Linda and Winks
6 years ago by Tori Lazar
J’adore porter des vêtements simples et confortables. J’adore les jeans. Celui-ci est un Nili Lotan. La cape est une Saint Laurent. Les boots cosy de chez Mm6.
Je porte souvent mon 501 vintage. Je mets très rarement des robes et j’aime les silhouettes élancées. Je suis aussi très décontractée. Jamais je ne suis très sophistiquée.
Les incontournables de ma garde-robe : les Levi’s vintage et le denim sous toutes ses formes. Les manteaux. Les capes. Les chemises. Les sneakers. Et les boots à petit talon. »
A l’Atelier, on aime tous beaucoup Linda et son adorable chien, Winks. Pour trouver de l’inspiration et des photos de Winks (on ne s’en lasse pas), jetez un oeil à l’Instagram de Linda.
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I love her style and energy…
J’adore son style ! Son compte Instagram est une veritable inspiration.
I admire Linda greatly and love stories of her and her posts on IG. Her style is timeless!!
so love her style!
We love her poodle, Winks, too!!!! But I am biased since we have Zoe and Ali….our two poodles! :)
Big fan of Linda!
Magnifique !
Thank you, thank you for a story about an ‘ older ‘ woman. Please….. more… with more details too. Go the Greys!
Wow! It’s just gorgeous!
I am a fan of all things Atelier Dore. I have been a follower for years, and will continue to be. However, recently I’ve become less enchanted and I was trying to figure out why. I came up with three observations: the posts of the incredibly stylish and beautifully photographed women (like this one) are short and redundant; there seems to be an excessive emphasis recently about emotional and personal struggles; and the fashion is expensive (the handful of Topshop options are getting stale). For a happy, style-loving, Francophile with a medium discretionary income, it’s feeling less and less relevant. This isn’t meant to be a criticism, just thought you might appreciate an observation from a follower. I don’t know if others would agree with me. The photography, style, site design, things we slacked, are all obviously fantastic. My thought is, don’t let this site become too LA Gwyneth – keep your French roots!
Fully agree with you
Nice design. The green color perfectly matches with the women. The dress design in casual but elegant- Indian Sarees Online
Winks!!! What a cutie pie. Love Linda Rodin. In her casualness she is chic, chic, chic! Inspiration.
Great style and ease!
So ADORABLE!!! Your dress-up is simple yet so elegant :) Nothing fancy but yet so beautiful!
P.S. Love your dog too! hehe
Linda projects such an air of style ! It’s not always what you wear but how you wear it.
Dress The Part
501 jeans……yes……yes……yes!!!! Linda is super cool. Yay for the senior gray haired females.
Stunning senior style.
Oh I love Linda’s style! Just painted her portrait. xx