
10 years ago by

Réussir le combo chaussettes + talons, c’est tout un art (Saint Laurent a eu tout bon la saison dernière). Il faut les bonnes chaussures (sans trop de lanières) et les chaussettes parfaites (pas trop épaisses).

Comment on en a carrément marre de mettre des bottes, c’est peut-être une idée pour la météo qu’on espère bientôt printanière… Qu’est ce que vous en pensez ?

PS : Les chaussures viennent de chez Topshop et les chaussettes sont des Maria La Rosa.


Ajouter le votre
  • Je trouve ça joli, le pied est fin. Le tout très bien porté, avec goût.
    Mais j’ai peur de tester. Je n’ai pas envie de ressembler aux touristes que l’on retrouve au bord de la plage dans le sud de la France avec les chaussettes et les tongs ^^

  • i agree: pulling off the socks and heels look takes genius! :)


  • Would have never guessed how cute this is!


  • I am a huge fan of socks in heels I have to say… But somehow I never dare to do it. Time to give it a try I guess.

    Lisa – AT LEAST BLOG

  • Cheers Lisa! I too try to figure out how to fit this into my style…if you find a way…please share!!


  • Moi j’adore il y a peut être un âge que je n’ai plus pour oser ( mais plus jeune j’ai porte des sandales avec des chaussettes et j’aimerais pouvoir le faire encore)
    Ps: c’est très confortable
    RePs:et très sexy (bon ça n’engage que moi ;-)))

  • I finally decided « okay » on socks and strappy shoes so I bought a pack of black thin socks and will wear them with my oxfords and flats. No heels yet. I was waaayyy ahead of the flats trend and gave up my heels almost 3 years ago. I am ready to pick them up again but its requiring a new workout routine to get myself in shape to make it down the street in any non platform shoe over 1 inch high.

    I do like the neutral sock here – navy, beige, camel, black are all workable imo.

  • Agreed! Love the fact that its ok to wear socks in your heels (well if you can pull it of..).


  • Garance, I think you are adorable and like your style but dare I say that no one, not even you, will convince me that this is a fashion do…Sorry! :)

  • I really like the socks in heels ‘trend’. I don’t even know if it is a trend, I don’t care, I like it!


  • J’adore! Mais je n’ai pas encore réussi à trouver le parfait combo pour franchir le pas…

  • Well, I dont know if there is anything to pull off. If you want to look like a dork/fashion victim, take your choice, grab some socks and put them on with heels. At least your feet will be warm.

  • Katerina 25 mars 2014, 3:37

    Well, I would never dare say it like this, but I agree. You will look like a fashion victim, and there is no way around it. But why not be a fashion victim?

  • Je n’aime pas du tout. Il y en a beaucoup qui peuvent dire qu’elles mettraient ça? Validé ou pas par Saint Laurent…

  • Yes, i like it!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • J’adore les chaussettes qui sortent de l’ordinaire! Pour ma part, je les porte avec des escarpins façon Saont Laurent été 2014 en ce moment…

  • Il faut les bonnes chaussures, les bonnes chaussettes mais surtout une bonne confiance en soit et de l’audace pour les assumer :)

  • I’m fan of sandal not the socks ;)

    PursesintheKitchen.com !

  • J’aime!!

  • I love it and I do it sometimes for night looks, but my favorite is a casual look for day, when I go for skinny jeans+ simple white blouse and flat platform sandals+socks, which gives very much character with no effort. The trick for me is to keep discrete socks and nude/brown elegant sandals, with a certain Japanese touch…still looking for the ones for this spring, so far I’m liking the blue ones from Clarks:

  • I like it… will definitely do it with the inspiration of the moment (I think well mixed, it can give a little extra touch to a classic outfit)

  • J’aime assez mais avec des chaussettes plus loose et des sandales plus rough. Je me souviens avoir vu quelques photos de ce look sur le blog de Scott en Italie je crois.

  • Oh I can’t wait to give this one a go! Love how the socks peak through for an added oomph of color!


  • I love this version of socks and heels! It seems to look best when you avoid patterned socks-I’ve seen that before and boy did it look terrible…

    xx Ella

  • Socks with heels? Maybe. Socks with sandals? No!

