Weekend Inspiration #30
12 years ago by Garance Doré
… Je veux un chien !
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À la Française

From the Archives: Tonal Dressing

Studio Visit / Lorod

Studio Visit / Petites Luxures

Sophie Endrey

Things I Do In Venice

Flaws and All

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The Price of Illusion: Joan Juliet Buck

you should! this cutie’s color matches the floor…!!
I’m not a dog person but this one is really really sweet! I do have a soft spot for cats.
Wandering Minds fashion
Ce ne serait pas Jack?!!
Trop mignon ce chien ! Ca donne envie de craquer oui !
Me too! :)
I had one just like that, and she’s right, the fur matches the floor. Do it! A dog’s love is the simplest love you will experience!
It’s adorable! I’m a bit torn between the cuteness and scariness of animals, haha.
yes me as well, sigh sigh sigh!
such a sweet dog……
Garance, you should, he will bring so much joy to your life! Troubles as well, but fun troubles. I have two dogs, I know much about dog-troubles. :))
Garance: I have a Jack Russell Terrier who looks similar to this one. When she was 1 year old I took her to Paris for two weeks. I could not walk a block without Parisians admiring her. She travels well and is very sweet. I say
Non pas un chien… CE chien !!
As the quote goes, « Whoever said that ‘Dianonds are a girl’s best friend’ never owned a DOG. » <3 mine dearly, her name is Shamcy.
J’ai eu chats et chiens pendant de nombreuses annees et mon mari et moi avons meme demenage avec quelques uns d’entre eux (grands demenagements France-U.S. ainsi qu »a travers l’Amerique).
Ce petit chien au regard attendrissant nous donne envie d’en adopter un (d’un shelter, bien sur), mais comme nous pensons encore demenager……
J’en ai 3!
What a sweet dog!!!
Warning: I love dogs, I have a dog. BUT you can’t always take them with you when you travel…. Right now I’m especially torn because I’ve been invited to go away, but I don’t want to leave this very beloved family member behind!
ooo it’s so cute!!! I love it!!!
Quand on voit cette belle photo, effectivement on a très envie d’en avoir un !
Noo… T is too cute.
Il est assorti au parquet, j’adore !
Dogs are the loveliest thing in the whole world! I got 2 former stray dogs and they are the most loving, intelligent and healthy creatures on earth. But if you want to take it with you when you travel I suggest a small dog. If you have people taking care of it when you are away I suggest you take 2 dogs from a shelter. 2 is always better than one, and much easier. I had one dog for 10 years, and now 2 for 6 years, and much much easier with 2. But vacations and travels is difficult if you don’t have friends who can take care when you’re away. But dogs are the best! They are so loyal and you get a lot of fresh air and company, and it a lot of fun with dogs.
Ça va pas, non!! Et après il faudra que tu trimballes ton sac à crotte:(
Tu auras un chien quand tu auras une maison!! Ou alors tu payes quelqu’un qui sort ton chien et c’est lui qui devra ramasser les crottes…bon je sais c’est pas très glamour…
Et les puces t’y a pensé?
Super idée . Un chien , c’est un cœur avec des poils autour . Que de l’amour !
Oh..how much I want a dog too. This one is so cute!
You travel too much! It’s not fair to the dog!
I love dogs and as someone who has lived with dogs-I can say, do your research. Some dogs need more exercise than others and are more anxious and anxious dogs chew. If you are away for long periods during the day, you need a different dog than say one that can handle only short periods alone. Also some dogs bark way more than others, jack russels are sweet but talk alot:) You also want a dog that will go with you places and be relaxed…and so on-there is a perfect dog for you.
I love my dogs (Chloe and Khan) but not when they wake me up at 5 a.m on a Saturday… Anyone want to doggie sit? :)
Si tu en prends un , montres nous :)
Il est mignon !
…no don’t do it Garance! Your life is too busy, it is like leaving behind a child.
But how will you do wile traveling the world?
je supplie mon homme pour un chien et il me répond « je te connais, c’est moi qui vais devoir le sortir le matin à 6h et le soir à 22h (on vit en appart’) alors non » et là je me dis qu’il a raison! trop belle la photo!
J’en ai un… et j’en suis GAGA !!
You should get one. They are such good friends! Your picture is so… elegant!!!
Roooh ! un petit juste pour lui créer des petits manteaux avec l’imprimé Garance Doré. « So chic ».
please rescue one from the shelter! <3
Join the club! I’ve wanted a dog for ages, but the fiance says we can’t get one until we get a yard. Which, admittedly, speaks much sense to me, but it hasn’t stopped me from grumbling about it. Get one so I can live vicariously through you! :-)
