patty lu street style garance dore photos

The Little Things

9 years ago by

Il est pas trop stylé, ce blouson ? Je trouve que c’est une interprétation hyper inspirée du bomber classique. En général, en version courte, j’essaie d’éviter l’oversize (Je préfère garder le XXL pour les manteaux) mais là, je trouve que ça tombe super bien sur Patti… et cette teinte neutre a un petit effet très chic.

Mais je crois que ce que je préfère dans ce look, c’est la touche de rouge inattendue. Le contraste du col roulé est un détail très intéressant qui montre que comme souvent, ce sont les petits détails qui font qu’une tenue attire le regard.

Et vous, quels sont vos trucs pour donner un peu plus de caractère à un look ?


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  • The girl isn’t bad, either… :-)
    very elegant. Where did you take the picture, not in New York just now, I think.. way too cold to go out in this outfit so delightfully légère..??

  • Awesome outfit! Awesome style! <3
    Completely in love with her bag!!!!

    Le monde des petites

  • it’s really — I love the way she styled it

  • I love the red turtleneck underneath. How fabulous!

  • I think this look is so elegant and timeless without being boring… I like that too, adding and unexpected touch of color in an otherwise neutral palette, can really give a boost.
    Beautiful photo!
    Ambitieuse Paris

  • Très joli look :-)
    La touche de rouge fait son effet !


  • I like to buy super big chunky men’s sweaters, preferably wool and pair them with worn jeans. Marche Puce and Vanves in Paris, thrift and vintage stores are ideal shopping venues for this kind of item. I’ve been lucky to find hand knit sweaters from Scotland in heather tones that are timeless treasures.

    janine claire

  • I am very big on detail. I love basics that are tweaked. Like a simple black top with an artfully draping neckline, or a surprise slit sleeve. Basic boots with a combo of leather and suede, instead of just one or the other. Interesting buckle detail. A bit of lace in an unexpected place. Braided straps. Embroidery. Laser cuts. Patinas. Funky zippers. I could go on…you get the gist. I own very few « basic » basics. I like them to have some added zing. :)

  • She wears it so well that i need it now too! Any idea where she got it ;) xx

  • Chanel Mulet 21 janvier 2015, 3:37 / Répondre

    J’adore sa tenue !
    Je suis d’accord avec toi sur le contraste avec le rouge. Sa veste est d’une splendeur , I love it !
    J’ai récemment acheté un manteau coupe droite gris que je ne quitte plus et je ne vais pas t’attarder à m’acheter un bomber, ça me travaille : j’ai envie d’un BOMBER!

    Au fait Garance, pour la petite histoire, je suis actuellement étudiante dans le commerce et donc j’ai pas mal de choses à faire dont un oral de soutenance sur le thème que l’on voulait et j’ai choisis ton blog car la mode est omniprésente et je te suis depuis un bon petit moment déjà.

    Bonne soirée à toi.


  • flawless!! great pics :)


  • Et cette ville est toujours aussi photogénique !

  • I love the drape and slouchiness of the look and somehow that snap of red keeps it all together and makes it look neat. In answer to your question, it can be a trim on a cuff, the way you tie a small scarf around your wrist, an unexpected color combination or mixing prints and textures. Clothing is like a big beautiful palette for us to layer and sculpt in so many interesting ways. This photo reminds me of a photograph I once saw of a very stark black and white winter scene with a red umbrella in the corner. A lovely surprise.

    Accidental Icon

  • Love the color ,the cut the total look …the shoes are too classic a great pair of boots will upgrade all this..
    Yael Guetta

  • I totally agree, my father used to say that, if you really want to see if a woman has good taste, look at her shoes and bag, if they are bad quality is a bad sign

  • Great style, love it!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • I love the color & overall vibe of the jacket, but I’m not seeing bomber. Wish there was another angle.
    :] // ? ?

  • On ne réussit pas toujours à trouver le bon truc malgré nos tentatives, mais certains jours on a du bol quand on trouve le détail qui « sublime » la tenue ou plutôt lui apporte une touche originale, du pep’s
    Et je crois que votre blog nous donne beaucoup d’idées !
    Ce blouson beige rosé est très beau, très bien porté, et l’arrière plan de la photo est magnifique !

  • Yep, no scarf makes it so much more elegant!

  • Love her look!
    My Fantabulous World

  • stella white 22 janvier 2015, 4:06 / Répondre

    Sublime, tout comme la fille! Quelle est la marque de ce blouson?

  • Canon ce blouson, j’adore!!!


  • J’adore tellement vos séries mode, à chaque fois c’est parfait et inspirant ! J’adore la veste, mais surtout le sac, je le veux celui-ci !

  • Excuse me, what was the question again? I was distracted by that gorgeous bag…

  • I love how the jacket hangs from her slim frame! But what really stole the show for me were her shoes!

  • Je suis d’accord avec le petit détail rouge qui fait toute la différence!


  • She looks sophisticated in her clothes. Really fits on her.

  • C’est très jolie. Ca paraît simple et chic à la fois. Bravo!

  • She looks so elegant!

    Thats an interesting question: « What are the little things you do that bring personality to an outfit? »

    I’m not sure if what I do actually makes what I wear « individual » or « personal »per se, since- should we all be given exactly the same items of clothing to wear- we would definitely all look quite different, simply because of our body shapes, face shape, how we carry ourselves – even how we feel that day, how we do our makeup – or not, our preferred hairstyles, whether we smile or not… and then the immediately obvious things that we would each wear differently – shoes, bag, jewellery.

    All my clothes are very simple, over-sized or comfortable cuts that have texture and rich colour and pattern, as that combination disguises a multitude of inadvertent stains that I always seem to collect when I wear plain white or ivory. I adore second-hand and vintage clothing, soft leather bags and always wear low leather boots… And I always wear the same jewellery (lots of woven and sentimental and antique heirlooms bits and pieces) in my ears, on my wrists, hands, and around my neck. A silk scarf in cooler months or in cold office spaces, and my choice of footwear is always flat to low (3cm highest) brogues, ankle boots or leather Converse or Adidas sneakers, and a medium tan or black leather bag. So I suppose items rich in comfort, texture and a little bit of history are what I most enjoy wearing, and would be my personal stamp.

    Even when I wear a plain dark grey or chocolate oversized T with oversized, old jeans and flat boots, I still wear all my jewellery – so I guess my jewellery and always-flat footwear would be seen by onlookers as my personal stamp.

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