Style Story / Claire-Marie Rutledge
4 years ago by
Claire-Marie’s energy is infectious. It’s no wonder that she’s found success as a DJ and Sound Curator. I would trust her to set the right tone for any environment.
Originally from Paris, she moved to New York five years ago as a Creative Producer with the occasional DJ gig for fun. But this past year the DJ gigs became more frequent and she decided to pursue that path full time. While her main dwelling is in Williamsburg, Bogdana and I were lucky enough to visit her in Hudson, in her home away home that she share with her husband and two adorable cats. Meet, Claire-Marie!

How would you describe your interior design style in three words? How would you describe your clothing style in three words?
Interior design I would say curated, minimal and calming. I am very inspired by the Swedish and Japanese principles — having only a few strong pieces that focus on what is important. I feel overwhelmed and distracted when my interior gets busy.
As for my personal style, I would say it is feminine and intuitive yet easy-to-wear and always with a detail to twist the look. It might come from the « less is more” savoir-faire that’s innate by being a Parisian, but always with a touch of modernity as I’m also a New Yorker.
What has been your approach to decorating your Hudson home? This home is your home away from home (with your main residence in Brooklyn). Did you approach decorating this home differently? Did you want to achieve something else with this interior?
The main inspiration to decorate the house in Upstate New York comes from a magic hotel my husband and I stayed at in Lisbon. It is called Santa Clara 1728. The philosophy of this luxury and peaceful place in Lisbon is based on material from wood to stone, and a unique color palette which is white, beige and grey. In our Brooklyn apartment, we have a lot of touches of primary colors, very modernist and so for our secondary house we wanted to stay strict about a neutral direction. Also, as a get-away house, our main wish was to explore the idea of how we can create the ultimate calm and relaxing space where guests will be able to breath, enjoy the nature and the beauty of peace.

What are some of your favorite places to source both clothes and interior goods?
Ah. Hard question! For clothes, I am trying to be more & more “green” and avoid fast fashion brands. I have my favorite vintage stores I like to go in Williamsburg to shop Levi’s, coats or suits. Places such as Amarcord or Chickee’s vintage, for basics, I love the French brand called Petit Bateau but also American Apparel, MUJI, Uniqlo or COS. Per season, I am (trying) to buy no more than one expensive piece like a hand bag or shoes.
Interior goods. I will share my secret…which is to mix & match with designer pieces found on 1stdibs, Ebay, Amsterdam Modern and local design stores. One secret that I will never give up is the name of my furniture dealer who has a private collection that we often visit. Additionally, deep online sourcing for more affordable basics at places like h&m home, CB2, or MUJI. For tableware, I am obsessed with Canvas Home. Also in junk stores sometimes you can find treasures! I truly believe you can mix & match vintage, cheap and expensive items if you’ve got taste and a bit of a story to tell.
You are a DJ and Sound Curator so you spend time on and off the stage. How does your style change when you’re performing versus running around everyday?
I really developed two different ways to dress these past few months. If I am in the New York night life, meaning playing in clubs, I will go with a tomboy-look wearing my husbands teeshirts, with a pair of sneakers and red lipstick. More & more I am playing for brands such as Chanel, I love playing the game and wearing the brand, going fully feminine in high heels. I like having fun with those two “faces. »
If I am in the city in a client meeting all day, it would be in a navy suit with a white teeshirt and a cool pair of sneakers. If I am in my country house Upstate NY, definitely a vintage high-rise Levi’s jean with a cashmere sweater, thick socks and Birkenstocks.
A bit of a DJ secret; nobody can see your shoes when you’re behind the booth and you need to stand quite a lot so I am always wearing flats or sneakers (if possible) when I perform!

Finish this sentence. Bury me in….
A little garden in Le Marais.
New or Vintage?
A mix of both. If I buy new items, it’s for pieces I can keep forever.
Masculine or feminine?
Masculine during the day, feminine at night.
Coffee or tea?
Coffee to wake me up, tea to calm me down.
Taxi or subway?
Cook or order-in?
Cooking on weekends for friends, going-out during the week. Not a big fan of ordering in — it’s never the same.
Records or CDs?
Love her style. Who is the designer of that beautiful suit?
Love Love Love !!! And… i’m suspect to say but in the first picture, on the left of the red thing, don’t you love the name of the second top book that is also a country ?
Love the place, the decor , Claire-Marie’s Style and.. i’ll look and check her DJ sets , for sure !!!
Beijinho Grande de Lisboa *_*
(And… Couto toothpaste!!! Whaaaaaat ??? Not expecting to see this vintage product ,here !!!)
What a beautifull and cozy home, very inspiring to see! I love the warmth of the wooden floor and the contrast with the light walls, which create a beautifull sense of light and spaciousness.
So, so inspiring and beautifull. Loooove it!!!
Entremeio rios beijinhos mar negro praia sensações bulimia sensual
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