12 ans de bonheur avec ma petite Zélie (jack Russel)
Que du bonheur , de la joie de vivre et de l’AMOUR!
Mais il faut de l’autorité jusqu’à 3 ans sinon les petits Jack font n’importe quoi!
Bon week end à tous
Me Too !!!!!! Magnifique photo , comment s’appelle-t-il?
j’ai eu un chien comme pareil …
ils sont trop mignon
I have 7!!!!!! dogs. I love dogs!!!!!!!!
And can understand you very well. Maybe Garance, if you, one day, aren’t travelling so much. In the meanwhile maybe it can be a cat??
Besos from Bolivia, Patricia
Have a child instead.!
Aaahh! Who’s this cutie? (And if you think you can accommodate a dog in your hectic schedule (some of them travel well) and really let him or her be a companion like they’re meant to be, I say go for it! But I am a dog enabler. Because dogs are the best.)
This picture is killing me, by the way. I don’t live where I can have a dog right now… :(
I want a dog too!!! but my flat in Milan is too small!
Moi aussiiiiii Garance!!! Et si tu as l’argent, le temps et l’espace pour rendre un chien heureux profite en!!! A quand les street styles de petits loulous?!
Prends un Carlin Garance!!!
Ces petits chiens sont rigolos, affectueux vifs et intelligents.. et surtout tu peux les trimballer en avion avec toi
Pas de soute ! Pauvre bestiole!!!
Ohhh so cute!
il est adorable :) mais quelle responsabilité un chien ! ça change une vie !!
Such beautiful big brown eyes!
Supercute! Those intelligent eyes, that listening ear!
Taking a dog is something you have to really, really think about twice. It’s not an ‘accessoire’. It’s a family member. But I guess you know that:-).
What I find adorable about a Jack Russell is that he’s tiny but he thinks he’s a big!, scary dog. He’s not afraid of anything.
Personally, my favorite dog is the Teckel/Dachshund with long hair. An intelligent dog with its own mind (and will). A little bit like a cat.
non moi j’ai donné… j’ai eu 1 pékinois que j’aimais d’amour mais qui est partis trop tôt: j’ai juré plus jamais… Maintenant j’ai deux enfants qui me parlent de chiens tous les jours!!!
Get a cocker spaniel. I have one she is the sweetest. She has tons of personality and moxy. I will miss her when I leave for school.
quelle merveilleuse photo!!!Felicitations!Très touchant,merci.
<3 <3 <3 <3 moi aussii!!
Terriers rule
Ah! Jack Russells de morirse….but how will you cope with your trips?
I Want a dog as well my mom will never let me get one
me too!!! kinda. i have a love hate relationship with dogs. but would love a small one :)
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/
Que imagem mais linda a desse cachorrinho. parece demais com o cachorro que eu tinha quando era criança.
Ah such a sweetie! I just got a dog 4 days ago and I’m loving it (if you’re curious – my latest post is on him. You’ll love the pics!). Though it will be tough to leave him at home when I am working. Luckily it’s more of an apartment dog that likes to sleep a lot and doesn’t need to much exercise :-)
xo Leonie
I have two dogs and they can be a handful!
depuis que j’ai Fifou ,mon labrador sable ma vie a changé!!c’est tellement adorable et sensible qu’on oublie vite les petits tracas…
Chiens are the best!
I like that this dog’s coloring forms the shape of a heart. A heart with ears. It also looks like a peter pan collar- which I love.
I have a corgi named Walnut (named after the movie Bad Santa), who is from a Navajo Indian Reservation in Northern Arizona. And, I have a shaggy yorkie named Gandhi, who is from Barcelona, his first food: falafel.
Dogs are hilarious.
You should do it (as long as you are ready for the commitment). We just rescued a two year old labrador/boxer mix from the dumb friends league. He is such a cute and loving thing, couldn’t be happier <3
If you think you got the time for a dog then do it! They are lovely, they are the best. But not if you work full time and got a hectic social life as well. Then it’s a no no. A dog is a family member and he will need you a lot. I got 2 dogs, but I am working part time, and do not go out in the evenings. If you take a dog, I recommend a shelter dog, or 2 dogs. Two abandoned dogs in need for a home. They are the best <3
Oh on dirait ma petite Sushi, j’ai craqué un jour en me baladant sur les quais, tu dois bien connaitre à Paris, ses balades et ses animaleries, suis rentrée, et suis repartie avec Elle, la meilleure du monde, almost 13 quasiment aveugle, et une patate d’enfer, une confiance éternelle en moi, je suis devenue ses yeux, son double lors de nos promenades, et un amour inconditionnel, PETIT POST POUR MA SUSHI QUE J’AIMERAI JUSQU’A SON DERNIER SOUFFLE SI LOIN PUISSE T-IL ETRE….
