New York city

A Street Style with Bessie and Oliver of ARJÉ

A Street Style with Bessie and Oliver of ARJÉ

ARJÉ is the love child from husband and wife duo, Bessie Afnaim Corral and Oliver Corral. Together, after years in the fashion industry as creative heads for a luxury lifestyle brand, they...


4 years ago by

The Fashion of Self-Discovery

The Fashion of Self-Discovery

La veille de mon départ en vacances pour les fêtes, j’ai regardé le spectacle d’Ellen...

5 years ago by

Things I’ve Learned Moving to New York

Things I’ve Learned Moving to New York

Je suis arrivée à New York en août, sous un soleil de plomb. Vingt-sept ans, dix valises et un...

6 years ago by

The O.G. of Dating Apps

The O.G. of Dating Apps

L’autre jour, je rentrais chez moi à pied, ce qui veut dire que je slalomais entre les obstacles,...

6 years ago by