with the brand in some way. I guess their is some very clever marketing and psychology that makes us pay more for certain brands. For me it is really important that a brand makes its clothes ethically and I am definitely prepared to pay a little more for that.

  • Most of the time workmanship is better with designer labels – but not always. But wearing the designer label will make you feel like you’re wearing something of quality so I can see your point. Sometimes stores like Zara have great items and despite what some say about their stuff falling apart I don’t believe that. As usual – a bit of both works best.

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  • C’est sur que la marque influence beaucoup, mais aussi souvent un vêtement de marque signifie de meilleure qualité, c’est sûrement pour ça qu’on paie plus plus cher en ayant l’impression de faire une affaire.


  • I had a thought the other day that it would be pointless for me to buy designer clothes, especially t-shirts, shirts etc, as I just cut all the labels off, as they’re so damn itchy!
    And I could never understand why would one spend a 300 bucks on some shirt, if you can buy one from some cheaper store (doesn’t mean it would be worse), AND buy something else or spend it on traveling. I’m no fashion victim, haha.

  • I loved it!
    I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:


  • I definitely think that the brand has an influence – they develop an image and values which are reflected in the quality, which is often mirrored by the price. Not to say that dept stores and lower priced items aren’t good quality of course! I’ve bought some incredible $20 100% cotton tanks which make me think spending more than $50 on these items is now ridiculous, but I wouldn’t scoff twice at the idea of buying a pair of $1000 designer shoes. A strange thing isn’t it?!

  • I know exactly what you mean. But I think you have to differ between owning a timeless designer piece you really love and just wearing expensive stuff around so that anyone sees how much your outfit did cost in total.

    Me, personally, I really really am into special (expensive) pieces that just grade up your wardrobe but on the contrary I can’t stand wearing big fancy designer labels off.

    A really good example for this is my black phantom. I only have few friends that would recognize (and know about the Céline) and that would actually pay a such sum for one piece, or rather for one handbag!

    I don’t talk to anyone about label or price of the bag I often wear around because I think that people would not understand and would rather think me to be insane. (Same goes for my parents)

    Similar situation with my gold Saint Laurent cuff. It is one of the semanier collection and NO ONE in my life would ever even get it is a YSL piece. I could have gotten a similar one from and flea market around. But when i opened the package I knew that I would never regret paying almost 300€ for a simple cuff that nobody else in my environment is interested in. It beautifully laid in a black box and was packed in a minimalistic leather envelope. It just felt right. And it still does. It is just the kind of feeling you get when you recognize all the details that are connected to a designer piece, because I just felt with how much love Slimane did design the packaging.

    To conclude, what I am trying to say, is that labels definitely do influence us und that this, in my opinion, is perfectly fine as long as it makes you happy and as long as you are only trying to please yourself instead of anybody else.

  • I feel exactly the same way. I do not buy ostentatious designer pieces opr pieces with obvious logos, the only exception being my Chanel classic flap bags. All my other treasures, only those in the know really recognise, but I have intense pleasure from wearing and using these timeless pieces, many of which I’ve used for YEARS. I rather buy one or two designer bags a year than 20 Zara bags, for example, and the same with jewellery, shoes and coats.
    Because I have classic taste I could take out a bag or necklace from 10 years ago, wear it tomorrow and get loads of compliments, without anyone necessarily knowing that it cost a true fortune.
    All other, more dispensible seasonal clothing, I buy simple classic chain store pieces and I want them to be cheap :D.

  • absolutely leonie. luv ur comment.
    i also changed my buying habbits from buying everything i liked to rather just purchasing really interesting key pieces, that sometimes do cost a lot but are worth every penny.
    if a special designer piece (which is an original rather than a cheap copy) makes ur heart jump and u can afford it from ur own hard earned money GO FOR IT! beautifully crafted and design- and qualitywise long lasting and timeless pieces will last for much longer than cheap trendy styles.
    in the end it’s a very personal decision and obviously a question of budget and attitude towards designerclothes. and everyone should act according to their very own opinion on this. everybody has different criteria when it comes to shopping: some have a tight budget and will evitably buy cheaper styles, some find it important that products are from fair productions and some will only buy stuff by big labels which they can brag about in front of their friends and collegues etc … and the best thing about it is, there is a right choice of products and labels for all to find in what if offered on the market.
    and noone needs to justify themselves or should critisize anyone for behaving like they do. except maybe when purchasing cheap products supports exploiting children and adult workers in poor countries.

    i personally would always rather buy a good designed and high quality item that speaks to me (it mostly says: BUY ME OR U’LL REGRET IT FOR LIFE! lol) than some trendy, low priced style – and i do believe that doin this, i don’t really spend more money in the end then people who buy a lot of cheaper stuff but much more of that.

    love ur blog garance! keep it up!

