There’s really not much to say about this gorgeous editorial by Christina and Bogdana other than I want it to be my forever mood. I am so proud of both of these women for not only...
5 years ago by
There’s really not much to say about this gorgeous editorial by Christina and Bogdana other than I want it to be my forever mood. I am so proud of both of these women for not only...
5 years ago by
L’automne regorge d’options vestimentaires, mais moi, j’ai deux pièces sur...
7 years ago by
Un perfecto en cuir, c’est un investissement.
7 years ago by
Une alternative plus soft au traditionnel perfecto ! Pantalon, Victoria Beckham ; Pull, Joseph ;...
7 years ago by
Le perfecto en cuir est une pièce aussi incontournable qu’universelle, mais ce modèle Acne est...
7 years ago by
Le blouson en cuir est peut-être plus new-yorkais que la pomme, on dirait.
8 years ago by
Bon, j’attends qu’il fasse le temps idéal pour me balader en perfecto et en jeans. Le...
10 years ago by