Weekend Inspiration #43
12 years ago by Garance Doré
Oeuvre de Walter Leblanc
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I don’t know how it does it, but it makes my eyes all squinty. Kinda like that spiral Metallica vinyl..
optical illusions? :)
Enjoy your week end.
Love this artwork! It looks like geometric shapes cut out of paper. I’ve just returned from an exhibition in the UK of various artist’s who work by cutting into paper creating the most beautiful intricate images, one of these artists was Rob Ryan who I think has a shop/gallery in New York.
I like the combination of the artwork with the textured peeling walls in the piece above.
Nice !!!!
I’m posting accessories from Los Angeles on my blog!
Take a look!
Really like this artwork.. Im dying to find a new apartment soon so that I can finally decorate it with awesome objects such as this one :)
It looks interesting.
Have a nice end of the weekend,
Very lovely.
The effect of the paint that has come off looks terrific, I have tried to get it in my new apartment, but nothing looks as fresh as an authentic old wall :(
C’est magnifique !
His work is very interesting, what a shame that he died quit early and tragically….
Love this! x
I really like the chiné look…but can’t bring myself to try and duplicate it on my walls or furniture at home. I think the context and history needs to be there for it to look authentic.
Cool idea.
C’est très beau :)
Cette oeuvre me laisse plus que perplexe… en même temps je crois que l’art contemporain ne m’a jamais parlé.
C’est une très belle oeuvre, mais elle est prise où cette photo? On dirait un mur criblé par des balles…. brrrr
Love the pastel background colors!!
I like the fact that you posted this without feeling compelled to explain anything. The responses to this are just as fascinating as the picture. To me that’s what art is all about.
With that said, I think this is a great piece of Op Art and I love how the pastels and textures beneath the picture ground it somewhat. Thanks for sharing and inspiring us today and always!
Great shot.
The twisted tape piece reminds of Balenciaga Spring.
Lore G
Garance… Reponds moi s’il te plait! Mardi je fais une presentation powerpoint sur toi en anglais ( je suis à l’isem/esmod ), on peut choisir entre DESIGNER, EDITOR, PHOTOGRAPHER, STYLIST, MODEL. Et toi tu es un peu… photographe, illustratrice, blogger, lanceuse de tendances ( la classe ), et meme model tiens donc! beaucoup vont choisir des gens tels que anna wintour ou carine, richardson, avdon, freja beha, yves saint laurent… Nous sommes censé choisir une icone, je trouve ca bien de prendre quelqu’un qui definit aussi bien l’air du temps que toi, et qui marque le 21eme s. Du coup je dois un peu raconté ton parcours, et je n’arrive plus à trouver ton histoire sur ton blog! c’etait cool et ca me servirait beaucoup. Vous en pensez quoi? quelqu’un peu me dire comment se nommaient les postes afin que je les retrouve svp? merci! pleins de baisers
this is my inspiration for a fantastic week. thanks garance, for sharing this nice photo! i reall like the colours and the pattern in combination with the background.
Love it! Beautiful artwork!
And the setting (that wall) is beautiful too!
Shocking inspiration…!!
J’aime le contraste entre l’oeuvre et le mur. L’effet d’optique est troublant. J’aimerai pouvoir le voir de plus près!
On dirait du Vasarely. Je suis pas fan…
Mais merci de nous faire découvrir ces artistes
Oh, ça me rappelle tout précisément une série de photo de fenêtres que j’avais prises sur un coup de tête l’hiver dernier, lors d’un voyage au mali !
(Elles sont là : http://lesetatsdenina.blogspot.fr/2012/02/mali-textures.html )