  • Je partage ton avis là-dessus. Par contre, je ne me vois pas dépenser cher pour des vêtements de tous les jours mais pour les vêtements d’occassions c’est différent. Je suis prête à dépenser des prix «zaradiens» c’est +/- cher, mais c’est ma limite. Certains disent que Zara s’est dispendieux pour rien et que la qualité n’y est pas, je trouve que la qualité y est et les prix sont correctes. Je n’aime pas dépenser cher pour des vêtements mais les accessoires (souliers et sacs à mains) ne me dérange pas. Je crois malgré tout que oui la marque à beaucoup d’influence sur nous que se soit vêtements ou/et accessoires.

  • I buy if I love it….whether that item is cheap or expensive, I also don’t care what label or brand it is. How can you have individual , eclectic personal style if a label dictates whether you purchase or not?

  • This is so true and at the same time so weird. I think we tell ourselfs the quality is better and it’s more timeless or something, it’s a little weird. I think this will always be a mystery ;) xx

  • I know this probably isn’t the best comment for a fashion-y article, but honestly I put quality first and foremost, then value for quality– the best I can get for my budget and that will last me a long time (no one-season fashions for me). I understand that people rationalize based on brands alone, but I just don’t get it.

  • You’re definitely not alone in this. I’ve had similar thoughts before. It’s not that I’m brand-obsessed, but I always think that I’m getting « better quality » on the more expensive item (though I know that’s not always the case). *sigh*

  • It absolutely does! I feel guilty for it too. This weekend at Nordstrom rack I found a great navy blazer type jacket for $60, not bad! It was mine! If I’d have seen that same jacket at Gap there’s no way I’d pay $60 or what would probably be full price for the same item. Consumerism is weeeeird. But if I’ve learned anything about advertising – it’s not the product, it’s the way the product(experience) makes you feel that matters.


  • « it’s not the product, it’s the way the product(experience) makes you feel that matters. » I completely agree. That is why rationalizing is hard in such cases.

  • Most definitely influences purchase because with a certain brand you expect good quality and a timeless piece – or you hope.

  • Curieux quand même comment le cerveau de l’humain fonctionne!!! C’est clair que si on perçoit une marque plus positivement, on se sent plus justifié de payer un peu plus. Quitte à voir si le prix vaut la qualité du produit. Je crois sincèrement que parfois, vaut mieux payer un peu plus pour quelque chose pour avoir de la meilleure qualité parce que c’est comme un investissement!


  • Yeah, I can definitely relate to that. While some people are just snobs or brand-obsessed, for others it might be more akin to the collector’s fever. I know that when I get into a brand (and it can be anything – make up, shoes, pretty pomade tins etc) I experience that kind of obsessive need to add another item to my collection, Other times, I’ll fall in love with a specific item., regardless of the brand. If it’s something cheap, I’ll just buy it, but something expensive, that I have to covet for a long time, or that feels like sacrifice buying it, will give me a lot more complex emotions (guilt, euphoria, pride, sense of specialness)… It’s a highly addictive high.

  • I think that most of us believe that brand equals high quality. I know that in my parents’ youth it was like that. Pieces that they bought for a higher price lasted more for them. But nowadays, there are just too many brands and the quality is not the same as in the past. I know because my mom knows a quality piece just by looking at it and whenever I buy something she is 100% right about how it will wear and endure washing. When I shop with her sometimes and I show her something I like from a brand, she just scrunches her nose and tells me that it’s not worth its price. I am not saying that all brands are like that. Sometimes you pay and you get the right deal. But most of the time I feel cheated off my money. That’s why I try to look less at the brand and more at the product.

  • Yes! When you pay more for something, you’re not just paying for the clothing. It also comes with social recognition and confidence. When you wear your new expensive designer sweater out, people are going to notice and see what brand you’r wearing and judge you on that. People will wonder, « oh who is this person that can afford this expensive sweater. they must be well off. » Expensive clothing kind of pushes you up a social level, I feel. And sometimes when you wear things, for example, an $80 shirt, and there isn’t any significance to it. There isn’t something special about it. Why spend $80 on it?


  • Yes that is called customer based brand equity. The whole grail of branding.