  • Catherine 24 mars 2014, 6:37 / Répondre

    Ouf… Non, juste non, cette équation ne fonctionnera juste jamais dans mon esprit, St-Laurent ou non hahaha!

  • Raphaele 24 mars 2014, 6:42 / Répondre

    Ca fait effectivement touriste qui a froid ou alors y a la clim trop fort dans mon bureau, shit shit shit bon euh je mets des chaussettes
    Mais c est sur aux defiles st laurent ou chanel c est bien joil, mais dans la vraie vie qui a des chaussettes dorees qui rentrent dans leurs chaussures (qui etaient donc trop grandes avant) comme ca doit gratouiller

    Les chaussettes avec sandales c est sur les geishas que c est joli un point c est tout (et non pour birkenstock, avec ou sans chaussettes)

  • Tout à fait d´accord.

  • Not for me, thanks. And I’m not sure it’s for anyone else IRL and off the runway, either…

  • I adore them! You nailed it: how strappy must a strappy sandal or how bulky must the socks be? Can they be court shoes? How about those thin, see through black socks? They can be extremely feminine, adorable and spruce up a conservative look. You have the character, spirit and style to pull them off at perfection!

  • Geek Chic! Skinny skinny legs, skinny,skinny feet, skinny skinny socks and just right skinny yet baggy jeans….

    too many steps for me…

  • i love the look, but it’s such a fine line between chic and dorky—- we need to set up a « panel » to review selfies before letting anyone walk out her door!

  • I love how this looks. But every time I try it, my foot slips too far forward in my shoe and it’s terribly uncomfortable.

    It’s like my bare foot has just the right amount of grip, but it’s a different story with socks.

    Has anyone else mastered how to get the look without squishing your toes?

  • It was an easy decision for me. The polar vortex made and the fact hat I was sick of wearing winter boots, made socks and heels a very viable option. That and it’s so fairy tale Dorothy-in-Oz adorable.

    Check out my latest post – stilettos on ice

    Visit my blog: C H A M P A G N E * S U N D A Y
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  • This look is definity tricky but I like to wear a stocking with a chunky sandal

    Why not pop vover to my blog http://www.tresconfucius.com

  • Have never been fond of this but honestly, this example is really cute!
    I won’t dare it because it’s not my style but maybe one day…

    Have a nice day


    Le monde des petites

  • YES YES YES! Love this and I am totally getting sick of my boots. Another awesome side benefit of wearing socks and heels is that it makes your heels more comfortable to wear :D

    – Gita
    Keep in touch with me on Bloglovin

  • Best picture, obsessed.


  • No. Just looks crazy!! And where I live (LA) no reason to wear it!! If its cold wear boots! Warm wear sandals!!

  • Je trouve cette tendance sublime en photo, mais je ne suis pas sûre qu’elle soit facile à porter au quotidien…

  • moi j ‘adOOOOOre ! j’ai fait ca dans ma jeunesse déjà ( mais avec des YSL ni rien ) et cette année j’aimerais bien re-essayer , c ‘est tellement confortable finalement ….

  • Not usually a fan but here it’s working great!

  • C’est plus fort que moi, je ne m’y fais pas. Les sandales c’est fait pour être portées nu pieds, avec les pieds bronzés si possible et un joli vernis ;-)

  • Francine 25 mars 2014, 4:09 / Répondre

    I like this trend but somehow I am not brave enough to try incorporating it into my routine.

  • Definitely not for me……also because it feels a bit dirty……ew !

    Can’t even think of what those socks are like at the end of the day after having been exposed to dirty , poop covered and dusty pavements ……and if it rains you end up with mushy soggy wet feet in those socks

    Me thinks you can only pull this look off if you are under 25 and don’t mind sitting on floors of public places like kids do

  • With the correctly paired ankle socks, it looks like a customized bootie that fits your foot to perfection. I mean, if your favorite designer hasn’t made the perfectly color-coordinated bootie to match your ensemble, why not DIY it with your favorite patterned sock and heeled sandal/pump?

  • I by chance happened to watch Fashion Police and there was plenty of talk about Rihanna’s style – socks and sandals, seen before Miu Miu show. I have no oppinion, but I must confess she looks hot.
    More on: http://www.yournextshoes.com/2014/03/wear-sandals-socks-trend/

  • I don’t know about the open heels – but I’ve tried the ‘closed’ heels and the socks combo and it worked! (Personally I think the dark blue (eventually slightly patterned) socks work with everything.)

