
Robe Life

7 years ago by

Jusqu’à récemment, le loungewear était un peu un non-sujet. C’était quelque chose qu’on portait dans l’intimité, chez soi (et qui consistait, dans le meilleur des cas, en des pulls et survêts informes), loin des regards scrutateurs du monde extérieur. Mais dernièrement, on note un regain d’intérêt pour ce type de vêtements.

Garance a rencontré Licheng lors d’un voyage à Shanghai, et on est depuis devenus des inconditionnels de sa marque Homeism, une chouette façon d’aborder le loungewear. Prenez ce peignoir… un peu ample, joliment agrémenté d’un col châle et d’un liseré. Tous les détails ont été pensés avec attention, dans le respect des origines orientales de la créatrice. Du coup, là, ça donne envie de faire autant d’efforts chez soi que lorsqu’on sort. Qui a dit qu’allier beauté au naturel, confort et féminité moderne était difficile ?

Petit bonus : un aussi joli peignoir, ça fait une veste chic pour les premières journées de printemps, un peu fraîches !

Silk robe, Homeism

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  • I love this approach to life! I used to wear shapeless sweats at home and one time I looked in the mirror and it got me thinking ‘do you really want to look like that and FEEL like that? And I bought a silk robe to wear at home. I do it mainly for myself (a little bit for my husband) to feel good :)

  • I work from home and although I dress most days , there are those days when a pair of silk p.j.’s call your name.I also have days when sweats are calling.. Its all about understanding your options and respecting yourself!
    Thanks Jandrew
    Dress The Part

  • If only we all looked as great rocking a robe!

    See my latest post:
    // the perfect fringe jacket
    born bred BE – a blog by Alexia

  • I am a MAJOR lover of robe life. I have one silk/polyster blend robe that my aunt bought for me in Chinatown in San Francisco 12 years ago and has really grown up with me. It has beautiful embroidery on the back, and she has always embodied an elegant role model for me. I have another red silk robe that I personally purchased in Chinatown in San Francisco about five years ago and I think I could keep collecting infinitely!

  • I have a silk robe – you have inspired me to get it out!


  • Colette Eédard 28 mars 2017, 7:24 / Répondre

    i want your page on my Face book and i don’t know how to have you back on my site Please Colette

  • Yes! I’ve bought robes from Bangkok to Little Palm Island, never wearing them as they were intended, but as overcoats because I found them too pretty to keep inside. And very chic.

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