Veronica McCarthy

Veronica McCarthy is Ready to Rock

Veronica McCarthy is Ready to Rock

It’s me, Veronica! I was going to write this intro in third person, but that felt ridiculous. My last Edit had a real 70s vibe to it, and this one feels a little more bohemian rocker...


3 years ago by

Things I Learned from Dating in My Thirties

Things I Learned from Dating in My Thirties

When my newly single self moved into her own apartment at thirty-three, fresh off an eight year...

3 years ago by

Veronica McCarthy Wishes She Partied in the 70s

Veronica McCarthy Wishes She Partied in the 70s

Our Editorial Director, Veronica, finally realized just how much her style is influenced by the 70s...

3 years ago by

I Got Botox for the First Time And Have a Lot to Say About It.

I Got Botox for the First Time And Have a Lot to Say About It.

About a month ago at a holiday party I had one of those weird out of body experiences where you’ve...

4 years ago by

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

Le métier de productrice fait partie de ces jobs qui veulent un peu tout dire. J’ai le titre de...

5 years ago by

Dallas Cocktails & Conversation

Dallas Cocktails & Conversation

Il y a quelques semaines, nous avons organisé un évènement pour notre communauté à Los Angeles...

6 years ago by

Veronica McCarthy Atelier Dore

Atelier Doré is…Veronica!

Veronica McCarthy, Managing Editor D’où viens-tu ? De Los Angeles, en California. Tu as un surnom...

6 years ago by

lifestyle in her words atelier dore

In Her Words: Veronica McCarthy

Veronica nous a contactés quand on a sollicité des rédactrices d’articles autour de la beauté....

6 years ago by

Skin Struggles

Skin Struggles

La relation la plus longue que j’ai vécue, c’est celle que j’ai avec un kyste qui se trouve...

7 years ago by

beauty instagram face mask atelier dore photo

The Instagram Effect

Un rapide classement des masques qui sont à la fois bons pour l’ego et...

7 years ago by