  • I know I am drawn to certain designer brands not only for the quality but also for the tailored fit or the great detail, whatever it may be. And then there are certain brands (like those large stores who do designer knock offs/trends/runway style) for less, that frankly I too turn away from esp. if I find the price ratio to quality ratio incongruent. The key is to watch out for those great sales for those designers you love. Just like you did. Enjoy your new sweatshirt!

  • I have a hard time with this. I believe more expensive brands are better – J.Brand jeans, for example, vs. GAP for me, please! However, my mother who knows how to sew taught me a thing or two about fabric & so I am probably a « quality » snob and a « brands » snob. I’ve seen higher end designers price dresses at $300+ when the fabric is 100% rayon. Not okay. If the dress is on MEGA sale I might buy it but I would never pay full price for sub par fabrics.

    But then again, come to think of it, I never pay full price for anything, never ever. That’s the way I justify everything I buy – cheap or expensive brands – it was always on sale! xoxo

  • I say fine as long as you bought it because you love it…. and then when you get it, you love it even more…. and the quality of the material and fit is worth the price tag. i start to question choices when it’s solely based on brand (and wanting others to know it’s ‘x’ brand)

  • Ahh, you’re a brand snob, I see. ;) It’s okay. I tend to be like that, as well.

  • Honestly, I think it kind of does. I mean I truly have to rationalize purchases over $100 as a college student, but I do feel myself thinking, « Think $50 piece is way too expensive » at some chain store, and then online I see a brand label that is on discount and I can certain convince myself it’s a rational purchase. So I can SO relate! Sometimes you just have to consider how much you are saving rather than the price.

  • i think the brand changes things for sure! usually designer pieces are super well made and tend to last longer, so to me that justifies the purchase completely.

    xx ella

  • It’s true. It does. If I know the item is of top quality and will last and is a classic item I don’t mind paying a little more. I am a bit against spending a really stupid amount on a plain white t-shirt though because even though the cheaper ones are made in china – so are the designer ones.
    And then don’t get me started on low cost labour…
    BUT if I buy a designer item and keep it for ages I am chucking less stuff out…
    So it goes around in a circle…. this conversation I am having…

  • Tout dépend des sensibilités respectives aux marques de chacune. Les marques un peu plus prestigieuses jouent sur leur image et parfois sur la créativité pour nous convaincre d’investir dans leur pièces. Je suis néanmoins de plus en plus convaincue que, du point de vue du rapport qualité-prix, la différence de prix n’est pas justifiée. Marque ou pas, les lieux de production restent sensiblement les mêmes…

  • It’s funny because I see it exactly the other way around. Being brand-obssessed is mainstream, and the contrary of being snob.
    For me being snob is to be convinced that one could look as good and confident with cheap or not too expensive clothes. Maybe it is a typically french kind of snobiness? In this respect, I am snob and I love the game of finding this kind of clothes (in either shops or my own closet) that will make me look (almost, ok) as great as the people shot in Scott’s or Garance’s blogs. Fashion is a game, not a money waster.

  • Brands do influence the way you look at prices ; but in the end, you’ll ditch that same brand, if the quality lets you down time after time.
    I used to be a fan of a label that had lovely items. Unfortunately, I was very let down by the poor quality of their shoes and fabrics (shirts lost color, the color disappeared, not only once but with the exact same model, in a different color and they were 150€ each !)
    The final drop was, when I saw the owner of the label coming out of one of her Antwerp based shops, with a huge bag of another shop that sells high end labels. You just don’t do that ! Have some respect for your own label and clients that see you walking in/out of your store.

  • Les marketeurs font vraiment bien leurs boulots ! Parfois je peux vraiment depenser beaucoup d’argent pour des pieces de qualité dont la coupe et les matieres sont luxueuses mais parfois je trouve indécent que de grandes marques cool francaises fassent payer tres cher des vetements made in China !!!
    Alors Alex si le pull de créateur est vraiment de qualité pourquoi pas ;-)

  • The power of branding, yes it does exist.

  • i couldn’t agree with you more. If you love the item, the brand and can’t let it go for the passing days.. You should buy it or you will regret it :)


  • Pas de problème de ma part. Je ne peux pas me permettre dépenser 300 $, donc problème résout! Rationalisation facile pour moi.

