The Greek Tunic
10 years ago by
L’un des trucs à ramener de Grèce, ce sont ces tuniques.
Vous auriez dû me voir en train de m’affoler chez Salachas et de tout essayer. Evidemment, j’avais emporté une valise 35 kilos trop lourde mais j’ai fini par ne porter que ça. Certains d’entre vous l’ont repérée sur les photos de Melissa et m’ont demandé où en trouver. Je ne sais pas vraiment où l’on peut en trouver online malheureusement – et quelque part je trouve ça assez cool.
Ça me manque, le temps où l’on partait en voyage et où l’on ramenait des choses introuvables ailleurs… Pas vous ?
Awww, I love it!
this looks very appropriate for blinding sun! :)
Perfect shirt!!! <3
Le monde des petites
I love that white tunic! Perfect for summer time!
Love it!.x
J’adore ramener des vêtements / accessoires de vacances.
C’est vrai que de ne pas retrouver ce que l’on a acheté en vacances quand on rentre chez soi rend la chose plus exclusive, plus personnelle !
C’est d’autant plus facile pour moi de trouver quelque chose que je sais que je ne vais pas trouver chez moi (j’habite en Suisse) il n’y a pas certaines marques que l’on trouve tout simplement pas du tout (no APC, no Acne, etc… / tu as dû connaitre ça en Corse) et même avec de grandes marques il y a beaucoup mois de choix en magasins. Internet existe mais par contre les frais de port grimpe à une de ces vitesses (sans compter les éventuels frais de douane).
C’est pour ça que dès que je passe la frontière, je fais un malin plaisir à faire mes achats introuvables et même pour les basics (que je pourrai très bien trouver en Suisse / par exemple Zara ou H&M) mais à des prix imbattables car dès que je sors de mon pays tout semble moins cher ;)
Love the tunic the beautiful embroidery ,and i believe this is pure cotton the best for summer..i agree that it is getting hard to find different clothes when we travel ..mostly because the local people don’t think it can be fashion..they have seen it in traditional ceremony on the older people it doesn’t connect in their mind to fashion..and they want to wear what they have seen in the international magazine…that is why it is so important to continue and make the traditional clothes ,embroidery…preserve the tradition before it will disappear….so important!!
Yael Guetta
Where do we find these in Greece?
Yes, I miss when you went to a foreign land and brought something back that was just special to that place!
So rare an experience now.
Nice tunic!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Beautiful! Yes, I remember the days when people would roll their eyes or get upset when you said you bought something abroad. Now they just turn to the internet and get it sent the next week haha.
What a gorgeous photograph of a beautiful piece.
Priscilla Joy
Dutch Caribbean
I miss that so much. I used to go to Europe as a teen and come back with something so different. To wear and a look to try to emulate. Now the « gap effect »permeates everything. Oh, the good old days!
Elle est sublime!
C’est vrai, maintenant, où que tu ailles, tu trouves les mêmes boutiques et les mêmes fringues. Je rentre de Chine. A Shanghai, il y avait H&M… même un Forever 21, on repassera pour l’originalité!
Love your post!
A tip for those of us who have not been fortuned enough to go to Greece is to look at;
It is full of amazing stuff made by amateurs and professionals with one thing in common; they all create with their heart, and for the love of beauty.
:-)) Anja
Absolutely! I remember when I was a kid and I visited my family in Italy. I would bring back home tons of Nutella jars. They were nowhere to be found outside Italy! Of course, those tunics are way cooler, but hey, it’s kind of the same idea, no? ;)
La tunique est très jolie, j’adorerais visiter la Grèce et découvrir sa culture et mœurs. Rien que d’y penser, je suis déjà fascinée à l’idée d’un possible voyage en Grèce.
Dans les années 60, je revenais chaque été d’Italie avec des chaussures et des sacs magnifiques, introuvables en France à cette époque ….
These tunics do not only look effortlessly elegant but they also have a beautiful traditional vibe, as well as, they are practical under the summer sun and keep you cool <3 :)
I am from Greek heritage and having travelled to Greece from Australia quite a few times I can tell you that the tunics are everywhere that there are tourists. This is especially so in Athens. Go to the Monastiraki area in central Athens and there will be plenty of vendors selling them, it’s the same on the islands. I was dressed in them as a child and really disliked them, but now find them very charming.
Gotta love a Greek sandal too. I got some fabulous ones in Mykonos this year
Stunning colors!
Dress To Cook
I love that Tunic, is there a link where we can purchase it. I would take this on all my beach holidays and would even wear it in winter at home to take me back to a happy holiday moment. Your holiday pictures look amazing, with love from
I agree, I also adore the rare occasions that I can find something on vacation that is truly local and has not yet spread Globally over the interwebs. Beautiful tunic.
Il y a bien cette tunique Topshop, collection Kate Moss :
Nothing beats a lightweight shirt when in the Greek sun! And this tunic is especially lovely! Here´s another lightweight option from organic cotton – chic and fair all at once! Have a look at
Ca ne me manque pas tant car je continue de le faire. Je me suis achetée une magnifique robe brodée au mexique il y a 6 ans. Je la porte encore et quand on me demande où je l’ai eu, c’est ma trouvaille mexicaine! Mes voyages ne m’ont pas amener si loin mais je ramène toujours un truc très typique des places que je visites, c’est unique, ca rajoute beaucoup au style personnel!!
Huge huge fan, white purety and blue of the sea, perfect tunic!
Superbe ! Oui la mondialisation c’est chiant !
This is perfection. These shades of blue are so gorgeously saturated. A friend of mine came back from Turkey recently with a stunningly simple white shirt…the cultures around the Mediterranean seem to do light, white, summer wear better than anywhere else.
I have the same tunic. Found it last summer in a triftshop and could not be more happier about it.
Hi Garance!! I’m Greek, and I have to admit I love all your posts about Greece!! I think its great that Greek fashion is becoming coveted internationally, with some of my fave e-shops like Net-a-Porter & Matchesfashion picking up Greek brands. If you haven’t heard of it already, Aesthet is a new online shop that carries only Greek luxury brands, some of which are hard to find. I’ve bought a couple of things already and can’t wait for the AW collections :)) hope it inspires you too! here’s a link if you want to check it out & support Greek fashion
The brand is Ergon Mykonos, I couldn’t forget this tunic and I accidentally came across the brand account on Instagram! Check out their site!!!! I love them!!!
Des œuvres d’artistes locaux, qu’on expose ensuite dans notre intérieur et qu’on apprécie avec bonheur !