The Anklet
8 years ago by Brie Welch
Erik Melvin
Avec Garance, cet été, on fait une petite fixette sur le… bracelet de cheville.
Le sien est beaucoup plus subtil que le mien, mais ils remplissent tous les deux leur rôle… faire durer l’été le plus longtemps possible… jusqu’à ce qu’on soit obligée de remettre des chaussettes.
Vous en pensez quoi, vous ? Vous en porteriez un ?
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Why wouldn’t I…?
Yes! And I think it looks very sexy.
Why not ? it has always been in fashion for summer…
Yael Guetta
No. Despite being tall and thin I have raging cankles. Bad enough that many many delightful people feel the need to point them out to me–I don’t need to draw more attention to my flaws.
I’d love a delicate one!
Why the heck not? It’s not exactly a life-altering decision. ;)
Heu non. Ou alors sous la chaussette comme le vernis. Et l’été continue..Un peu
Oh! This post reminds me I still have a lovely Maroccan style anklet I « borrowed » from my sister 15 years ago that I could totally rock again :) Not so subtle as on the photo (I adore that one as well!), but def something I’m gonna dust off again. Thanks for the idea :)
I love how it looks on the model in the photo but I’m not sure who it would look on me
Love that color!
I have been wearing a gold anklet for over 10 years now. I even wear it in the winter. It only comes off with certain boots because of the way it rubs against my ankle. It is interesting that it is representative of summer to the both of you. My anklet represents the strength and sexiness of le femme to me.
Yes, love mine all summer long, too.
It’s only removed when I wear high-tops, or in cooler climes when ankle boots make it rub sorely.
Need them all!
I actually own one! I bought it around 11 years ago while on vacation as a teenager. Should probably find it!
ça fait longtemps que je n’en ai plus porté, j’avais même oublié que ça existait…
J’adore anklets!
I think it’s really cute! The feet and ankles have to be well cared for then, of course. :)
I had an obsession with toe rings when I was in Ocean City, MD for the first time. It looked so cool! I lost mine in the ocean, though… :(
Yes, yes, yes!
Long live summer!!!
J’en ai porté systématiquement durant ma lointaine adolescence, puis jeune adulte, moins maintenant. Mais j’aime toujours ça !