  • I completely agree.. As sales are all over the place, I cought myself doing almost the same thing. I try some shirts for 10,00 EUR and return them all the while telling myself I do not need more 10,00 EUR t-shirts and thinking that 100,00 EUR for a coat is too much from the same brand and keep waiting to drop a bit more.. And then on the other side, keeping my fingers crossed and going to THE store on the regular basis waiting for another coat to be 200,00 EUR (in my head sale buy buy buy number). But then I just thing it is like a special connection (I keep telling that to myself..:))..

  • After years of contemplating the rationale of the purchase scale, I have come to the conclusion that my gut instinct on whether a piece is worth the price tag – to me – is the best indicator of whether I should buy something. There have been low price items that I have worn forever and designer items that have barely left my wardrobe once, and vice versa. However I find if I stop and ask myself Is this a good purchase? And listen to my gut, more often than not the less useful purchases are avoided xx

  • I am prepared to pay a lot for designer luxury and quality, but I am well aware that not all designer produce is necessarily of the best quality. This is one reason why I returned the Alexander McQueen skull bracelet even though it was the prettiest thing I had ever seen on my computer screen. In real life it looks cheap and nasty. Same with some studded Miu Miu slipper loafers I ordered this winter. I do expect the feeling and look to be perfect, but then I am prepared to pay.
    When I consider paying 80 euros for something at a chain store, though, I am aware that for a few times the price I could have a timeless designer piece instead of a trendoid top that I’ll probably forget 2 weeks later.

  • I like the quote « I am too poor to dress cheap. » I also like brands like most of us here and I also like Zara but I don’t like fake or poor quality. Buying a T-shirt that’s 80$ which might be already in a bad shape after few washes is more expensive than buying a 280$ sweatshirt which will last for years to come. xx


  • Also, when you buy online and you’re not able to touch/ feel the item, brands may be a garantee of quality…

  • Material girls living in a material world

  • Not you, Garance, please! You are so much more then brands.

  • That is why the companies brand. It’s called « perceived value. » I have actually seen what I thought was a low price item and put it back and then looked at it again and discovered it was actually very expensive which made me want it more. And I should know better. (I am in marketing.)

    And it’s not true that all expensive brands are better quality. My Prada boots (a fortune!) made my feet black and then the soles came away from the rest of the boot. My mother was a seamstress so I know fabric, and much of the fabric in high-end brands is real crap, if you will pardon the expression.

    It is wise to examine why we are buying stuff. As I said once to the guy in my fave shoe shop, « I’m not here because I NEED shoes. »

  • Faire quand même très attention, car quand je vois des vêtements de créateurs, évidemment à des prix créateur fabriqué en Chine, quand on sait le prix du taux horaire qu’ils pratiquent la bas, c’est du vol pur et simple. Alors oui, je suis la première à m’acheter des belles pièces, mais fabriquées en France,.au delà de 300 euros, payer un vêtement mademoiselle ni china, c’est prendre les clients pour des pigeons

  • I totally agree with you. Personally, I always rather buy quality before brand. Sometimes it goes hand in hand but some others it doesn’t. And if I am going to spend a large amount of money, I do not want to be wearing plastics bags that have been turned into fabric, no matter what is the name in the tag.

  • Finally, we are all victim of the label…differences?? not sure if the same product different labels will be the same quality


  • BlinkyTheFish 5 février 2014, 8:57 / Répondre

    In recent years I’ve had more money to buy pieces from designer brands, and I have to say, an awful lot of it isn’t well made – or no better made than it’s ripoff high street counterpart. I end up mixing high street and designer, but when I buy designer I usually buy stuff that I can wear for years (a really well-cut jacket, dress or pair of trousers). I still have a bunch of well made 100% wool black tuxedo style blazers from Zara that I wear with everything. I do have to note that Zara don’t do nearly as much 100% wool as they used to – most blazers from there now are viscose, polyester blends with a little wool, which is a shame. What kills me with designer is when I see a beautiful dress online, and it’s like $600-800+, but when you zoom in on it (thank god a lot of sites do 360 viewing and super zooms) it’s totally unlined, or it’s got that down the middle of the front seam that makes it look cheap (bugs me on prints especially) ! I always feel like a good dress, aside from maybe a light summer dress ought to have a decent lining to them, it’s one of those marks of quality, along with stitching.

