Style Story / Carrie Barber
2 years ago by
Sometimes you meet someone and you just have to dig in for me. Such was the case with Carrie, Creative Director and owner of MAKE. Erik went to go photographer her for a beauty minute and promptly announced we need to do a full style story. He was obviously not wrong. Enjoy this stylish, kind lady who has a few accounts you should follow if you’re looking to up your style game.
How would you describe your style in three words?
Minimal // Comfortable // Timeless
Does your interior style reflect your personal style or do you approach interior style differently from personal style?
They used to be more similar, but I am going through a phase of interior style that feels very different from my wardrobe. I started to get a little bored with all the California Modern//Beige and I’m starting to look at very old antique furniture pieces, more color, more texture and more interesting shapes. Rose Uniacke and my friend Madelynn Furlong are my biggest inspiration right now.

What is your most treasured clothing and home possession?
Hard to choose one clothing item because I have a few for different reasons. I have a vintage Alaia Suit that is my best Real Real find, it fits me perfectly and was only $190.
I absolutely cherish anything Old Celine…the pieces I have were some of the first designer pieces I bought and at a time I had very little money. Oh and I have. Tom Ford Gucci dress from the 90’s that I almost never want to wear because it feels too special. I feel very attached to pieces that feel one of a kind and that I have invested in.
I would say this is true for pieces in my home, something that feels unique or that I spent a lot of time looking for.
If a friend was struggling in defining their personal style, what advice would you give them?
I would say to just keep it simple and don’t force it. The fun of getting dressed is that you get to try a variety of things and if they don’t work…you can take it off and try something else. When I want to try a new trend I will buy something returnable or buy the Zara version so that I’m not making a huge investment in something I am not sure I will like.
Who do you look to for inspiration?
There are some people I follow on instagram like @pernilleteisbaek, @styleheroine and @bettinalooney and then I look to my friends like @kristenmarienichols, @laurenalexander, @chrisellelim, and @madelynnfurlong

Beautiful style. What designer is the tote bag?