  • Love the socks and heels look – perfect for transeasonal dressing. I think it’s also important to wear contrast coloured socks with your shoes, like you’ve shown in the picture!


  • Anja Skrba 25 mars 2014, 5:56 / Répondre

    Agree! A total science. Not everyone can pull it off!


  • I love it. Makes me think about my childhood, wearing socks and the heels of my mother, so very girly. If you are scared to try…I bought some lace socks of La Perla in Venice, these are definitely not bulky. And what a coincidence, I bought some silver socks this weekend, just ‘to have’ but maybe I will wear them in heels!

  • I hate it with a passion. If it is too cold to wear your strappy shoes without socks, don’t wear them. It is just as riddicilous as wearing a mini skirt and bare legs in the snow. And you just can’t fool anyone by saying you are so poor you only have one pair of shoes so that you are forced to pair your strappy heels with socks to make it trough the winter. The only open toe wich pairs with socks are Birks, but only if you rock the whole white socks up to your knees touristy look.

  • I Love it. I’ve been doing it since I saw it at Golce & Gabanna last year (though it was heels, I gave the sandals a go). Love your selection of heel and jeans with the dark sock. Well done, as usual.



  • I love it! And it’s the perfect solution for wearing open heels in colder weather (like now in Paris, although I hope the sun will come back soon). Thanks for the tip!

  • Oh, God NO!

  • I´m not very fond of socks + heels but I admit that it looks good on these pics, I may give it a try some day! :-)

  • I like socks in shoes, it is warmer and can look very good in the right color combination. But does anyone here have an advice to keep my feed from slipping around in the shoes? The socks make my feed slippery and therefore walking often annoying. Like sticky tape? Thanks in advance

  • Même les plus belles sandales et les plus beaux bas du monde ne pourraient me convaincre. Ces looks ne subliment aucune femme, peut importe l’âge. Je vis à Montréal et ici le froid ne lâche pas, mais je garderai mes bottes jusqu’à ce que je puisse porter mes souliers pieds nus, puis transiter vers la sandale estivale! doux printemps, quand reviendras-tu???

  • catherine 25 mars 2014, 8:48 / Répondre

    Love it! I did exactly that last week, the day it was warm in New York, to ditch my winter booties: gray, subtly glittery, ribbed socks in my black platform sandals from Comptoir des Cottonniers. With black skinny jeans rolled up to show the sock and ankle.

  • LOVE it. This grandmother wears Madewell platforms (purchased in New York) with thin cotton socks. And I live in Indiana! Priceless the looks I receive. :-)

  • J’adore mais comme tu dis , il faut vraiment trouver le bon mix chaussettes +sandales/escarpins .Pour ma part, je prefere plutot les chaussettes un peu larges sur la jambe …


  • I’ve been a fan of coloured stockings and pumps/open heels for a while now – like fifteen years but I hardly ever wear it. I remember when I was a teenager, it was knee high socks and heels.

  • Je fais ça depuis des années, j’adore ! Je trouve toutes mes chaussettes chez Tabio (crochet, lurex, en laine fine). C’est cool dans les sandales à talons, les escarpins, les socks.

  • I’m very interested in trying this look out, but as you said, it is a complete science! I have yet to perfect the magic!


  • Chaussettes et escarpins, pourquoi pas, mais chaussettes et sandales, j’ai un peu de mal!

  • Moi qui déteste mes orteils, ça m’arrangerait bien cette chose là! Mais!
    En fin de journée avec quelques heures de marche dans le mollet… la classitude opère toujours???

  • Love this.. I cannot wait for the freezing cold in New York to go away and rock this style!


  • Oh non, non, non, 3 x non. Laissez ça aux petites filles.

    Autant j’aime les pieds nus dans des chaussures fermées, autant les chaussettes dans des sandales ou des escarpins me font penser à une gamine qui essaie les chaussures de sa mère. Brrrr, froid dans le dos

  • This is amazing! Keep it simple with thin socks and a simple pair of heels. More ways to play around with the outfit. Have the socks match your bag or your top.

  • I do it. With sandals, and heels. Not that big a deal.

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