  • Sometimes it is about the brand, especially if their philosophy is something that reflects your own. But I think it’s also about love for certain things. Look at those tops as if they were men… You have an idea of your perfect partner and wouldn’t change him for somebody else… Same with clothes… They choose us, we choose them… As long as one feels happy at the end, that’s all that matters. :)

    P.S. Also, lets me honest, it’s more likely that a $80 will die after the first wash (read: your heart would be broken) where as the more expensive (and more likely better quality) one will remain with you for longer (read: every time you put it on you will feel hugged)

  • Well if the sweater was coool i understand


  • This is a really interesting debate which I have had with some friends who work in high fashion. I have worked for 3 of the top ten brands in the past 12 years, I was given the most amazing designer pieces for free. So as a result I do have a wardrobe to challenge Kate Moss’s. Recently I have started to realize that over the past two or three years the items that I wear over and over are Not the designer pieces but actually « the copies » which I have purchased on a whim in Zara or HM. The designer pieces are often too fragile / cut for extremely tall and skinny girls or actually not very practical. So now aim left with all these expensive clothes which I don’t particularly need.
    What I want to say is that for you who long to wear and purchase designer brands; it really is not all that the houses want you to believe. Invest in a quality bag, and shoes but the rest ; it’s is not worth the price tag EVER.

  • La question est intéressante parce qu’elle renvoie aux commentaires des uns et des autres sur le post concernant le blog : les Françaises surtout (on est des râleuses) disaient que les contributions des autres personnes du studio changeaient le ton du blog. Ici, typiquement, c’est une question que se pose une jeune femme qui est influençable, adore les marques, est dingue d’une fringue etc. Pas exactement le style de Garance qui est perçu comme plus mature. D’où une certaine insatisfaction des lecteurs?

    The question is interesting because it is reminiscent of the post about the changes in the blog… Some French girl (we French people always complain) argued that there was a change in the tone with the contributions from the Studio. Here, the question asked is one of a 20-something who loves fashion and brands and gets excited by a 280 USD sweater. That doesn’t sound exactly like Garance who’s perceived as more mature. Maybe that’s why some readers feel unsatisfied?

    (also, to answer the question, my rule is and has always been, never more than 200 € in an item. The quality of many brands is really bad anyway, so I wear my mother’s old stuff from the 1980s which is still totally wearable and in a good state)

  • Caroline : You’re maybe right, but I think it’s a sincere question – and in that sense my tone had always been to not be a lesson giver but more ask questions every girl asks themselves :)

  • Ce n’est pas la marque mais l’univers qu’elle est sensée représentée, le fantasme que tu projettes autour d’elle… Et puis la qualité (enfin normalement !), le design, etc…le fait aussi que tu ne retrouveras pas ce sweat à chaque coin de rue, que tu le garderas surement longtemps dans ton dressing. Alors que le petit top …., te fera tout juste une saison, et lorsque tu auras croisé 10 filles avec le même, tu ne voudras, de toute façon plus le porter. Et puis surtout, même à 80$, tu n’intégreras pas cet achat dans tes dépenses, ce sera comme si tu n’avais rien acheté (et ce, même si tu multiplies ce type de petits achats), alors que ton achat à 280$, tu l’intégreras et tu auras envie de l’optimiser ! Et enfin, les marques sont les laboratoires de style de ces enseignes bon marché, et sans elles, je me demande où en serait leur créativité ?

  • This is a problem you can only have if you buy online. You are no longer judging by how the clothes feel or suit you, but you need other less personal criteria.

  • I think that designer prices are ridiculous and there is no good reason for them. They’re not made with unicorn hairs or dragon scales. Everyone talks about the craftsmanship, but still, the prices they charge don’t add up. They price their wares to create exclusivity. So few people can actually afford it, and everyone else wants to be able to. That’s why you don’t think twice about dropping $300 like that, because you want in to the club.

    Sure, there are designer items I’d absolutely love to have, but most of them cost the same as a trip to Europe, and I’d rather have the experience than the object.

    Shani x
    She Dreams in Perfect French

  • Ahah, ça! tout pareil: quand je vois une « bonne affaire » d’une marque qui me parle, je perds pied, au point que je ne sais même plus dire si ça me plaît vraiment, si c’est moi ou pas (et pourtant j’ai pas 20 ans et j’ai un style (pas unique soit) mais une certaine maturité dans mon style…)

  • a woman under influence….

  • the challenge is to identify quality at the price point: I often find that the things which fail badly are bridge or mid-market. They are actually quite a lot of money, but mass produced and not all that good quality. They tend to be what doesn’t get worn & I have largely given up now so I prefer a few really beautiful designer items (I am the sad person who checks the seams & linings: many companies at every level are using no or cheaper linings & worse quality thread & zips) and basic basics . Also for fleeting trends, I don’t overpay. I use sales too; if I am willing to pay X for an item, you can often get something that has been reduced from 2X that is lovelier and better long term value, though you have to look after your clothes for this to work.