2 pictures many years ago
It’s like having a child except that the child grows up but the dog remains a child :)
Raaaaaaaaa ce regard ! Un jack Russell ! J’ai le même à la maison !!!!! Affectueux, sociable, joueur, adorable, fidèle, très drôle… un pitre et un regard auquel on ne résiste pas ! C’est mon premier chien et je l’adore!!!!! (mis a part ses poils……………….comme des aiguilles de sapin qui s’enfonce dans les vêtements le cauchemar !
Je te vois tout à fait dans les rues de New York promenant ton chien :)
Have a great Sunday :)
Aww, just look at those eyes! How can’t you fall in love with him/her?
Tu ne voyages pas un peu trop pour avoir un ptit chien???
Bon d’accord ,il y a des super travel bag chez Vuitton , Gucci et Goyard!
Faudra lui mettre ses initiales dessus;-)
C’est super un chien et les jacks sont adorables et on peut les trimballer partout!
Il est super mignon celui-là!
Théa Unknown
awww she looks like my dog!! :D
So cute, that little ear up like » yes, I’m awake » and the other one hanging down like he’s going to fall asleep every second.
I also want a dog, but I have two cats…
And these colors are amazing!
I like dogs, but I DEFINITELY prefer cats… :)
Do not get a dog. Babysit a dog. We have a dog and she is extremely well behaved but it took us 2 years to train her. She does not bark, lick or jump on you or your furniture, and we have a line up of people who do not have a dog waiting to take her when we go away. The rabbit, horse and fish are another story though. I love having the dog but she is a LOT of work.
You definitely should get one. Yorkie! :)
Me too!
Sympa la photo ! un chien est tellemlent fidèle et attaché à son maitre ! moi aussi, je voudrai un bulldog francais
I would say with your travelling, dont do it. We have a dog and its always a headache to get doggie care when we go for even a weekend, much less a long trip. Plus he is so sad when we leave. Id wait.
How cute! Adorable picture. Congrats!
Pas envisageable la vie sans chien!
You don’t want a dog. You « THINK » you want a dog. Until it’s time to travel. Or sleep in. Or don head-to-toe rain gear to walk your furry friend. Back away from the pooch.
Perfect ! Mon papa en a justement un adorable à donner ;)
so much love I have a Chihuahua Tenzing Snow he is blue/white smooth coat…..we were just on vacation in Miami…..My first Chihuahua the love of my life Twiggy lived till she was17 We went all over She was the toast of Paris….suggestion a small dog travels well and u can take him/her everwhere xx & licks
on planes a dog six pounds and under travels in cabin with you
please if you do ,adopt from a shelter,too many dogs in this world,we should stop buying and just adopt
i think sasha is for u and scott…
My jack russel is so beautiful…het name is Jackie’O.
Scroll down the following page for her picture
Greetings from belgium!
homes without dogs never seem as lively…love this!
un bébé c’est mieux!
I always want a dog!!!!!!!
I am looking for a puppy right now actually! But what dog is travel friendly, has a good dog character and yet isn’t an annoying/ trendy accessory type? Any ideas? Garance, if you find this magical type of dog please tell us (and show us the pictures!) Jack Russel Terriers are adorable but they bark a lot and they aren’t airplane cabin size…
I’ve have Jack Russell named Dolly. Well, she looks adorable but is an absoloute menace. Be warned if you’re thinking of getting a Jack Russell they can be a bit of a handful, they need lots of walks and can be a bit funny around other dogs too, it’s the terrier in them. But they are gorgeous…
Have a bb plutôt, c’est moins contraignant ;-)
I want one too!!!
I’ve have had an Old English Sheepdog for 14 years. He passed the way last year. My cousin used to say that Thor was the best person he had met so far…. Is a great dog to have at home, very very patient with children (my nephews used to go dog riding!!)…. The hair is a bit messy if you do not take time to brush….
Un chien n’est pas un accessoire de mode c’est beaucoup de travail et de sacrifices, beaucoup,beaucoup, beaucoup. Et ça vit environ 15 ans donc c’est du long terme. Vu votre mode de vie ce n’est a priori pas pour vous.
So precious!! Dogs make life great :) Mine is one of my BFFs.
Annie x
Chere Garance,
My midget Vivace is a Havapoo, and she’s darling… we’re best friends because she gives loads of kisses every day and we tumble around the yard together… but she is high maintenance! Lots of TLC and personality. Make sure you find a lovely one whom you connect well with, who can love love love you!
Sympa la photo ! un chien est tellemlent fidèle et attaché à son maitre !
Mais un chien voudrait-il de toi ?
french bulldog you will live for this dog the besttttttt