Winter Nights
9 years ago by
Les fêtes de Noël, c’est le moment de l’année où j’ai le plus le mal du pays (si vous avez déjà habité loin de chez vous, vous voyez ce que je veux dire… et c’est pas tous les jours évident !). Mais heureusement, NY à cette période de l’année, c’est complètement unique et assez inexplicable…
Il y a des illuminations de Noël un peu partout, la lumière hivernale crée une espèce de halo – beaucoup mieux qu’un filtre Instagram !- qui donne à tout un petit côté magique. Il y a même des moments qu’on dirait tout droits sortis d’un film… oui, ça a l’air un peu mièvre, mais je vous jure, c’est vrai, ça arrive tout le temps.
L’autre soir, je suis allée à la patinoire de Bryant Park avec Lauren et Jess, et on était en pleine ambiance comédie de Noël. Après avoir patiné, on s’est pris un chocolat chaud… la soirée d’hiver parfaite, quoi !

I love girls night-out!
XOX, Gap.
Gorgeous pics!!!! <3
Le monde des petites
this series screams new york winter! :)
I do understand you. It is difficult sometimes, but new york gives you lots of love too!
So beautiful photos!
I love Laura’s coat and Jessica’s scarf, can you tell me where are they from?
Great picture i love so much the holiday season everywhere you look it’s decorated and beautiful..there is Christmas tree and Menorah in NY everywhere …you feel an extra light and magic ….you feel protected and blessed …..
Yael Guetta
Ca a l’air si parfait !
Just fresh back from my first visit to NYC and at the most beautiful time of year! it could not have scripted any better! I adore adore adore NYC! Bryant Park a gem within a gem!
So beautiful and so festive pics! I love the outfits of the girls – so relaxed and yet stylish. I wonder what you were wearing that night, Garance???
J’ai adoré Bryant Park! J’ai découvert cet endroit cet été et c’est avec grand plaisir que j’y retournerais!
where is Jessica’s scarf!!! where is it from? pleaaase! :)
many thanks x
I like their big coats, they look relly stylish. And I like two options to wear them – with a beanie and with a ear-flap hat.
BarbarianMe Blog
Away from home too, I understand, although now year after year I feel more at home here… Sending you lots of love!
By the way I wish I could see this movie, it looks like a mix of the Lake House and Love Actually ;-) One day at rockfeller, we waited 2 hours so our kids could skate and right in the middle of the ice rink, a young man kneeled down and proposed to his girl friend…
So Beautiful NY in this period!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Love the holiday season, everything looks so charming and cozy. Beautiful photos, wish I looked that stylish on ice skates ;) xx
Comme dans un film! Ca fait rêver, j’espère avoir un jour l’occasion d’aller à NY pour les fêtes :)
I wanna go ice skating
I love these pics a lot. Ice skating is a classy together-winter-season-amusement. Hope you have a lot of those rich moments in magically charged NYC next days!*!*!**
aww thats cute. Spending the holidays away from home must be really sad :( I hope you are enjoying them anyways!
Xo, Belen from A Hint of Life
Magnifique photos :)
Love the holiday season!!!
I wish I was in New York to feel the cosy atmosphere and see the vibrant halo again, but one has to stick with her family for Christmas :)
Yes, love both these looks! Have been looking for a charcoal grey turtleneck just like that. Love the grey coat and scarf.
Ces photos résument parfaitement l’ambiance de Noel que j’adore… J’adorerais pouvoir patiner à New York aussi, quel rêve absolu !
I love the idea of ice skating in the cold. I think that is one of my main reasons for wanting to be in NY in December. Alas I am in LA and even though they create a few places here it just isn’t the same. Someday I will get to cross this off my list. What a beautiful post for appreciating the simple things in life.
I know exactly what you mean! I have lived across Europe from my family for over a decade now and I miss them every day (even through I see them every 6 weeks or so, but its not the same. You can just pop over to your sister’s for a cuppa). But comes Christmas and I will be on that plane no matter what :) It’s easier to cross Europe than the Atlantic though! I love your photos, the lights are just magical.
On ne peut plus d’accord avec ce que tu dis!
Cette ville est magique!
Amazing pictures x
Ahhh, ice skating looks like fun!
Having good friends is the most important thing when you do not live near family. I can’t think of a better holiday night out than the one you describe.
Accidental Icon
Le parfait esprit de Noël, j’aime !!! Je trouve qu’à Paris, on ne retrouve plus ça, c’est dommage ! Super photos :-)
First thought I had was that they’re a cute couple. I love how we create our own narrative from an image before we read!
Great photography! It looks so magical!
Oh la beauté du manteau de Lauren !!! Mais d’où vient-il ?? Please please please :)
Merci !
Beautiful and so festive. There is something so special about New York City at Christmas time.
C’est vrai que l’atmosphère a l’air cool. Moi j’aimerais bien connaître New York un jour et encore plus à cette période.
funny, when i think « Christmas » means only New York to me:)
Have a beautiful Christmas and a happy, lovely New Year! I only miss Christmas from my childhood, when my Grandparents were here…
Loving our warm, summer Australian Christmas by the beach, but very much looking forward to my first winter Christmas next year! x
Beautiful pictures! Love their outfits as I have a similar style! Thus I am very curious about their shoes – I’m still struggling to find a pair of boots that I can wear in winter without ruining them in the snow and salt mix (other than bean boots as I can’t wear them everyday for the next three months..)
C’est dans un patinoire et pourtant l’ambiance qui se dégage de ces photos me fait chaud au coeur. Ne me demande pas pourquoi, c’est comme ça :-)
OMG, qu’est-ce qu’elle est belle cette photo. je m’associe aux question précédentes: quel est le manteau de Lauren? Il a l’air parfait.
Is it gonna be Christmas soon? Really? Cause where in Cannes, where I live, there is very little clue .I so would love to be in NY or even London with my boys at this time of the year. Does Xmas spirit exist in France?
Quelle est la marque de leur manteaux ?
Bizarre les Noël loin de son pays, de sa famille.
Je me rappelle d’un Noël à Tunis avec un grand ciel bleu, un soleil radieux, sans sapin, sans lumières dans les rues, sans course aux cadeaux… Sensation étrange mais à vitre une fois dans sa vie.
Great photos!
Does anyone know where the grey coat is from?? Its exactly what I have been looking for..
J’emmène ma fille pour la première fois à la patinoire dimanche, et ces photos me donnent encore plus envie de kiffer l’ambiance hivernale!^^
would love to know where the coats and the scarf are from :)
J’ai découvert pour la premiere fois NY cet été, et je rêve d’y retourner en hiver, au moment des fêtes, l’ambiance semble vraiment fantastique…
xo CarolineJ
Je comprends qu’on puisse avoir le mal du pays, mais Noel là-bas a l’air si féerique que j’en quitterais bien ma France :)
It’s called poetry :) the lights, the way the movement is caught by the photograph, the kindness, serenity and freshness on that girls faces…A shinning winter, sparkling one, with beauty and style. Bravo Garance!