  • Je pense que dans le fond, le but de la mode a toujours été de se distinguer, plus ou moins socialement, et donc, en quelque sorte, par l’argent. Quand on achète un vêtement de marque, on se dit qu’il sera plus distinctif, parce que tout le monde ne peut pas l’acheter, parce qu’il fait référence à une « meilleure » image, à un prix plus élevé, etc… Si en plus on arrive à acheter ce produit de marque à un prix inférieur à celui qu’il coûte d’habitude, c’est une affaire, alors que si l’on paye « cher » (ou juste plus cher que ce que l’on pense que ça coûte) un vêtement qui à nos yeux n’a que peu de valeur, et ne nous distinguera pas des autres, on a l’impression de se faire avoir. En fait, je crois que la marque entre réellement, et pas seulement subjectivement, dans la valeur d’un vêtement, même si marque ne rime pas toujours avec qualité…

  • Pour moi le summum de l’élégance reste encore de porter des vêtements non griffés et donner pourtant l’impression qu’on a dépensé une fortune pour notre tenue…That is « CLASS » ;)

    Par contre, je suis absolument complètement parfaitement comme Brie lorsqu’il s’agit du maquillage. Prenons 2 rouge à lèvres : un Gemey Maybelline, un Chanel. Même s’ils auront exactement la même teinte, la même tenue, la même qualité (admettons), je prendrai forcément le Chanel.

    Pareil aussi pour les sacs, bizarrement.

    Mais côté fringues non, peut-être aussi parce qu’on achète plus souvent de fringues que du maquillage/sac/accessoires, et que c’est une question de porte monnaie ?

    Mais globalement non, entre un chemisier Chloé et un sac Chloé, je prends le sac !

  • I think in the past, to be brand/label conscious makes you as a fashion victim. However as ideas and designs becomes freely shared and therfore copied, authentisity becomes more important – especially for ppl like me working in the industry. With everyone doing everything (vera wang doing bridal gowns – and plates, ring and now the mattress, too!) where is the point of differences or the expertise? A strong brand is one that has lifestyle/unique voice that hopefully sets it apart. Done well, it draws like-minded ppl and build loyalty and trust.

    In my mind, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Who are any of us to judge ppl on how , where and why they spend their money? (Just how they look in it:) I just give extra credit to the brands that somehow connected with the consumer on such a level. It’s hard work.

  • Ou comment dépenser trois fois plus tout en ayant le sentiment d’avoir fait une affaire :) Si la qualité et la coupe sont au rendez-vous oui sinon, c’est être tombé dans le piège d’une équipe marketing.

  • The thing is….. You will wear it because you love it and often the better labels are better quality..
    Thats my experience!!!!!!

  • Perceived quality, I believe, is the key. Not necessarily workmanship or better materials (sometimes you know that the 300$ piece will take you much more time to care and handwash than the 80$ Zara shirt, and it’s probably the same material and made in [insert remote country] anyway), but maybe the original cut of the piece. I still prefer the brand to the cheap high street fast fashion, just because I think it’s less questionable (in terms of mass production, sustainability?), because if I buy more expensive stuff, I’ll surely buy less. And care more.

    Now, I like to buy brands on sale only. Can’t really afford full price just yet! And many a Zara shirt have survived much better with a handwash…

  • I actually have had to develop a test for myself because of this problem. It is called the « Canyon River Blues » test. Basically, if I want to get something (and perhaps in my heart of hearts, I know it is ill-fitting or too small or large or just way weird) but realize I am entranced by the label, I take the test.
    All it is, is this: « If this were made by Canyon River Blues (Wallmart brand) would I still love it? » If the answer is yes, then great, purchase made. If no, set it down, and back away. The other half of the test is the exact opposite situation. Perhaps you pick up some labeless beauty, and you run the test « If this were {insert name of favorite designer} would I love it more? If yes, then you now own it. If no, then you know it is not meant to be.

    Basically, I know that I can be lured into buying something because of brand, or led out of a great and useful piece because of the same reason. Just run the Canyon River Blues test, and it will help you get in touch with your lady feelings.

  • Very interesting topic, I’ll have to say that it depends on your personality. I honestly don’t think I would (or be more willing to) buy something because it’s branded. I like something or I don’t, names don’t get in my way.


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    propia casa de campo, y le ahorrará de llevar
    mochila grande junto.

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