
Do You Uniform?

7 years ago by

On dit qu’avoir un uniforme, une tenue gagnante vers laquelle se tourner chaque jour, c’est une manière de réduire le stress lié à la difficulté de choisir (Vanessa, c’est pour toi).

Bien sûr, un ensemble imprimé, ça n’a rien d’un uniforme, mais des sneakers et un petit chignon bas portés régulièrement, si. Illustration avec notre amie Jessi dont le look signature serait incomplet sans chignon et sneakers. En plus d’éliminer deux des cinq principales prises de tête pour s’habiller le matin (les autres étant : les vêtements, les accessoires, le make-up), y avoir recours donne à ce look élégant un côté accessible au quotidien. La polyvalence, je suis pour.

Vous avez un uniforme, vous ? Dans votre manière de vous habiller ou autre… Je suis celle qui a mis quatre mois à choisir la couleur de ses rideaux, alors j’ai besoin de conseils (Et Vanessa aussi, puisqu’elle cherche toujours la poubelle parfaite).

Top and Trouser, Cienne NY ; B.O., Winden ; Sneakers, Nike

Jessi Frederick travaille comme styliste et directrice artistique à Brooklyn. Elle aime les tons neutres (et plus particulièrement le noir et blanc) et maîtrise à la perfection ce minimalisme juvénile et sophistiqué si réussi.

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  • My uniform, mostly for summer weekends: a sleeveless black top, especially a turtleneck, with Audrey Hepburn-style capris in khaki. Winter: black sweater dress, tights or leggings (depending on the temperature), high black boots with flat heels.
    Harper’s Bazaar in 2015 had an excellent article by Matilda Kahl about why she wears the same thing to work every day (white silk shirt and black pants).

  • I love this post and look! I clearly have a uniform for the days when I need to walk a lot and wake up very early!

  • louise darbonne 22 septembre 2017, 2:40 / Répondre

    Yes I guess I do « uniform » when working, black & white, easy, chic and always elegant. The weekends and holidays are more colourful….!!

  • I have seven pairs of the same striped shirt for spring/autumn and a sleeveless linen dress in three colours for summer. In winter I love a good red woollen polo shirt/turtle neck. I only wear trousers and skirts in navy and for winter I accessorise with a burgundy beret, gloves and scarf. All in all I am a bit too fancy for rural Normandy, but I can’t help myself.

  • I love the idea of a slicked back bun with sneakers and anything in the middle. I prefer outfits that create dichotomy.
    I would have to say my go-to uniform are dark wash jeans. I wear denim year around and like they can be dressed up or down.


  • Yes! In summer a midi skirt and tee with sneakers or sandals, in winter a jeans with roll neck and high heels. And year round: striped tees and long sleeves! I never take much time to dress as I’m a Pilates teacher with 2 kids so always running running

  • Oui j’ai clairement un uniforme ! En réalité mon travail exige un look strict et habillé mais je m’y suis pliée avec plaisir. Du coup, 70% du temps je porte un pantalon noir coupe droite (parfois de légers motifs mais maximum gris), blouse blanche, ou blanche et noir. Quant il fait plus froid, pull col ras du coup ou col roulé noir, blanc, gris foncé ou camel en roulement. Comme ça je me fais plus plaisir sur les accessoires et les manteaux, mon pêché mignon !

  • Yes I did have an uniform: Midi A skirt + knit or sleeveless top, small heels for business meetings or sneakers for everyday + scarf. I never spend more than 10-15 mn in be dressed up and 5mn for a make up. I don’t have time for more…

  • Bonne question ! Je crois que j’en ai surtout un l’hiver. Je me rends compte que je suis toujours plus à l’aise lorsque je suis en minijupe (ou minirobe) moulante + collants noirs + baskets + pull ou chemise. Je me sens à la fois bien dans mes fringues et un peu sexy.
    L’été, c’est toujours un peu plus compliqué mais ce qui revient à chaque saison, c’est mon perfecto en cuir noir Schott ! Lui, je ne passe pas une semaine sans :)


  • Ai-Ch'ng Gan-Bhullar 17 octobre 2017, 12:41 / Répondre


    Apart from my hair, which, 18 months ago, I chopped myself from elbow-length to a one-length, slightly ragged (because cutting ones hair at 2 am does that, and I have continued to do so ever since but earlier in the day) bob just above my jawline and which I just sweep behind my ears everyday to air-dry, there are a few tried and trusted items I’ll wear ninety per cent of my waking hours.

    Summer = maxi bias-cut (so comfy) silk slip dress in speckled grey, navy and white polka dot, green- based camouflage print, or small white star on black, over a grey, navy, red, or white wife-beater, add a small silk neck scarf in contrasting bright print, wear with sneakers in plain white, red or navy leather, or plain flat leather loafers, and a light hoodie/sweater in olive green, or denim jacket for when it’s air-conditioned inside.

    Winter as above, but with thin fitted sweaters and warm leggings under the dresses, on feet same sneakers, or plain white/burgundy leather high-tops with socks, or flat ankle boots, silk scarf around neck, cotton espresso coloured beanie on head, full-length shearling jacket, or padded and oversized black leather jacket.

    When all my dresses are in the wash, it’s always cotton pants that are high-waisted, flared in mid-to-dark (always) blue wash denim, burgundy corduroy, olive, and this crazy horizontal striped pair in navy, cream and vermillion. I wear all of them with vintage, printed T-s, same silk scarves around my neck (keeps necks surprisingly warm in winter without a lot of bulk at all), and the same jackets/hoodies/sweaters, headwear and flat, comfortable footwear as above for winter.

    I didn’t come to the idea of a uniform consciously. It’s more as I have got older, and want/need to spend no more than seven minutes (it’s usually five, so I am happy) grabbing the clothes and shoes, putting them on, and sitting down for a good – and much slower – breakfast.

  • Mon uniforme c´est un pantalon noir simple ou un jean avec un chemisier un peu fantaisie (coloré, structuré, ou avec motifs), ma « statement piece », et des chaussures masculines simples type oxford.

  • For the past so many years, everyday I wear a starched oversized designer men’s white shirt, courtesy of various thrift stores. Collar trimmed, turned up, sleeves rolled along with black ankle pants, jeans or leggings. For work appointments with high end clients I may add a good watch and oversized pearls and always great shoes or sneakers. This outfit has taken me everywhere from the market to corporate appointments. I couldn’t be happier!

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